Top 10k strings from Alchemist News - Issue 14 (1994)(Alchemist Research)[a].tap in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   5 10 BORDER 0: PAPER 0: INK 6: CLS 
   4 IN A,(159)
   4 Andy Davis
   4 ;file no. 0
   4 ; Close gate
   3 ROY. Thanks RB
   3 Dave Fountain
   3 ; Open gate
   2 compiled code
   2 Wolfgang & Monika Haller
   2 The address will be  repeated  in  TRADINGPOST./
   2 Paul Westlake
   2 Paul Howard
   2 Multiface 3
   2 Miles Kinloch
   2 Mark Harris
   2 Lloyd Garland
   2 John Westhead
   2 John Elliot
   2 IN A,(159)   ; Open
   2 Ferry Groothedde
   2 Christian Aymard
   2 Bill Richardson
   2 Ben Douglas
   2 Alchemist PD
   2 90 LOAD @1,0,1,16384
   2 80 SAVE SCREEN$ 1
   2 70 REM Next eight should stay the same&
   2 2 North Hill Road
   2 150 LOAD !"file"
   2 140 SAVE OVER d1"file"SCREEN$
   2 130 LOAD dVAL d$;"file"
   2 120 SAVE d1"file" DATA b$()
   2 110 LOAD p1
   2 100 LOAD *"m";1;"file"
   2 10 REM The next five should be altered&
   1 ~B~@~~<~@~
   1 |~~__OOGGCCAA
   1 your plug is in a Russell Grant -!
   1 your Spectrum examined.
   1 yes!!, poor old Jeffery Sinclair, it$
   1 x SWAP y  Exchange objects x and y i.e.  1*
   1 x EQU? c  Is  x  equal  to  the  value  of*
   1 x CSET c  Set x to be the value of counter*
   1 would like to send obscene amounts of%
   1 would have 30 seconds to convey your$
   1 words he was so over weight he had to weara corset for the duration of the series!R
   1 withplayers guides to  many  titles.  In  thisparticular issue, Space Crusade and Kinj'sQuest get  the  business.  (Space  Crusadeguide having Spectrum scrennshots)
   1 with the PRESTEL system.
   1 will replace him.
   1 which you can alter, to allow the game to load from the B:drive.@
   1 which is why I do so want you to win$
   1 when I'm writing this...)
   1 well in order
   1 was'nt his day!. The poor guy was suffer- ing from Star Trek syndrome, in otherO
   1 want them?. I think we should be told.&
   1 villians, some actually American (no$
   1 utilities,compatable  languages,  related  operatingsystems and compatability, bibliography ofbothb
   1 usual address.
   1 usual address
   1 using verb v.
   1 usesconventional  power  supply   constructiontechniques, and contains a  decent  amountof  mains  filtering.  An  expensive,  butsimple enough job for the more technicallyminded readers of AlchNews.
   1 used Blue language in front of me and%
   1 use the M3 UNLOCK 2 program to convert&
   1 uncompressing a CP/M archive.
   1 true/false etc
   1 travelled 200 years back into the past -  our present - in order to track downN
   1 toreconfiguring software like Tasword. Thereis also a small library of  free  softwarewhich has been specially chosen  for  it'soperation with the Star printers.
   1 tore-establish  trust  with  their  readers,reforge links with the writers who weren'tinformed, but  now  have  to  battle  withtheir  article  about   this   so   calledtakeover.  I've  had  plenty  of   letterscondemning their article and stating  lostreadership, the rest have  expressed  thatSpectrum UK have essentially misunderstoodthe situation and hope for  a  truce.  Howmany have I received stating that SpectrumUK were right to publish the article and Ireally was trying to take over - NONE!
   1 to unsQueeze the files selected. 
   1 to the program: Mrk  0,  if  set 
   1 to communicate with Prism to  end!
   1 thiscontribution.
   1 this command.
   1 this battle.
   1 things  are  put  when  you  are 
   1 thing he would have jammed would have beenhis fingers, and he would have been caughtbefore doing that!.g
   1 they repeat the series in it's entirety.(
   1 theseconditions. For example if we have definedVERB 16 to mean "EXAMINE" and  NOUN  2  tomean "ROOM", then a condition using  theseterms might read:
   1 theoriginal ZAXXON game in the library.  Onceagain, in MC and  although  you  can  onlymove from left to  right,  the  action  isfast and requires skill as well as a  goodeye to the 3D perspective view which  it'spresented in.
   1 them being utter crap
   1 theSpectrum!), and  a  full  page  review  ofCrystal Kingdom  Dizzy  (for  guess  whichmachine!?).b
   1 the world!
   1 the other  day  I  read  an  article  fromsomeone calling himself a sad old  muppet.As   you'll   know,   a   muppet   isy
   1 the odd escape goat.
   1 the multifaced game into a form that$
   1 the multiface free 'Bank 7' program.   4. is a loader/header program.E
   1 the moment.
   1 the main failing of the Multiface 3 was   it's sole reliance on the +3 A: drive,P
   1 the line (pen goes up)
   1 the game to a mutiface free form.!
   1 that   picture   with   the
   1 thanescallation.
   1 take a look with the help of some!
   1 take  a  look  at  the   FIREVIEW!
   1 system - it's more  than  just  a!
   1 surprise - with the help of an army of newpreviously unseen aliens - the villianP
   1 suitable equivalent diode to give  DC%
   1 straightforwardsubstitution cypher in which  each  letterwas replaced by the  letter  three  placesforward in the alphabet. Here A becomes D,B  becomes  E  etc.  At  the  end  of  thealphabet X  becomes  A,  Y  becomes  B,  Ztakes the character C. Using this  method,the message SPECTRUMS RULE enciphers to:
   1 store information that can be in 
   1 stationeryshop-cum-warehouse, which is an authoriseddealer. The  cost  was  `109+VAT.  If  youdon't have a branch nearby, you can  stillorder by mail and  be  eligable  for  freedelivery. (Tel: 0345 444700)
   1 start of game.
   1 specially formatted before it can hold&
   1 something to write about in the next$
   1 since gone out of business, it maybe a bitdifficult to obtain.>
   1 shut doors. Three are  important 
   1 shurely not? ), who have fled justice by  travelling into the past.C
   1 shown.Alchemist Research  acted  in  their  bestinterests, made it absolutely  clear  thatmy work  would  only  be  of  a  temporarybasis, until their return.  Note,  I  saidUNTIL  their  return  and  not   IF   theyreturned, and everyone, with the exceptionof themselves and Joe Blizzard  understoodthis clearly, yet they went ahead with thearticle.   Not   only   have
   1 showing sci-fi on the TV, otherwise#
   1 should do with CAVES.LBR),  press  "Q"&
   1 severaldecades if I could have my way.&
   1 series, like the theme tune, is really&
   1 series into making more  of  your!
   1 self-righteousindignation  and  dismissing  it  all   as'lies', if he had simply faced up to it atthat point and admitted  THEN  that  therehad been problems in the  past,  he  mightnot have incurred so many people's  wrath.How would HE like it if he  dealt  with  acompany which let him down, then came downon him like of ton of  bricks  because  hedared to expose their practices in public.That's what is  called  adding  insult  toinjury, and he can't expect peple just  tolie down and take it."
   1 screens for Fireview.
   1 scientist'sseemingly incomprehensible  equations  areonly using a shorthand code  to  representcomplex relationships. This could be  doneequally well in plain words but  it  wouldoften take a good deal longer.
   1 sci-fi addict like myself, manna from%
   1 saved with M3, in this case you must$
   1 sale. The only difference is that the%
   1 saddened, however the series ended on a   real action packed note.B
   1 reviews,software   etc.   The
   1 reviewed last issue and  the  SPC!
   1 resistor or similar.
   1 reset. Mrk 1, if set  means  you 
   1 reply with "A0:" if using my example.%
   1 replaceMicronet. It was based on  a  village,  so"The  Pub"  could  be  a  chatline   stylemeeting place, "Post Office" for mailboxesand so on, "Software store"  for  softwareetc. Whether this  service  took  off  andstill  continues  is  unclear.  The   mostpopular service  now  is  INTERNET,  whichwill be detailed next time.
   1 re-running BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25TH"
   1 re-landing.
   1 rapidadvancements and overinflated  prices  andegos to match.=
   1 quite spooky!
   1 programs   from   the
   1 programmers.
   1 programmable joystick interface for#
   1 program, once done you CAT the disk to seeif the program uses 'bank 7', if it does  you must re-convert your mutiface program using M3 UNLOCK 2.
   1 process used, this means you cannot copy  the game(s) onto the B:drive.G
   1 printutilities, ZX printer simulators for IF1 /128 / +D (which makes a  full  size  Epsoncompatable  printer  behave  like   a   ZXprinter), Spectrum ROMs for the SAM,  pluslots  of   well   programmed   games   andutilities.
   1 previous ones. The list can be
   1 plug, but as I love you (slurp slurp)%
   1 photographs of themselfs in the..!
   1 permit switching between RF and video%
   1 particular event  (i.e.  in  the 
   1 parallel processing super computer - couldreally be the entire reason for theM
   1 others like myself who would be interestedin reading about them, after seeing AKIRA on BBC2 earier this year.m
   1 or   it's   too   heavy,
   1 one-liners
   1 one of 2 states,  like  open  or 
   1 on tonights show (slurp, slurp)
   1 on the system.
   1 on Prism PD. Andy tries once more!
   1 oldissue of AlchNews passed  through  half  adozen hands before it reached Romania  andlook at the contacts that brought us!|
   1 ofinformation, and another  related  use  ofcodes is to save money or  storage  space.For example, a company may issue  contratswhich use standard clauses or phrases.  Ifdetails of  these  agreements  are  to  bestored on disk, a lot  of  valuable  spacecan be saved by  number  coding  the  mostoften repeated sections. This  has  becomeknown as data compression.
   1 offer some help and explainations!
   1 of their readers.
   1 of the REN AND STIMPY SHOW soon!.!
   1 of  screening   your   computers.!
   1 obtained with a SAE from
   1 number   of   moves   since
   1 now move cursor.
   1 noun in this command.
   1 notimportant and to save memory. Viewdata  ismore of a visual  medium,  which  is  whatPrestel, Teletext, 4-Tel, Ceefax, Micronetuse and used.
   1 notcataloguing at certain times, then workingagain. Chris sent  me  his  original  disksupplied  with  his   kit   and   it   wascorrupted. He also said  he  had  problemswith his internal drive  not  cataloguing,formatting or loading.
   1 non-PDcounterpart  "10th  Frame"!  It's  more  aknack of timing rather than skill for thisgame._
   1 nolonger receive full hardware and  softwaresupport,  we  have   to   concentrate   onencouraging new writers to supply cheap orPD titles. Hardware will all be  home-madeideas. Some will unfortunately  never  seethe light of day.
   1 myapologizes. And never  mention  this  feudagain. Because to my opinion, the one thatwon't accept this terms, is the  one  thatisn't in for peace, and therefore  provinghimself to be the one in the wrong.
   1 my cousin, I'd say:
   1 murdered when his starship was blown up bysinister terrorists, andB
   1 multiface) on to a disk.
   1 multiface free game.
   1 mr. A. Davis
   1 movie THE THING - gave me the willies!.'
   1 move cursor about.
   1 moreirritating than when your disk is in drive2 and the program then tries to  load  thecode from drive 1. I've  been  caught  outwith this many a time, but it seems to  bea point  many  programmers  overlook,  forsome reason.
   1 monitors,   with
   1 money for no apparent reason or if any&
   1 mention? yes! it's back on BBC2!.!
   1 mention is because in one episode, Ian&
   1 means you have a light source. A 
   1 means  that  a  room  has   been 
   1 markers 0-255. They are used  to 
   1 manual for Alchemist Research
   1 managed to jam all of BABALON 5s 
   1 make sure you LOAD it!
   1 maincomponents, which are:
   1 magic button.
   1 magazine in mid 1994 was felt  by!
   1 look  at  ROTATOR,  a  great   3D!
   1 longer PD. We explain why and why!
   1 loading syntax  of  the  Spectrum!
   1 line (pen  goes  down)  now
   1 limit that we +3 owners have to put up&
   1 light/dark set up for example.
   1 least it could open and close doors and   control other elements of it's environmentMore than Ziggy the computer in QUANTUM   LEAP!.
   1 kitchen freezer will never be the same&
   1 it, so can I!
   1 it'sfriendliness some years previous.%
   1 it will not allow programs (specically&
   1 it isn't a perfect solution.
   1 issue. John made the valid point that%
   1 is slightly better folded than the"
   1 is revamped plus more fonts  from!
   1 interactivecommunication.   It   was   launched/
   1 im going to give you all the time in$
   1 iii) A blank disk.
   1 ii) The CP/M USEFUL UTILITIES disk,  or  a*
   1 i) The CP/M games  disk  or  library  file   containing CLASSIC ADVENTURE.J
   1 i)   Games or Classic Adventure disk: 3.5"ii)  Utilities or Maxisweep diskJ
   1 however as the company who supplies this  product is TYNESOFT who I believe haveP
   1 highlights cursor position
   1 here, or you've already got  it, 
   1 he takes your long winded text files$
   1 haveforgot that Alchemist PD was the first  toimplent this, but we  also  guarantee  alltitles which don't  have  a  compatabilityating to  work  with  all  machines.  Somelibraries may not promise all their  demosto work on, for example, the  +3,  but  wehave close  links  with  the  authors  whosupply us with +3 versions. If the demo is48k mode only,  we  supply  disk  to  tapetransfer programs free of  charge.  Shouldthe program still be incompatable,  you'llreceive a full, no questions asked refund.
   1 have a number of speccy games and a#
   1 guy, I like the way he runs his PD"
   1 graphicsutilities, music,  basic  programming  andmany more. We will establish something  onthe lines of a freeware library for  them.In principle, this will be run in the sameway as Alchemist PD, but there will be  nocosts - just the media and SAE  should  besent. It should also  be  noted  that  theprograms are NOT Public  Domain,  so  theycannot be sent  for  submission  to  other'lesser' libraries!
   1 graphics display program.
   1 gives  a  random  value  between 
   1 giant marshmellow!
   1 games) to be converted too, and loaded&
   1 from the B: drive.
   1 from previous PD  writers  is  no!
   1 from here is on new line
   1 from Joyce Cooks Spectrum Software Hire.(
   1 frequently  used  to  store  the 
   1 free of M3, you can copy it to the B:%
   1 free list detailing all these goods#
   1 for 10 seconds, do HOLD 500.
   1 first in  a  series  of  computer!
   1 fight scenes!. It would have brought back memories of Captain Kirk!.D
   1 females would like to send me
   1 external drive -  PROOF  that  it!
   1 explains how well AlchNews 13 did!
   1 exlcusivedistribution deal I  have  works,  but  insome ways it doesn't. This means that Womowon't be able to supply  the  programs  todemo freaks in Europe, who would  have  towrite to me in order to get them. But, forsome this is not easy. Not  only  do  theyhave to send media and IRC's  which  costsmoney, but they must  also  pay  for  themwith  British  currency  -   not   readilyavailable.
   1 existence, and success, of Project QuantumLeap. Ziggy makes time travel possible,   yet can't seem to open or close the doors to let Sam out, and has no control over   where Sam leaps to in time!
   1 excellentinformation  provided  for   MBasic,   butshould you never use it, you'll find  thisbook far, far more  useful  than  the  oneprovided by Locomotive Software.
   1 example screens.
   1 er... sponsors...
   1 episode about a killer computer - could itbe a souped up Sinclair QL/SAM COUPE out  for revenge on a society that does notz
   1 enlightened
   1 ellipse/circle
   1 drives,  cheap  SAM  offer,  more!
   1 doesn't work correctly.
   1 do do do wee dooo (theme from the X FILES)*
   1 destroy object, move it to  room 
   1 destiation  drive,  which  you  should&
   1 described  since  it  was   last 
   1 dealing with!
   1 dark). Counter 0 holds the score 
   1 cutting at Modulator input.
   1 currently in.
   1 current one displayed.
   1 cr&)+-0<2>
   1 counters 0-127.  They  are  most 
   1 counter   c?   There   are   128 
   1 count since  the  start  of  the 
   1 copy of Maxisweep.
   1 converting
   1 connection between current  room 
   1 connected  to   Spectrum   Video   by%
   1 conductelectricity you see,  and  so  it's  safe!Make sure you leave a bare bit of the foilcovered card so that you have something toconnect your earthing wire to the  screen.Simply use a stapler to staple a  wire  tothe metal side of the  card,  making  surethat the staple doesn't short anything outby  the  way,  and  be  careful  to  avoidshorting out anything with the  bare  foilside of the screening.
   1 concealment
   1 comparison is from the VERY begining!%
   1 compares   the   two
   1 communication links - including the rock  solid 'Gold Channel', bumped off theN
   1 comms package.
   1 comment because I'm so  tired  of!
   1 columns, but...
   1 column we look at  not  so  great!
   1 collection"TOBOS-FP" and "USCHI".!
   1 collection   23   reviewed   plus!
   1 closefriends if you wished, or  simply  hold  aclub meeting. Each particular room  had  adoor and window. If the door was open, youcould just wander in. If not, you  had  toknock  and  talk  to   whoever   was   thekeyholder for the room  before  you  couldenter! The window allowed you to  see  whowas in the  room.  Should  the  blinds  bedrawn, you wouldn't know!
   1 classics.Extremely low  prices,  plus  a  fast  andfriendly service!D
   1 circuits,   plus   a
   1 centre (now move cursors)
   1 carrying them.
   1 carry to x.
   1 capacitor to acllow for DC across  if%
   1 cannotre-establish the magazine  again  and  arelooking for someone to pin the blame on, ascapegoat as it were?o
   1 can load free of the multiface.
   1 byBritish Telecom and was one of their firstpromises of technological  advances  aftertaking   over   the   old   Postv
   1 by  Dave  Fountain
   1 burst into my house, my house, and"
   1 book plus a review  of  MAXISWEEP!
   1 blood, or even worse, through the ear! -  they then cause there human hosts to turn into violent manics.h
   1 between them, plus  tips  for  +3!
   1 best in  the  Spectrum  -  if  itAN14.33  ain't  listed,  it  ain't   worthK
   1 being'regressed', she didn't believe a word  ofit. So much so, she made it  look  like  acase of poor acting.m
   1 beestablished.  But,  as  we  discover  moreabout ourselves, including the ability  toaccess  our  own  subconscious,   we   mayeventually find out.
   1 been converted properly, and will load&
   1 becomesBTPPPXFIRUVRJSMIBTUXEZKEHE. By  using  theindicator  variable  'S'  which  can  takevalues +1 or -1, it is possible to use thesame program for decoding.
   1 becausesomething may be legal doesn't necessarilymake it MORALLY right, so Martyn should dothe  decent  thing  and  respect   Chris'swishes. If  he  doesn't,  he'll  be  doingnothing to enhance his  already  tarnishedreputation, though  that  thought  doesn'tseem to occur to him. Clearly,  he  has  alot to learn, and  I  don't  mean  in  theacademic sense, but in the school of life."
   1 bargain prices plus ribbons.
   1 at room number r.
   1 at it when it was  just  a  track!
   1 assemblers,
   1 asked so use for death!
   1 around the station or get involved in%
   1 area,SPECTACULAR, was run  by  our  old  friendBrian Gaff, of BG Services!J
   1 are in a dark room. Mrk2, if set 
   1 ar>=<;:9876543210
   1 appropriate message is printed.
   1 anyfundamentals of CP/M operated Basic.  But,this is excusable, since it is  an  add-onlanguage and not a standard past of CP/M.
   1 another due to the special formatting%
   1 anddescription of titles, but we make it  fareasier with numbering and more categories,such as Opus disk,  +D  disk  and  so  on.We've recently  been  informed  that  someother group is claiming their catalogue isthe  only  one  to  state   compatabililtybetween   machines.
   1 andconsumables  for  almost  any   electricalmachine  have  limited   stocks   of   thefollowing:a
   1 andSampletracker, next time.
   1 and whats in the future  for  you!
   1 and then X again to escape MS.
   1 and return  to  you  when  it's  done.&
   1 and actually prints them, despite!
   1 and 126 and 127 hold  the  turns 
   1 and   a   brief
   1 amplifier.
   1 alreadydescribed.
   1 all, but what REALLY happened? We!
   1 alienated their readers?
   1 aided encryption.
   1 ahandsupported doll where one can hide  onebehind. Well, by writing this letter, I'llprobably become a kind of muppet  too.  Ifso, then it will be  the  ODD  GOAT.  Why?Well I'll hope this letter will explain it
   1 after executing syntax, we have: 
   1 after a couple of pints of bitter -#
   1 adventure.
   1 admire your uncanny ability to run a$
   1 actually NOT ENGLISH for a change, come tothink of it, it was'nt that much of aO
   1 ability to write highly technical!
   1 a second. i.e.  to  freeze  game 
   1 a picture number and merges
   1 a look inside the brain!
   1 `~f>0~f~0~|>~0~
   1 `~>0>`0|0<
   1 `ff00`f>`>`0|`<
   1 `3.50 to rent. In the instructions which  came with the disk, it says that a tape   version (for +2A owners) is available,z
   1 `3.19  Star
   1 `2.99  Star
   1 `2.10  Star
   1 ZX Lprint III
   1 ZAXXON2   is   far   better
   1 Yours, Andy Davis"
   1 Your Thingclair magazine
   1 You will now be returned to CP/M  and  cantype  the  relevant  command  to  boot  upColossal Cave.b
   1 You will notice I've labelled each code asa 'gate'. This is the value you must enterto either open the gate to  the  Multifaceor close it.
   1 You want to climb a tree so you do and theGAC will transport you to  the  top  of  atree, DEFINE room 3 as the tree  tops  andmessage  100  might  say  "You  climb  thetree". LOOK will then print out  room  3'sdescription.
   1 You select option 1 and convert your$
   1 You could then  compress  this  code  filewith a packer of some sort.E
   1 You can use a form of distance code simplyby ranging the  letters  of  the  alphabetacross the top line of  a  lined  pad  andmaking out the message  as  shown  on  theprevious  page.  While  you  can  see  theletter key on the top line, the message iseasy to understand. Once this is  removed,however, decoding the information  is  notso easy.
   1 You can save now with:
   1 You can make a little  device  which  sitsbetween the power plug  and  the  Spectrumwith a little on/off switch and even  LED,but a far cheaper solution is to break thepower at the source, BEFORE the PSU so youcan switch off and leave it in confidence.
   1 You can close up now, Nurse
   1 You are now into Prestel. It's  very  easyto call it a teletext style system becausethats what it essentially was. It  coveredeverything  teletext  does;  news,  sport,weather, travel, but much  much  more.  Nomatter what subject you can come up  with,you  can  guarantee  that  you  would   beconnected to it. Be it a gazetteer of  theBritish Isles, direct  connection  to  theflight information computer at  ManchesterAirport,  telephone  banking,   purchasinggoods or holidays, checking the price of anew car. Prestel was THE  two  way  accesssystem between thousands of services.
   1 You are all no  doubt  well  aware  of  mypraise  for  these  programs  which   are,without  doubt,  the  best  wordprocessorsever made for the Spectrum. The prices arestill very good when you take into accountthe many features they have.
   1 You and Lloyd are right, the +3 does  not like to  share  it  with  C.  Boxes  3.5" drive. Chris Box stated that  if  it  did not work as stated he  would  refund  the price of the kit & any postage  involved. I did send  it  back  a  couple  of  days later.
   1 You also have the option  to  temporarillyescape from the system  you  are  on  withSYMBOL SHIFT & A and  return  to  it  fromhere. This menu also allows you to add  orreprogram your favourite  systems  and  IDnumbers.
   1 You Kiss Kate but message  78  might  say,"She finds you repulsive and stabs you  inthe balls". Game ends!  The  commands  arevaried and there is no  room  left  to  gointo every detail. It would be  beneficialto get a print-out of this tasfile and  tostudy the commands  available  in  detail.
   1 You  will  now  have   a   totally   emptySpectrum, and there is  no  way  that  thefont will still be at  address  5u
   1 Yes, I'm talking about Prestel  -  one  ofthe   best   successes   inE
   1 Yellow  =  C
   1 Write to Tasman at:
   1 Wolfgang & Monika Haller (WoMo-Team)$
   1 With  the  demise  of  the  Roman  Empire,developments in cryptography  ceased,  anddespite the increased use of codes in  thesixteenth and  seventeenth  centuries,  itwas not until the nineteenth century  thatthe French military  academy  at  St.  Cyrproduced  a  significant  improvement   toCaesar's code.
   1 With   my   +2   unit,   each   drive   isindividually  powered  because  of   theirdifferent sized, meaning two plugs there.}
   1 Why does he  have  to  lie  to  everybody?Surely he is not THAT  desperate  to  gainfriends? As far as  I  am  concerned,  theother Spectrum companies can work with anyothers they wish,  surely  it  should  notcause trouble. Look  at  Sinclair  Classicfor example. They work with Prism as  wellas Alchemist Research and they  don't  getnasty letters from me telling them not  towork with Prism.
   1 White   =  G
   1 When you logged  onto  Prestel,  you  weregiven  a  mailbox  number.  This  is   theelectronic equivalent of  a  letterbox  onyour front door.  Any  other  users  could'talk' to you by sending messages to  yourMailbox, or "MBX" number.
   1 When you do get in you are presented by  atwin scroll at the bottom informing of thecopyright on the  program.  It  starts  upproperly with  a  big  wavy  scroll  whichhurts the eyes a little after  staring  atit constantly at  three  in  the  morning.Theres  some  excellent   Agent-X   music,accompanied by a three channel  sound  bargraph  display.  The  usual  guys  get   amention, along with  our  very  own  DemonHacker who agrees with Chris about freedomof  speech  in  demos  and  how  it's  hisprogram so he shouldn't get dictated  overwhat he says! With  that  I  say  a  "herehere" and leave you to enjoy the demo.  At1p it's  excellent  value  for  money.  Infact, blow all your  savings  and  put  5pinto the entire collection of Triad demos!
   1 When you RUN the program it will ask for areference  frequency;  pressing  ENTER  atthis  point  makes  the  program  go  intocounter mode which displays the  frequencyinput at the EAR  socket  and  is  updatedevery second.
   1 When using GAC  the  conditions  form  theinternal commands that begin to make  yourgame appear intelligent. All the terms youhave  specified  and  the  data  you  haveentered is now drawn together to form  theadventures structure. Conditions tell  theadventure that if certain  conditions  aremet, then it is to do something, i.e. if xand y are  true  then  do  t.  GAC  has  aspecial   format   for
   1 When this is finished, you are given a  3Dpicture  of  an  object.   The   followingscreens show the designed object and  thenit's 3D image...
   1 When the frequency at the  EAR  socket  iswithin +/- 1Hz of reference, then 5  shortBEEPs of a middle tone are given.u
   1 When run, you are presented  with  severalwindows,  each   containing   information,commands and so on. The main box  featuresthe  command  menu,  comprising  of  Load,Print,  Catalogue,  Design  Cover,  Changedrive.  The  other  boxes  give   filenamedetails and how  many  A6  pages  will  beprinted and how many A4 pages it uses. Thefinal screen is for designing  your  frontcover on.
   1 When loaded, the main menu presents:$
   1 When it's done, simply form feed the paperfrom the printer and  cut  in  the  middlewith a craft knife and straight edge. Foldboth sheets and insert one into the  otherand you have your booklet!  Each  page  isneatly  numbered   at   the   middle   andpresentation is very impressive.
   1 When it's designed,  it  presents  the  3Dimage as before. If you like it,  then  itstores the design and  plots  seven  more,each one rotated approx. 45 degrees.
   1 When it stops, you get  the  error,  alongwith  two  numbers  after  it.  The  firstdenotes the line number,  the  second  thecommand within the line. Heres an example:
   1 When in edit mode, you are given a 40 * 24character screen. Movement is  by  cursor.Pressing ENTER moves you to the next line,EXT MODE  moves  the  cursor  'home'  (topleft). There  is  a  status  line  at  thebottom of the screen  telling  you  framesused, x and y co-ordinate position and  soon.
   1 When finished, it replays all eight imagesin real-time,  making  a  very  impressiverotating wireframe object.n
   1 When I first received the program, it  wasset up for the Opus,  but  there  were  +Dcommands in  REM  statements  after  everyOpus one, so conversion was very simple.
   1 When  loaded,  the  windows  are   updatedgiving filename and number of  pages.  Youare told how many sheets of  A4  you  willneed.
   1 What you do is this: Get a good length  ofthe foil, put it on a flat surface and rubthe dull side with a clean  cloth  to  getrid of all the wrinkles. If you do this ona sheet of glass,  you  will  get  a  nicesmooth bit of foil as a  result,  but  youcould  use  a  plastic  topped   table   Isuppose. Now, when  you've  got  the  foulprepared, paint the dull surface with someof the varnish, and when it's tacky, put apiece of the card on it.  The  varnish  isonly used as an adhesive, so don't over doit. Now, when it's dry (leave  overnight),you can cut the sheet with scissors  or  acraft knife  to  any  shape  you  require.Don't forget to use  the  plain  cardboardside   against   any   expose   electricalsurfaces.
   1 What sort of parents would name there son FOX ?. Can you imagine going through life being called Fox Mulder?.m
   1 What is most upsetting is  the  fact  thatit's a  misunderstanding  and  could  havebeen easily cleared up. But, they  ignoredmy signed letters and letters from  othersmaking it clear that I  wasn't  interestedin taking over  their  magazine.  It  justgoes to show what they really do think  ofyour  input!  Perhaps  their  struggle  isovercoming   them
   1 What do I do out  of  Alchemist  Research?Very little!  I  live,  eat,  breathe  andsleep  Alchemist  Research!  Seriously,  Ilike to spend time with my  family,  enjoymy hobby of looking after my Mini, collectPink  Panther  teddys  (true!)  and,  mostimportantly, write.
   1 What can we do? As a  whole  very  little.Chris has  every  right  to  do  with  hisprograms as he wishes  and  we  would  allrather see them as non-PD rather than  getabused like his others  have  done.  Afterall,  look  at  his  programs  which  havealready   supposedly   been   'lost'.   MrSherwood  does  not  know  the  differencebetween legality and propriety.  It  wouldhave been good manners  if  he  had  askedChris first. Not only is he using  Chris'sprograms, but he is  using  Chris  at  thesame time. After all, Chris's programs arehelping sell his magazine and tape and  hedoesn't even merit a free copy of it!
   1 What came as a surprise was the fact that the villian of this last episode wasN
   1 What REALLY happened?
   1 West Yorks LS22 4EN
   1 West Bridgford
   1 Well, they've sliced even MORE  off  theirprices, ONLY for AlchNews readers.L
   1 Well, I'm glad someone is because I'm not!Yes, it's forward  planning  at  AlchemistResearch - it's not even Hallow's Eve yet!~
   1 Well, I hope it's given some  people  somefood for thought. I  hope  you've  enjoyedthis brief interlude. Should you  wish  toask more questions, please do so,  I'd  behappy to air them in the next issue.
   1 Well sci-fi has got even better!. Since mylast column (ooh hark at him, sounds like a journalist) my favourite show finished  - BABALON 5!, no seriously I was quite
   1 Well judging from some of the story lines I find that hard to believe, but theN
   1 Welcome to what should hopefully become  aregular feature in AlchNews. The  area  isaimed at users of a Star printer, but  theinformation coud be relevant to almost anyup to date dot matrix printer, which  usesEpson emulation. Please send us any hints,tips or general advice for  users,  be  ityour  personal  preferences  of  setup  orany problems you're encountering. We'll beglad to help out.
   1 We've already seen the  damamge  being  inthe wrong, yet STILL attacking has  causedPrism  and  Venturesoft,  let's  not   seeanother example, please.
   1 We're going to move the Spectrum  font  toaddress 49152:8
   1 We'll deal with this topic for the benefitof tape users. It's quite simple to followthe steps and add your disk syntax betweenthe filename and command.  +3  users  justfollow the command as tape users.
   1 We'll be using the above on the  followingformats. You can  easily  change  commandsaccordingly:`
   1 We'll  be   using   some   programs   fromAlchemist CP/M as a working  example.  Youwill need:^
   1 We'll   alsocontinue the methods by looking  at  MorseCode.;
   1 We start this issue  with  a  neat,  shortutility called ROTATOR.A
   1 We start our first helpline this time  for"USCHI" compiler (hopefully  if  Andy  hasenough space for this).k
   1 We never had contact to Prism and we  willbe neutral so far. But we have  very  goodexperiences with Andys Alchemist  and  ourcooperation  is  very  fruitful  for  bothsides. This will we continue in 1995.
   1 We hope that the end of the conflict helpssome programmers like Triad Development togive their demo programs free for  all  tocopy without any restriction. Just like inthe beginning of  demo  programs.  It  wasrather unusual for us  to  see  that  onlyAlchemist PD has the rights to copy  them,especially while  we  held  a  library  ofabout 450 demos free for all.
   1 We have no idea how to do it, it looks  asif both, Andy and Martyn are  in  that  wecall here a "devils  circle",  what  meansno-one comes really out of them.
   1 We have at least  three  more  collectionsfrom Womo, adding well over a hundred  newtitles to  the  catalogue.  Remember  thatAlchemist PD is the ONLY library in the UKto receive software from Womo and this  ishow it shall  stay,  despite  backstabbingattitudes from other would be  'concerned'companies. Womo are also good friends withVision of The Mad Guys  who  is  currentlyhaving a break at the  moment  and  recentclaims  made  by   others   are   slightlyinaccurate (to put it politely!).
   1 We have all, no  doubt,  had  feelings  ofprecognition - a lucky guess of  the  turnof a playing card, heads or tails, or  whois on the phone. If this  phenomina  couldbe measured, it may be something like  10%accuracy. Now, what if 500  years  ago  itwas 1%? Could it be something passed  downfrom mother to  child  -  each  generationadding another piece to the jigsaw?  Couldwe be 60% psychic in 500 years? Only  timewill tell.
   1 We have all seen what Martyn  Sherwood  ofPrism PD has done. Just look at his latestbehaviour  -  hardly  mature  and  in  thebenefit of the Spectrum, is  it?!  Despitewhat he claims, it  has  caused  a  severeimpact on the  community  and  split  manygroups up and caused bad  feeling  betweenmany, very much in the way  Alec  Carswelland Venturesoft did some two years  ago  -look what happened to him!
   1 We end with a  page  of  hints,  tips  andMultiface   pokes;
   1 We end this section with a brief  look  atthe most  popular  magazine  available  inRomania.\
   1 We could define say VERB 23 to be  "KISS",NOUN 23 to be "KATE":?
   1 We begin this issue with a  quick  roundupof whats new to  the  PD  scene.  Althoughprograms are not being written as often asin  the  past,  the  new  titles  we   arereceiving are just as good.
   1 We also have the great SIM CITY game.  Oneof the most popular  simulators  availableon all formats both computer  and  consoleand which spawned dozens of follow-ups.
   1 We  have  a  new  program  which  convertsfiles from Opus  disks  directly  onto  anawaiting +D disk. It  can  also  catalogueOpus disks as well as  state  how  it  wasformatted.
   1 Waits for a new command.
   1 WRITE was the final option. Using  the  PCdisk I had just created, I  transferred  a20k Tasword to it. The file  selection  isthe same as REAF  and  the  whole  processtook just over five seconds.
   1 WARS movies on TV this Christmas.!
   1 Victoria Road
   1 Verbs  are  words  with  which  you   willactually tell the computer what to do whenyou are playing an adventure. You can haveup to 255 verbs defined. Use Verbs of  thesame meaning with the same verb number  tomake your adventure more 'educated'!
   1 VILLAGE,established   soon   after   to'
   1 VIKING DIRECT: 0800 424445
   1 VERB v Is verb v typed? (v is a number)   NOUN n0
   1 V/code2 : 6
   1 V/code1 : 29000,15807
   1 Usual Alchemist Research address.!
   1 Using an external drive B:
   1 Using USCHI is fairly  simple.  The  startprogram  loads  the  compiler  as  MC  andresets with NEW.  Then  you  can  load  orwrite a Basic program as  usual.  If  yourprogram  works  well  you  can  start  thecompiler with RANDOMIZE USR 6
   1 Use only integer numbers  from  -32768  to32767.0
   1 Unsolved Mysteries
   1 Unforunately, theres probably not much youcan do, but when you do purchase  a  pieceof  equipment,  it's  best  to  go  to  anauthorised dealer, where you can  rely  onyour guarantee and servicing. (Did you allget a one year  guarantee  where  you  canreturn the  faulty  machine  to  the  shopshould it need repair?).
   1 Unfortunately, the damage was  done.  Theyseemed to interpret it as something  of  atakeover. Immediately,  I  took  steps  toclear  the  matter  up   and   immediatelyapologise and offer to publicly  apologisefor   any   misunderstanding   which   wasconstrued, although there  were  only  twopeople who got the wrong idea  -  Roy  andJoe Blizzard.
   1 Unfortunately  I   didn't.   People   werebecoming agitated and speculating what waswrong. They were now asking  if  they  hadbeen forced to close down because of theiraccusations about TeePee  Electronics  (toaccuse someone of being a  crook  with  noevidence is  bordering  on  libel,  no  ISlibel!), the advertising  of  one  or  twoillegal services (DM Computing's  Emulatorgames pack comprises  of  non-PD  UltimateGames, plus the fact  that  one  chap  wasillegally distributing tapes  of  Spectrumgame music), or the featuring of  computerlistings and artwork which had been  takenfrom popular computing  magazines  of  theeighties. One chap  even  speculated  thatthey had run off with the subscriptions!
   1 UTILITY.COD (or C1 & C2 if two files)%
   1 USCHI is a  100%  in  MC  written  IntegerCompiler and uses the spaces from 6M
   1 UDG: UDG characters, normally a CODE file COM: A headerless or CP/M filetypeL
   1 Turns the picture display on.
   1 Turns it off, giving a text only 
   1 Triad Developments have been busy and havewritten  a  couple  of  new  demos,  quitedifferent to their previous works.v
   1 Triad  software  reviewed,   plus!
   1 Translated this means if "EXAMINE ROOM" istyped in, describe the  current  room  andwait for a new  command.  The  conditionallist below seperates the  words  used  forthe 'Conditions part', e.g.  if  (VERB  16AND NOUN  2  )  and  those  used  for  the'Action  part'  after  the   first   closebracket e.g. LOOK WAIT END.
   1 Traffic Control simulation.
   1 Tonge Moor
   1 Todays contestant is ROY BENSON! 
   1 To use, load up any  Amiga  screen  -  theones supplied with the  program  have  the".SPR" suffix -  to  address  32768.  Now,load BITMAP80 and it will be displayed  onthe screen. You will find that you have tomove around with Q,A,O,P to see the entirescreen,  but  it  works  well.  The   onlyexception is the Garfield screen (filename"GARF.SPR"),  which  you  must   load   upBITMAP40 to operate.
   1 To start, you save your game (via!
   1 To start the compilation type
   1 To say this  book  could  completely  takeover  the  role  of  the  Locomotive  CP/Mmanual would be  a  slight  overstatement,namely   because
   1 To complete the  circuit,  I  used  a  BNCoutput socket to contrast with the Bellingtype used for RF. The cable to the monitorwas standard 50  Ohm  type,  approximatelytwo metres in length.
   1 To check whats in  address  1
   1 To  test  the  speed  gain   with   eachcompiler was  tested  with  the  followingprograms and the results are presented  atthe end of this comparison:
   1 To  make  decyphering  even  more  tricky,rotate the letter key at the  top  of  thepage. You can, for instance, start with  Nand when you reach  Z  simply  begin  oncemore  with  A.  This  is   called   cyclicrotation.
   1 To  close,  I  got  a  letter  from  PeterBeardwood, who is an accomplished computerwriter for the weeklys, as well  as  beingfriends with myself and Spectrum UK. he isalso interested in the  matter  and  hopesfor   a   reconcilliation   rather
   1 Throughout the years there have been  manybooks made for CP/M, almost all  of  whichhave claimed to be an 'authoritive guide',which they may have been at the time untilsuperceeded by yet another book.
   1 Those who remember my tribute to QUANTUM  LEAP in AN11, will remember that I found  it hard to believe that Ziggy - thew
   1 Thomas Eberle, of SUC, has launched a  newservice   of   Spectrum   software.M
   1 Thomas Eberle, SUC
   1 Thisextension can  be  used  to  differentiatefiles, like so:=
   1 This will map Drive B: onto  unit  1.  ForSingle drive users-=
   1 This was also ignored. Two  days  later  Igot this letter from a Mr  S.  who  was  areader of Spectrum UK:j
   1 This type of code was used more than  2000years ago by the Greek  General  Lysander.the distances of the notches from the beltbuckle of one of the slaves spelled out  asecret message which helped the general todefeat the Persian Empire.
   1 This time, you would find that PRINT  PEEK5+
   1 This time, we look  at  using  the  8k  ofmemory for your own uses.C
   1 This series is pretty corny, but for a&
   1 This seems to be rather a  rash  statementreally, and so what do I base  my  opinionon? Well, lets have a look at some  simplemaths. The bottom of my Spectrum +3 supplystates:
   1 This niffy little program is available&
   1 This magazine is quite  different  to  anyothers in Europe. It's printed  on  propernewspaper, in tabloid form. Theres  around16 pages and it covers the IBM,  Spectrum,Nintendo, Commodore, Sega and Amiga..  Theinteresting point  is  that  it  gives  anequal distribution to them all, in fact  alittle bias TOWARDS the Spectrum!
   1 This line tells the GAC to eat  the  cake,but only if you have it then  to  put  thecake into room  zero,  never  to  be  seenagain.  Message  78  (this  is  a  messagenumber of your choice) would say somethinglike "Yum Yum, that filled a hole" etc.
   1 This letter is an exact replica as the onesent to Mr Sherwood. It would be  nice  tosee if he will act on it  and  credit  ourmagnetic protection idea.  You  will  hearthe verdict in the next issue.
   1 This led to the thinking that  maybe  someof you new users may  be  having  problemstoo, which is why the STAR USERS CLUB  waslaunched.
   1 This is when  the  dirty  washing,  as  itwere, came out into the open. It  appearedthat  only  some  of  their  writers  wereinformed of their problems. So,  what  wasup  with  the  rest  of  them?  Many  wereobviously  upset  that  they  hadn't  beeninformed. Although Roy may have been  busy- whats wrong with the rest of them,  likeJoe Blizzard? If he knew,  why  didn't  hetake steps, or at the very  least,  let  afew more of us know  so  we  could  informpeople what had really happened.
   1 This is what one of our readers said aboutour report in issue 13:A
   1 This is very simple. The  "D"  stands  forDisk and the number after it refers to thedrive number, 1 or 2. Sometimes  you  willcome across D*, which simply  means  'lastdrive used'.
   1 This is the name of the entire user group.This 'unmbrellas'  the  entire  operation.Any reference  to  the  group  in  generalshould be made by this name.
   1 This is the limit of the PD  program.  TheINPUT version takes it a step further.P
   1 This is the first time  ever  that  a  newMultiface has been sold under `20!L
   1 This is just the same as the +D, except  a'*' is used instead of the 'D'. Drives 1 &2 are accepted.c
   1 This is just one program from a three diskcollection  of  utilities  from  ChristianAymard in France.  It  loads  a  textfile,converts it and prints it  out  in  an  A6(half of A5) booklet.
   1 This is invoked by pressing Caps shift and4 then K for keyboard or  J  for  Kempstonjoystick. Keys  are  Q,A,O,P  &  SPACE  toselect mode.
   1 This is but one possibility.  This  theorycould have it's disadvantages. If this wasthe case, then it  would  only  be  passedfrom mother to daughter, since there is  aphysical link in pregnancy.  It  would  bevery hard to convey that such  informationcould be passed by sperm, unless there wassome genetic  code  which  went  into  theproduction  of  already   occupied   braincells. But, should the former  primise  beaccurate, then it means  that  any  passeddown information would  be  terminated  atthe birth of a son.
   1 This is a shame as the 3.5 inch disks are cheaper to buy (especially important if   you send disks through the post) and will hold more K, and therefore more games than3 inch disks.
   1 This is a marvellous service, and has  thefull support from Alchemist Research.  I'msure many of you  readers  would  like  tohelp out the service by mentioning to yourlocal  disability   groups   (see   YellowPages).
   1 This information concerns all users of  anexternal drive on a Spectrum +3 WITHOUT  aseperate PSU.a
   1 This header is simply a basic program%
   1 This has not been made any easier with thepoor way they have handled this matter  asthe   extracted   letters   havet
   1 This got me thinking, is this the  largestcollection anywhere of Spectrum equipment?I thought I'd launch a competition to findthe largest collection. Write  to  me  andlist your setup. Please don't tell fibs asI may ask for a photograph  to  prove  it!The winner will be revealed in AlchNews 15(March  1995),   and   will   receive   anAlchemist Research goodie bag!
   1 This for the benefit for all Speccy  usersand enthusiasts.:
   1 This episode was about some strange worm  like aliens who were found buried deep in the ice. As soon as they are set free theypenetrate the human body - through the
   1 This contains  all  the  system  messages,many  useful  verbs  and  several  of  thecommon LOW PRIORITY conditions  associatedwith them. This is to  allow  you  to  getstraight  into  writing   your   adventurewithout having to worry about things  thatare included in all  adventures.  Press  Tthen ENTER to load datafile.
   1 This book can claim to be  an  authoritiveguide and NOT be superceeded. It's contentis nothing short of excellent.r
   1 This 'club' got a lot of outside  interestand  our  magazine  AlchNews  (then  on  aSinclair  QL)  was  transformed   to   theSpectrum. Issue  one  had  about  a  dozenreaders - something of  a  big  differencewhen issue thirteen had over a thousand!
   1 This  letter  warranted   a   reply   fromSpectrum UK on 7/11/94:A
   1 This  leads  me  onto  my  main  train  ofthough. The information and experiences ofone  person  could  be  stored  in  normalmemory area, but could parts  of  that  begetting stored in the 90% unknown  regionsof  the  brain?  Then,   when   childbirtharises, is this information passed to  thechild in their unknown area of the brain?
   1 This  is  the  MC   equivalent   of   POKE23607,191.4
   1 This  article  was  inspired  by  AlchNewsreader and personal friend of mine  calledChris.  He  bought   an   external   drivespecifically designed for the +3 after  hewas assured by the  manufacturer  that  itwouldn't require an external power supply.Since then, Chris has experienced problemswith the +3 simply ignoring  the  internaldrive  whenever  the   external   one   isconnected!  No  surprise  then   that   hedoesn't use his  external  drive  anymore.<Ed's Note: In the interests of  providingboth sides of the  story,  Chris  Box  hasbeen approached more  than  twice  in  thepast  three  months  to  put   his   viewsforward, but has refused.>
   1 This   program   can   be   very   useful,especially if you need to  transfer  filesto  PC  format  or  vice  versa.  I'd   beinterested to see  how  it  gets  on  withfiles from the Z80 Emulator.
   1 They are also offering Genie or  Lifeguardfor just `5 if ordered at the same time asthe Multiface 128.f
   1 They also have supplies of  internal  3.5"drives for the PC1512 and 1640's for  only`25, plus 20Mb hard drives  for  the  samefor only `60!
   1 These are the prices for the colour ribbonfor the LC-100:9
   1 These are the commonly  used  suffixes  tofilenames. Many of them are standard  codefiles, but have this labelled extension soyou know what you have.  Say  you  have  autility, complete with  code  files,  udgsand documents of the  program.  How  wouldyou label it?
   1 Theres no shortage of varied  articles  inthe magazine, one of my favourites was the"BACK IN TIME" section, detailing Spectrumhistory way  back  in  October  1994  (WasElite really made then?) Not only do  theydetail software of the time, but also  themagazines, such as Your  Spectrum,  Crash,Sinclair Projects and  ZX  Monthly  (Thosewere the days!).
   1 Theres no money in  the  Spectrum.  Anyonewho says there is is probably  a  fool  orripping you off! There  shouldn't  be  anymoney in it. People who own Spectrums  arethe young, the unemployed or the  elderly.Granted   there   are   probably   a   fewprofessionals who use them, but  they  arethe minority. Most  of  my  customers  are'mature' (is that the most polite  word  Ican use without offence?).
   1 Theres news  of  the  Multiface  discountsfrom RR. A type in sorting program,  alongwith a very interestng  Disciple  program.They  also  cover  international  Spectrumservices and give a review of AlchNews 13.Outlet  and  Spectrum  UK  get   a   briefmention, the latter is concern  for  theirsudden disappearence at the time.
   1 Theres lots of excitement over the new  +Dclone hailing from Eastern Europe. The bigdifference to this one is the fact that ituses  tape   syntax!   This   means   thatcountless  titles  will  not  need  to  beconverted to disk syntax.  Although  quitehow it works is not clear, perhaps  it  isset up like +3DOS, where you specify  whatdrive you  use  and  then  all  subsequentcommands refer to that drive.  The  systemcan allegedly format disks to 2 meg and iscompatable with the +D.  Because  of  it'sorigin, we may never see the interface  inpopular  use  over  here,  just  like  theHobbit computer. Perhaps if  some  companyhad invested in this device then maybe  itwould have brought a Spectrum revolution.
   1 Theres a program in APD  called  SHAPE  3D(AV175). It allows you to draw the outlineof  an  object  as  if  you  were  lookingdirectly at it, face to face.  The  objectmust be symmetrical, since it only  allowsyou to draw one half of the object  -  thecomputer splits the drawing screen in  themiddle and presents a  'mirror  image'  ofyour design.
   1 Theres a program at UT173  which  is  veryunderestimated. It's a short machine  coderoutine which,  when  executed,  will  addmicrodrive syntax to each and every filingcommand of a Basic program in memory. Thismakes it very useful  to  convert  a  longtape based program to disk, especially  ifyour disk  system  can  accept  microdrivesyntax, like the +D or Opus.
   1 Theres  continued  coverage  on  the   DTPsystem, with  a  calendar  utility,  alongwith an excellent article on the Opus ROM.The Beta disk interface is also  regularlycovered (something not done  in  the  UK),and some tips on monitors on the  +2a  andgold plated connectors from, wait for  it,Miles Kinloch!
   1 There was an original Fireview program butthis  was  greatly  superior.  After  it'srelease  was  an  update   program   whichimproved   the   font   and   many   otheroperations. This  latest  version  is  thecurrent one featured in Alchemist PD.
   1 There is away around this problem :-$
   1 There are well over fifty  games  on  thiscollection, the majority of which are wellprogrammed and  simple  to  understand.  Ipicked out half a dozen  at  random  whichreally interested me.
   1 There are two programs which let  you  usethe memory  for  your  own  purposes.  Thefirst, MULTISTORE,  allows  you  to  storeupto 7k of a basic program,  machine  codeor a screen picture. The second does  verymuch the same, but uses the Interface 1 toadd new commands to treat the memory  moreas  a  'ram  disk'  (very  much  like  thetrue ramdisk program in APD).
   1 There are two modes  for  displaying  yourwork  -  DISPLAY  and  WORK.  If  it's  onDISPLAY  mode,  you  see  all  the  prettygraphics and colours, much in the  way  ofteletext.  If  you   choose   WORK   mode,everything is in black and white, and  allcontrol  codes   show   up   as   inversedcharacters. Maybe  you've  seen  partiallymade  teletext  pictures  and   lines   ofcharacters, due to poor reception.
   1 There are two  ways  we  can  exploit  thememory. The first is just as an  extra  8kof space which is protected from a  reset.The second way is  to  use  the  multifacebutton to call up  machine  code  programswhich are stored in the 8k RAM.
   1 There are two  versions  of  the  program.BITMAP40 and BITMAP80, each one is for thedifferent screen resolution of the Amiga.}
   1 There are several control codes,  to  givedifferent  effects,  enabled  by  pressingEDIT then the following key:p
   1 There are a couple of drawbacks  for  thismethod. The  first  would  be  the  numberproduced in a batch. To  use  this  methodyou'd need a CD player close  by,  not  tomention an EAR  socket  on  your  Spectrum(many  128k  machines   don't   have   themodification). This would certainly affectthe price.  CD's  may  cost  about  `1  tomanufacture,  but  thats  for  batches  ofabout 30,000!
   1 There are  ten  sets  of  lights  in  all,switched by pressing  keys  1-0.  You  canalso select the difficulty level,  from  1to 5. I  would  suggest  starting  on  oneuntil you know how things  work  and  thenmove straight upto 5 as it makes the  carsflow much smoother and you  still  get  tocontrol the flow of traffic  entering  thecity.
   1 There are  several  things  to  note  whenwriting  conditions.  All  operations  areperformed from left to right. GAC requiresspaces both inside  and  brackets  betweenwords  like  VERB   and   their   numbers.Thirdly,  x  and  y  need  not  simply  benumbers but more complex expressions.  Theconditions  are  checked  by  GAC   at   3different points, and are entered as  HighPriority, Low  priority  and  Local.  HIGHPRIORITY conditions are checked for BEFOREthe adventure prompts the players command.It wants to know if you're still alive forone! or whether a light is  flashing  etc.Pressing H on the main menu will  get  theprompt "Which  line  number?"  You  shouldenter a number in order, i.e.  1,2,3  etc.LOCAL CONDITIONS are checked for after theplayer has entered a  command,  they  dealwith things local to  a  particular  room.For example, whether a  particular  objectis in a room or to open a  door.  Press  Cand follow procedure  as  above  but  eachroom has it's own set of line numbers. LOWPRIORITY condi
   1 There are  four  main  options  from  thissection.  Start  a  new  frame,  edit   anexisting one (Fireview always starts  withone in memory), merge frames and load  andsave to or from memory.
   1 There are  also  another  couple  of  mailorder stationery companies, these are:P
   1 There  was  also  an  internal   messagingsystem, much like  mailboxing,  where  youcould leave  brief  messages  for  people,perhaps something like  "Club  meeting  inroom 29" if you've arranged to meet. Therewas also a public notice board  where  youcould post any messages you wished.
   1 Theorganisation  is  run  by  two  very  nicegentlemen, Eddie and  Arthur  and  run  itvery  much  in  the   way   of   AlchemistResearch.  They cover all the older 8  bitcomputers,  including   ALL
   1 Then you would need to assemble this-%
   1 Then you load up the M3 Unlock disk, this gives you a menu :-=
   1 Their  reply  was  rather  indignant   andtried to be sarcastic but in a  very  poorway. There was also the mention  that  theflyer would be  passed  onto  a  solictor,quite why  is  unknown,  since  there  wasnothing illegal or libelous in it.
   1 Their  greatest  enemies  are  their   ownreaders and writers.  They  have  betrayedthe  trust  given  by  them  and  have   adifficult struggle  ahead  of  them.  Theyhave also dismissed the above letters fromMr  K  and  Mr  S,   although   they   aresupposed  to  regard  their  readers  veryhighly.  Not  high  enough  to  listen  topublic opinion, it seems.
   1 Theinstrumentation display is well  presentedand promises to be  a  popular  game  withspace buffs and flight simulator fans.}
   1 The work mode  is  far  more  useful  whencreating  a  screen.  You  can  then   seeexactly how much  space  you  have,  sincecontrol codes are  invisible.  You  togglebetween modes by pressing EDIT and then 0.
   1 The whole situation began when I read ofPRISM in the "PUBLIC HOUSE" section of YS!I sent off for a catalogue (which  arrivedafter two days). The text of the cataloguereads: "Orders paid by  cash/postal  ordersent in 6-7 days, or allow bank clearance."! So, I ordered some demos and  utilitiesfrom them, paid with a  postal  order  andsent it off by RECORDERED DELIVERY! Over amonth later I had still  not  received  myprograms! A letter was written to him  andthe reply I got was:
   1 The viewdata graphics system is much  likethe Spectrum's graphics characters on  thekeys 1-0, but far  superior.  Whereas  theSpectrum is based on a 2*2 grid,  Viewdatauses 3*2. This means that  there  are  farmore  combinations  of  characters.   I'vepresented a few screens to  explain  this.The  first  shows  the   characters   thatViewdata  supports  (although  Flash   andseperated are not displayed).  The  secondscreen shows what you can do with Viewdataand how it is very useful for  informationdisplays and teletext systems.  The  finalscreen is as the second, but shown in WORKmode.
   1 The unit I use is  a  MASTERPIECE  SIX  INONE. It's available from  INDEX  cataloguestores at the price of `14.99.  (Autumn  /Winter catalogue - page 183. Code 350-976)
   1 The thing which really  tires  us  is  thefact  that  this   so   called   "silence"arrangement has been breached once  again.Why does he lie to us all, stating he willnot mention the problem, yet he does so atthe drop of a hat - this time to  try  andget extra titles. It seems he cannot  helpabusing  some  person  just  for   a   fewcredits, much in the same way of titles byprogrammers like Miles Kinloch  and  ChrisTaylor.
   1 The term room can be used to refer to  anylocation in your adventure. GAC allows  upto  X
   1 The systems are very  versatile  and  evenhave little windows so you  can  write  inwhat appliance the plug  serves.  Althoughit can't make your system totally wirelessand tidy, it does improve it a little.
   1 The system was  very  advanced  and  therewas  a   wide   vocabulary   of   commandsavailable,  such  as  CRY,  COUGH,  LAUGH,KISS, SAY, TELL, KICK, HIT etc. You  couldtalk generally so the  entire  room  couldhear your you, or TELL which  allowed  youto talk  to  one  individual  person.  Youcould even make up your  own  commands  bytyping your own name first, then  whateveryou wished.
   1 The system accepts  character  input  fromthe keyboard, which is displayed  directlyon the screen. There is no  provision  forcaps lock, so  capitals  must  be  enteredwith caps shift.
   1 The syntax utility is  converted  to  workwith +D syntax.  I've  actually  made  twodifferent version - one converts to the d*form, the other produces  "d1".  The  "d*"form  will  be  more  useful  for  programloaders,   for   theres
   1 The seven-figure number-key is a matter ofpersonal choice. However, as these figuresoften have to be committed to memory, it'sa good idea to  use  something  familliar,such as a telephone number. As  there  areten million possible different values  forthe number key,  the  St.  Cyr  cipher  isalready hard  to  decode.  However,  extradifficulty can  be  introduced  by  codingtwice - putting the alrady  coded  messagethrough the program  for  a  second  time.Consider the message TOM IS A  SPY.  Usingnumber  keys  3821105  and   2568723   theenciphering/decyphering sequence becomes:
   1 The search for something funny
   1 The scheme was very aptly phrased by DavidLedbury, who regularly comes up  with  oddideas and accompanying titles for them!{
   1 The same idea applies to CP/M, but  it  isfar more versatile, since basic  and  codefiles and lengths are  irrelevant  -  eachfile is just a file.
   1 The routine can then be called.  Once  youhave written bytes to a file, if  you  aregoing to read it from +3 BASIC,  you  mustwrite its header with the values  that  gowith it, such as BASIC, CODE or array etc,the start address, the  length,  the  LINEauto-run number and all that business. Youdo this using the  routine  DOS  REF  HEAD(10Fh) (P. 227) You need the  file  numberyou want in register B. You can then  callthe routine. Upon returning  to  your  ownroutine, IX will point to the beginning ofthe header data in Page 7.  You  can  thenuse LD (IX+n),whatever (see program at endof article)
   1 The results of the  comparison  are  nowgiven (USCHI first):<
   1 The quickest way to find disk syntax in  aprogram is to simply LOAD it. If you MERGEthe program to stop an  autorun,  you  maynot easily find the commands.
   1 The purpose of M3 UNLOCK is to convert&
   1 The program works by setting up a loop andevaluates the ASCII values of each  letterof plain text (Lines 90-140).q
   1 The program will ask you  which  form  youwish to  convert  to  and  then  load  therelevant code ("symtax 0" or "syntax  1").I also  made  execute  file  versions  forconvenience, so with them you  don't  haveto worry about CLEARing Ramtop and loadingcode - just load the program you  wish  toconvert, load the execute file, and  Bob'syour uncle, as they say.
   1 The program is shareware so  is  availablefrom Alchemist Research  but  there  is  asuggested  registration  fee  of   `5   toDominic. When you register, you'll  get  alarge collection  of  his  previous  workswhich make it excellent value for money!
   1 The program has many uses,  it  can  view,erase or  copy  individual  or  groups  offiles. It can also open  these  libraries,for  expanding  each  individual  file  toanother disk.
   1 The program begins  with  a  comprehensiveinformation file explaining it's  use  andhistory.  It  explains  how  to  use   theprogram and the options it allows in  filetransferring.  The   program   is   screenresident and can transfer  files  of  upto51536  bytes.  It  also  claims  that  theprogram can be  used  for  Amiga,  ST  andArchimedes disks, but it doesn't  make  itclear if it means native format  or  a  PCformat.
   1 The program automatically sets up  printersettings, in this case 17  characters  perinch. Should you wish to use  a  non-draftfont, you should set that before printing.
   1 The program also allows  you  to  input  areference  frequency  &  gives  an   audioindication  of  how  near  the   referencefrequency is to the input frequency.
   1 The price for this superb magazine is only`1, or 80p & SAE.;
   1 The operation  of  this  program  is  verysimilar to th distance  code  program.  Aseach letter of plain text is read,  it  isfirst  converted  into  it's  ASCII   codenumbers equivalent. The  VAL  function  isthen employed to increment this figure  byan amount dictated by the  relevant  digitin your number key  (Line  160).  After  acheck to ensure that the result lies in anacceptable  range  (Line  170),  the  CHR$facillity is  used  to  output  the  codedmessage.
   1 The only thing which  the  book  does  notcover   is   Mallard   Basic,G
   1 The only real cure for this problem is  toget  new  power  supplies  for  BOTH   thecomputer  AND  the   external   drive.   Apossible source for new +3 power  suppliesis B. G. Services, address to be found  inanother part of AlchNews.
   1 The only disadvantage is  that  the  coverpage cannot be merged in with  the  actualbooklet text so means using another  sheetof paper and having blank pages inside thecover, but this is better than nothing.
   1 The official supplier of CP/M material  toAlchemist PD. They can supply it on 3"  or3.5" format and have thousands of programscatering for all tastes. Send a blank diskfor their introduction  volume,  featuringhelp file, order details, a complete  listof their library, plus sample programs andutilities.
   1 The odd thing is why he praises  AlchemistResearch (or so he claims - does he reallyenjoy being second best?), yet  criticisesit's  owner  -  the  person   who   shapedthe organisation and made it  the  popularworldwide service it is today!
   1 The object of  the  game  is  to  try  andcontrol the city safely with as many  carson the streets as you can  handle.  Shouldyou lose control, a major jam will  appearand the game ends. The game is very simplewith  about  20   cars,   but   far   morechallenging with around 80! My  record  is143 cars in  the  city  on  level  5,  canyou beat that?
   1 The new club as detailed on  the  previouspage./
   1 The most powerful aspect of this system isthe EDITOR facillity. Here you  can  view,create or alter  teletext  screens.  Thereis space for sixteen screens, or 'frames'.
   1 The moreal then: Make  sure  that  if  youinvest in an external drive for  your  +3,you get one that has  it's  own  built  inpower supply. Ignore what the manufacturertells you about it not needing one.
   1 The main reason is pride. It's nice to sitback after replying to twenty letters  andorders and know that you're one of the (ifnot  THE)  premier  Spectrum  services  inexistence. Combine that with the fact thatI built it all up with my own  hands  fromnothing.
   1 The main program has five  options,  READ,WRITE, INITIALISE, HEADER and BASIC.N
   1 The magazine features very little  in  theway of advertising, most of  which  is  onthe back page. There is  a  small  sectionfor  classified  ads   and   a   list   ofauthorised distributors for the magazine.
   1 The lack of instructions for  the  programat the time meant a little  experimenting.I found out that a blank line must be leftat  the   beginning   of   the   textfile,otherwise  the  first  line  will  not  beprinted. I also had some difficulty  afterloading in  a  textfile.  Being  a  serialfile, it opened a channel and received theinformation in sections. Not  knowing  theend  of  file  terminator  meant  it   wasmissing from the textfile and the  programstopped with an END OF  FILE  error.  Thiswas rectified with a simple GOTO 1060.
   1 The idea was simple. The CD would be  usedin the same audio way as cassette tape. Ifthe CD was inserted and played,  it  wouldsound the same as  a  cassette  containingAlchNews. The only differences would be anincrese in quality,  plus  access  to  anyfile, rather than the next one on tape.
   1 The idea was  this.  There  would  be  twostages.1
   1 The hotel  theme  meant  that  there  wereseveral rooms available, so you could holdprivate   conversations   betweenu
   1 The game is mostly  in  machine  code  andalthough it isn't a graphical masterpiece,it's an original and well thought out gameand will have you playing  for  hours!  Infact, I'm off now to  have  another  quickgo!
   1 The fonts (displayed on  the  next  page),are  available  in  with  the  'DEFINITIVEFONTS COLLECTION' from  Alchemist  PD,  orcan be ordered  seperately  (ask  for  theJOHN
   1 The following screen shows an  inexpensiveand  simple  circuit  to   permit   directrunning  of  a  video   monitor   from   aSpectrum.
   1 The following assembly language bits  willall load into Jacksoft, which is free fromAPD (With SAE+media as usual)q
   1 The first, VMD, does a fake  decompressioncrash. It  took  several  loads  before  Irealised  it  was  an   artificial   crash(thanks a lot, Chris!). The  ST  music  isgood, and features a  bouncing  scroll  atthe bottom and a  "your  name  in  lights"style big scroll in the centre (is there atechnical name for this type?). The scrollexplains the pennyware scheme and  why  itshould be paid for. Chris's good  'friend''Mr' Sherwood gets  a  mention,  called  atwit (Chris claimed there was  a  spellingmistake?!), along  with  greets  to  yourstruly, Vision, Dominic  Morris,  Agent  X,Miles Kinloch, TMG, MQM, Sinclair  Classicand many many more.
   1 The first was it's speed.  The  drive  wasrather slow and noisy. However,  this  wasput down to the drive  being  uncased  andthe formatting software not  as  efficientas BFORMAT.
   1 The first  thing  you  encountered  was  adouble access gateway.  Before  you  couldproceed, you needed to enter your  accountnumber and password. Besides being  a  wayof BT  calculating  your  bill  for  usingtheir  system,  it  also  made  sure  thatpeople couldn't easily  gain  access  withyour ID and wreak havoc.
   1 The first  program  uses  this  method  toproduce a  coded  version  of  your  plaintext, providing  you  don't  leave  spacesbetween the words. If you wish actually tosend the message you'll need access  to  aprinter,  and  to  make  sure   that   therecipient of the text knows which order touse when decoding.
   1 The episode set in a antarctic ice station- a story line very reminiscent of theP
   1 The easily understood +3DOS Bit
   1 The disadvantage of the memory is that  itcannot be directly accessed.  It  must  bemoved to and  from  normal  RAM.  This  isbecause   of   the   way   the   Multifaceoverwrites the ROM area and vice versa.
   1 The commands are detailed extremely  well.Each command is headed in large type, withthe  CP/M  versions  it   will   work   onalongside  as  well  as  stating  if   thecommand is  built  in,  or  on  your  CP/Mmaster  disk.  It  then   summarises   thecommand,  gives  details  on  how  it   isaccessed along with clear, easy to  followexamples. Not only this, but  it  explainshow to escape  from  the  command,  shouldyou need to.
   1 The commands INKEY$ and SCREEN$ has to  berewritten as CODE INKEY$ or CODE  SCREEN$.For  example:  IF   INKEY$="a"   must   beprogrammed as: IF CODE INKEY$=CODE "a".   The RND function uses  numbers  between  0and 32767. For example: LET a=INT (RND*6)+1 becomes LET a=RND/5462+1.
   1 The commands CLEAR, DEF  FN,  LIST,  LLISTand RUN will not  be  compiled,  also  nottape or Microdrive syntaxes.p
   1 The coding and decoding of secret messageswas once an area confined  mainly  to  themilitary,  or  at  least  the  InteligenceServiceds. Today,  however,  the  extendeduse of  the  public  telephone  lines  andsatellite channels for the transmission ofcommercially sensitive  data,  and  indeednormal television scheduling from Sky  TV,has increased the need for encoding.
   1 The club has been officially recognised bySTAR MICRONICS UK, with  whom  we  have  agood relationship, where we will  be  alsosharing our information with them.
   1 The circuit can be built into the  housingwithin a few minutes and works  well  withadequate signal output.k
   1 The centre pages consist of a large posterof Superstar  Seymour,  from  Codemasters.Folowing that are guides to  Murray  Mouseand Tusker. Theres a review of  Wild  WestSeymour (Spectrum again) and  a  guide  tothe STK Spectrum tolkit.
   1 The book is almost A4 sized, approx 230  *185mm and  has  a  soft  cover  with  hardspine. It has a whopping 434 pages and, ithas to be  said,  worth  absolutely  everypenny (or cent). If you're  only  remotelyinterested in CP/M (which  you'd  have  tobe if you paid `30 for the  system),  thenthis book just has to  sit  alongside  theoriginal manual.
   1 The book also goes into great detail aboutthe "ED" line  editor,  as  well  as  manyother undocumented CP/M commands.u
   1 The best thing to do is to buy  a  six  inone unit which removes the need for  plugs- the power  cables  go  into  small  eurostyle plugs. An advantage  of  this  keepscables a little tidier and can  be  usefulfor power surge protection - a surge  plugcan be fitted direct to  the  six  in  onesystem, rather than every plug!
   1 The address is:
   1 The X Files
   1 The United Minds Team
   1 The Tandy printer operates in serial  modeusing 1 start bit, 7 data bits and 2  stopbits at either 300 or 600 baud. Any  othersimilar printer of this type should be setfor 40 or 80 columns, have ASCII characterset, serial input & perform CR & LF's withCHR$ 13. The colour  change  commands  areobeyed according to the Tandy manual.
   1 The St. Cyr cipher is  brillantly  simple.It is made up  of  three  alphabets  on  asliding  scale.  The  bottom  alphabet  isplain text and the cipher equivalents  aretaken  from  the  top  line.  One  of  theadvantages of the St. Cyr cipher is that adifferent alphabet equivalent can be  usedto code each letter. This  can  make  codecracking very difficult.
   1 The Spectrum needs at least 500mV  at  theEAR socket. The simple circuit later  willallow you to use the program with  devicesthat  have  an  audio  output  below  thislevel.
   1 The Spectrum future is  what  concerns  usmost.  What  does  it  hold?  It   is   anacceptable   fact   that   it   willx
   1 The ST CYR Program
   1 The SAM contains  the  old  ROM  and  256kmemory, but you can upgrade with with  thenew ROM with  your  own  personal  detailsetched into it for eternity for only `8.
   1 The Q & A side of  things.  Any  problems,questions, tips, suggestions and ideas aredealt with here.d
   1 The President of Earth was tragically%
   1 The October  issue  begins  with  news  ofthe  1994  meeting.  Their   magazine   isentirely in Dutch which, sadly,  I  cannotread as fluently  as  German,  but  it  isstill fairly easy to follow.
   1 The MC should be located  at  address  USR"A" (65368) & should be loading using  anyassembler  or  monitor.  Then,  enter  theBASIC listing and RUN it. Delete all linesexcept  line  0.  USR  "A"  in  the  Basiclisting may be  changed  to  wherever  youdecide to operate  the  printer.  Line  10becomes line "0" after running. This  thencontains the MC required to divert printeroutput to the Tandy. You  should  NOT  putany other MC in REMs.
   1 The Information 'Revolution'
   1 The Hypnotic World of Paul McKenna"
   1 The Greeks invented the science of sendingsecret messages, so it is  not  surprisingthat  the  formal  name   for   coding   -cryptography - should comes from from  twoGreek words: KRYPTOS (secret) and  GRAPHOS(writing).  The  terms  CODE  and   CYPHERactually have slightly different  meaningsrelated to the two ways in which  messagesmay   be   sent.   When   information   istranslated  letter  by  letter,  this   iscalled encyphering. On the other hand,  ifwhole  words  or  groups  of   words   aretransformed into other words or numbers byreferring to a special dictionary, this iscalled coding. In practice, the term  codeis used generally to refer to  both  codesand cyphers.
   1 The GAC is a very comphrehensive text  andgraphics   writer   for   developing   48kadventures. It was  released  in  1986  byINCENTIVE.
   1 The Authoritive Reference Guide to CP/M'
   1 The Andrew Newton Hypnotic Experience%
   1 The 8k RAM is really only  just  over  6k.This is because some of the operations  ofthe  button  need  some  memory.  But,  itshoudn't present too much  of  a  problem.Romantic Robot specify the available spacefor code starts at 09739 decimal to  16383decimal.  In   normal   operation,   theseaddresses would refer to the ROM area  andPOKEing anything into these addresses wouddo nothing.
   1 The +3 uses the same syntax as tape, so nofussy disk commands are needed between theLOAD and the filename.  The +3  keeps  allit's  filenames  in  capital  letters  andalphabetically ordered on  the  disk.   Itallows 8 characters in a filename, plus anextra  three  for  an   extension.
   1 The '*' is there  to  force  an  error  innormal Spectrum Basic which is interceptedby the Interface 1 ROM which  accepts  thecommand.
   1 The '"M"' refers to microdrive.
   1 The  seeming  hazard  pattern  of  symbolsshown below is, in fact, an example of thedistance code. As it's name suggests, thisis a code which is based on  the  distanceof a particular symbol from a given point.
   1 The  program  is  not  public  domain  forreasons which have been  made  obvious  byPrism in the past, but is available  underthe PENNYWARE scheme.
   1 The  new  catalogue  should  be  ready  inJanuary and promises to be the best  papercatalogue ever created for Spectrum PD.{
   1 The  main  benefit  of  this  was   directcommunication with any other users of  thesystem,  worldwide.  You  could  send  andreceive telexes (this was before  the  faxage), as well as use an  Internal  messagesystem called MAILBOXING.
   1 The  latest  work  from  Triad,  this  onefeatures a PASSWORD system. If  you  don'tknow it, you don't get in! It's also  verywell coded as you can't find the  passwordin the program!
   1 The  latest  'drama'  is  that  he's   nowringing up Patrick  Morris  all  the  timetrying to befriend him so that he can  putin his magazine that they are the best  offriends! Poor old Patrick  -  I  bet  he'dprefer to be  hassled  by  double  glazingsalesmen! Well, PD Power can print what itlikes, just  remember  which  service  hasexclusive rights to their software!
   1 The  following   software   will   requiremodification  if  Interface  1   etc.   isconnected. LPRINT and  PRINT#3  will  workcorrectly. The interface requires a few mAat  5  volts  which  the  Spectrum  shouldsupply with no problems.
   1 The  USER  MENU  has  some   useful   usercommands, namely to print  to  a  ZX  typeprinter  (also  works   in   128k   mode),catalogue a disk, save a single frame (theone in visual memory), catalogue a disk orreturn to basic. It also gave  details  ofthe MACRO system.
   1 The  Romanian  text  isn't  too  hard   tounderstand and, at 500 Lei (about 65p!) isexcellent value for money.n
   1 The  +D  has  a  variety  of  methods   ofloading. It allocates 80 spaces  per  diskand gives each program a  number,  so  youcan quickly load it with LOAD Px, where isis the number of the program from 1-80,  1being the first program on disk.
   1 The   following   program   displays   thefrequency of an audio tone  input  to  theEAR socket of  a  Spectrum.  It  uses  theSpectrum interrupts as a timing  referenceand  unless  you  have  a  poorly  alignedSpectrum  will   give   0.1%   or   betteraccuracy!
   1 The   circuit   only   uses   four"
   1 The   Macro   system   is   an   instantlyaccessable set of commands from within thesystem you were on. It allowed you to movea frame directly to  the  memory,  set  orreset a call timer to calculate your  billand  so  on.  The  macros  could  also  becustomised   for   your   own   particularcommands. These are detailed more  in  theFireview 2 help file,  which  should  comewith Fireview.
   1 That's it for now, but PLEASE  don't  messabout with electricity if you  don't  knowwhat you are doing. Mains electricity  canKILL you, don't mess with it!!
   1 That's enough headaches  for  this  issue.The  routine  to  save  the  DOS  ROM  gotcorrupted and I still have to type it backin to JACKSOFT. I found out how  to  printfrom Jacksoft though... When you  assembleinstead  of  just  typing   A   type   A6.Likewise, to get all the labels type A5.
   1 That  one  is  some  writer   called   JoeBlizzard.   I'd   not   had   any   directcommunication with him before, but  I  hadoffered him  some  contributions  for  hisarticles, which he  ignored.  He  got  ourflyer, but didn't reply  to  it.  Instead,sent it to Spectrum UK with this note:
   1 Thanks to: Albert Harper
   1 Text area and border colour
   1 Test it by running the  program  and  thenPOKE 23607,191. Lo and behold,  it  shouldseem like nothing has changed. Well,  typePOKE 49152,255 and POKE 49159,255 and thenpress SPACE! Congratulations, you've  justmoved an entire font to  RAM  and  alteredone character!
   1 Tel: 0952 462135
   1 Tel: 081 397 0763
   1 Tel: 0494 871319
   1 Tel: 01442 888444
   1 Tape deck(s)
   1 Take this very moment. It's November  1994and  currently  I've   logged   up   theseprograms:]
   1 Take satellite TV. It's currently very bigacross  Europe,  thanks   to   the   AstraSatellite, and everybody knows someone whohas  a  dish  if  they   don't   own   onethemselves. Today it's as common as owninga TV set. They claim the same  for  mobilephones, which have become very big in  thepast year or so, but  once  again,  it  isbased on technology around for years.
   1 Take a look at the ribbon you are suppliedwith.  This  is  a  FABRIC   NYLON   type,otherwise  known  as  FN.   If   you   areconsidering to re-ink your ribbons, ths isthe only type you can use.
   1 TXT:   "   "
   1 TIP:  To  save  putting  a  GET  and  DROPcondition in for each  and  every  object,here are two useful lines  that  gets  anddrops any object (up to object 10 in  thisexample) To do this simply ensure the NOUNnumbers match the OBJECT numbers.
   1 TIME (secs)
   1 TEST NUMBERS 5,6 & 7  388 bytes
   1 TERMINAL allows you to log onto a  system.You have the option  of  choosing  from  amenu of bulletin  boards  and  informationsystems.  When  you  choose  your  desiredsystem, it gives you the telephone  numberwhich you dial. It will then automaticallysend your ID number and passwords to  gainaccess.
   1 TASWORD +3: `29.95
   1 TASWORD +2: `24.95
   1 TASWORD  2: `19.95
   1 TASMAN, creators of the excellent  TASWORDwordprocessors still sell their three besttitles. Contact them at:l
   1 TAS: Tasword 2 wordprocessor file!
   1 T.C. gives you an above view  of  a  city,seperated into a couple of  dozen  blocks.The streets are all parallel, rather  likein the US (and the GHOSTBUSTERS game).  Ateach crossroad we have a  set  of  lights,allowing traffic to  flow  either  east  /west or north / south. The cars enter  thecity from a car park  at  the  top  which,thankfully, you can control the  flow.  Toadd  more  difficulty,  we  have  a  largeroundabout as  well  as  the  cars  havingtotally random actions.
   1 T.A.W. supply adventure games for  a  widevariety of computers, including  CP/M  andthe Spectrum.  Most  software  is  writtenwith PAW, GAC or QUILL and can be suppliedon  tape  or  disk.   The   22   page   A4Spectrum catalogue goes into great  detailof all their available  titles,  giving  awell written scenario,  game  type,  partsand prices. This catalogue  details  seven128k   adventures   and   over   64
   1 Surely this is in  complete  contraventionwith his PSD claims and make him out to beeven more of a hipocrite than what we knowShould we hear any more on this matter, wewill let you know.
   1 Supplier   of   ZX   Microdrives,!
   1 Strings are not allowed (sorry)! 
   1 Streamlined AR  group,  Cheap  3"!
   1 Str M. Kogalniceanu
   1 Stops the game.  Player  is  not 
   1 Still the solution  is  very  simple,  youdon't have to make  the  first  step,  butmust  make  the  last  stap.  Difficult  ?Heavens, no not at all!! This is  where  Icome in, remember the odd goat? I'm takingthe first step, by taking all  the  blame.Believe it or not, I'm the  one  to  blamefor ALL the things you were  accused  off.In fact I'm the  one  to  blame  fore  thewhole feud. But I promise never to  do  itagain.
   1 Steps forward 5
   1 Steps forward
   1 Steps back one command
   1 Steps back 5
   1 Staying on the  subject  of  power  for  amoment, do you wish that your Spectrum hada proper on / off switch?m
   1 Start address: 3
   1 Star Trek syndrome...
   1 Star Micronics
   1 Staffs.  ST3 5BH
   1 Staff Writers
   1 Spectrum-Profi-Club/WoMo-PD
   1 Spectrum related
   1 Spectrum UK finally  replied  on  15/10/94who  informed   me   of   what   happened.Apparently Julie was busy doing  her  workfor the magazine when the started to  feelunwell. It appeared that  her  broken  armhad progressed into Septicemia. This meantthat Spectrum UK took a  back  seat  whileRoy had to look  after  the  children  andwork  extremely  long   days   until   thecircumstances improved.
   1 Spectrum UK
   1 Spectrum 48k in Profile Keyboard 
   1 Spectrum 48k
   1 Spectrum 128k
   1 Spectrum +3
   1 Spectrum +2a
   1 Spectrum +2
   1 Spectrum +
   1 Specify which  room  your  adventure  willstart in.3
   1 Speccy's  activities  across  the!
   1 Speccy equipment you use.
   1 Spaceman Bob II adventure
   1 South Wales
   1 Soundtracker
   1 Sometimes, in order to present a tidy  andcompressed disk, it is logical  to  colectall the files from one particular game  orapplication, compress then and store  themas one big file. It could  be  classed  asthe equiavelnt of the following:
   1 Sometimes though you may  find  you  don'tuse all six power outlets,  but  find  youmay need to  use  different  equipment  atdifferent times. You are only supplied sixspecial plugs for use in the adaptor,  butmay want to fit them to eight  appliances.What do you do?
   1 Some useful addresses:
   1 Some might  be  wondered  about  the  nameUSCHI. Right - USCHI is  the  abbreviationfor Ultrafast Spectrum Compiler (for) 100%Integerarithmethik.
   1 Some great  new  titles  are  in  the  newcatalogue, both from the  UK  and  furtherafield. Our very own editor has written  aprogram to convert Tasword 2 documents  toTasword 128 / +2 OPENTYPE files.
   1 Software, Prize draw names,  Womo!
   1 So, where does this  leave  things?  Well,he's still  ignoring  communications  fromAlchemist  Research  so  it's  obvious  hehasn't matured enough to  talk  personallyabout the whole matter.  I  discussed  thenew problem with a prominent member of theSAM community who called him "A Class  'A'Prat"!.
   1 So, when you load, you should get  stoppedwith a NONSENCE IN  BASIC  error  when  itfinds the loading line.k
   1 So, we use  an  IN  command  to  tell  thecomputer to refer any addresses between  0and 16384  that  they  are  going  to  theMultiface.
   1 So, track 1 would contain the  loader  andcode file. Track 2 would contain the firstpart  and  so  on.  Pressing  SPACE  wouldpresent you with:
   1 So, thats the basics covered.  Now, how doyou fancy POKEing  some  values  into  theMultiface? POKE  address  5o
   1 So, lets take a quick look at some of  themost commonly used filing syntaxes and thesystems they are used  on.  It  will  thengive you the opportunity to evaluate whichsystem it was written on and allow you  toeasily modify it.
   1 So, lets start with the basics of  machinecode. This simple program would  copy  thecontents of address 0 of ROM into  address5
   1 So, it means that  although  the  programsget a wide audience, it's not as  wide  asit could be, meaning many  lose  out.  Notonly that,  but  software  gets  the  wideaudience  it  does  get  because  of   fredistribution by  friends  and  colleagues.It's  like  a  nice  version  of  a  chainletter!   I   know   tht   a   very
   1 So, although we had no concrete  evidence,we just had to stress to  people  that  anexternal power  supply  must  be  used  toavoid any problems.  Thankfully,  many  ofyou  have  taken  this  option  and   tookLloyd's advice on using another +3 PSU.
   1 So, after  a  period  giving  Spectrum  UKample  chance  to  reply,  we  distributedthese flyers to the readers  and  writers.After a week or two, the response came  inand it was very good. Many were willing towork with Alchemist Research for  a  briefperiod, until their return.
   1 So, +3 owners with a program  which  needsto be in 48k mode, simply MERGE the  basicloader. Insert a disk with ROUTE48  on  itand type 'MERGE  "ROUTE48"'.  Don't  worryabout the line of  this  program  crashingwith one in your original program  -  it'sat line 9948, hardly a well used line!
   1 So,  when  you  have  located  the   line,usually with LIST x (where x is  the  linenumber), make sure that you have the inputline at the bottom of the  screen.  If  itsays "Scroll?",  press  "N".  (Quick  tip,when you get  the  "Scroll?"  prompt,  trypressing EXTEND MODE then ENTER!).
   1 So,  when  a  group  of  files  is  storedtogether, it is known  as  a  LIBRARY.  Inthis form, it cannot  be  easily  accessedwithout an application. One of the  betterapplications is called MAXISWEEP.
   1 So,  I  took  the  plunge  and  bought   aSpectrum+. In the years  that  followed  Ilearnt all  aspects  of  the  machine  andalmost had every part replaced!
   1 So there you have it. As Chris Norfolk wasin regular contact with Chris Box, I  sentMr Norfolk the letters I sent  to  Mr  Boxwhich had not been replied to. These  werenot nasty letters, but ones of concern forthe drive, the  request  for  a  statementfrom him about the  drive's  safety  alongwith permission for him  to  put  AlchNewsand BFORMAT on his supplied disk with  thekit. As you can see, Mr Norfolk  also  putin an SAE for his reply, but  he  sent  itback - empty.
   1 So please, PLEASE accept my apologizes forall  the  wrongs  that  have  been   done.Because by doing so, that will  take  careoff the points 2 and 4, and therefore alsoof point  3.  You'll  see  traditon  rulesagain, once  the  'odd  goat'  became  theESCAPE GOAT.
   1 So please publish this letter (still  thisyear, if possible), and let there be peace(at least in  the  Spectrum-world)  on  mybirthday. The finest  gift  you  wise  mencould give to me.
   1 Smith - Harold from Neighbours! - turns upplaying an Englishman!@
   1 Slowdos  is  a  shareware   program   fromDominic Morris for the Spectrum +3 with anexternal disk drive.h
   1 Simply press X to  close  the  library&
   1 Similarily, the standard responses used insuch adventure  games  as  THE  HOBBIT  orVALHALLA  are  uses  coded  in  order   toeconomize on storage.
   1 Silviu Stroie, RAMTOP magazine
   1 Shropshire
   1 Should you have a redundant  modem  aroundand wish to have a try on  Prestel,  therewas once a free access service  where  thecustomer number is 
   1 Sheepsoft PD
   1 Shaded fill
   1 Set the maximum weight  you  can 
   1 Set marker m.
   1 Seriously, though. I did manage to get  ontop of it.  My  plea  to  INDUG  for  someadvice on configuring  the  +D  DOS,  plusother help went un-noticed (AS USUAL),  sothanks mainly to our  good  friends  MilesKinloch and Ben Douglas for going  out  oftheir way and explaining things to someonewhose first computer was a Vic-20!
   1 Serial 8056
   1 Seperated Graphics: Z
   1 Send an SAE  for  their  comprehensive  A5catalogue dealing with the Amiga, Amstrad,Atari, Commodore, PC and Spectrum. Lots ofSpectrum hardware and spares available  atthe lowest prices. Theres even  a  specialoffer of +2a computer consoles (no PSU  orleads etc) for only `10 + P&P which  is  abargain to say the least, if only used forspares!  They  also  deal  in  the  Newnespocket books for `9.99.
   1 Selecting PRINT sets  the  whole  businessinto operation. It tells you  which  sheetand which side of A4 to put in first. Whenready, press a key to start printing.
   1 Select track 15 of the CD and press  play.The standard code file would then load  asnormal.[
   1 Selanswei 25
   1 Seikosha GP500A
   1 See SPECTRUM PROFI CLUB, previous page&
   1 Schofield's Quest
   1 Say you type '14'...
   1 Say you have three code files in memory:(
   1 Say we had defined VERB 17 to be "EAT" andNOUN 1 to be "CAKE" and OBJECT 1 to be  "Adelicious cream cake". We would use:x
   1 Saves current game position.
   1 Sadly, the rest of this demo went  to  thesame  place  as  everyone  elses  programsafter a crash, so it's a one parter!x
   1 Sadly, the advent of faster  modem  speedsmade the VTX virtually redundant  but  theprogram   features   a   wide   range   offacillities which make it just  as  usefulout of the comms world.
   1 Sadly, in their infinite wisdom, BT closeddown Micronet sometime  in  1991.  Prestelcontinued, but in a very  boring  businesstype service, much in the way that  Ceefaxis   now   geared,   compared   to
   1 SYNTAX2 is in the  Utilities  section  andthe +D section of the 1995  PD  catalogue,issue 8.\
   1 STOP PRESS. Alchemist  Research  has  beenworking closely with RAMTOP  magazine,  inorder to establish a Spectrum  PD  libraryin Romania as well as exchanging articles.
   1 SPW: Specword file
   1 SOUND OF MUSIC, and no doubt the STAR%
   1 SHUTTLE puts you in control of  the  SpaceShuttle, from  takeoff  to  orbitting  theEarthY
   1 SHOW, enjoy the re-runs of BARNUM, THE&
   1 SHEEPSOFT deal in a great many CPC titles,as well as  supplying  CP/M  material  forversions 2.2 and +. Prices  are  extremelycheap.
   1 SCR: Screen
   1 SAVE PROGRAM simply saves Fireview to tapeor disk.2
   1 SAVE "name"CODE adr1, adr2-adr1+1!
   1 S1:  Miniature  SPST  toggle   switch   to*
   1 S.C. sells a wide range  of  Spectrum  andSAm  software,  including   an   excellentwordprocessor,b
   1 Roys Rantings III :
   1 Roy Benson. Bsc (Hons) 
   1 Roy Benson
   1 Route De Bel Air
   1 Romantic Robot
   1 Roger G41DE
   1 Robert Skene &
   1 Right, onto my main reason for writing. I  feel  it  is  time  I  made  my   pointregarding the "Mr"  Sherwood  saga  public(as he seems to  have  done  with  me  andTRIAD DEVELOPMENTS).
   1 Right, all those who went out  and  boughtloads of expensive nickel screening spraysfrom Maplin Electronics or wherever,  readon!
   1 Right, all those of you who own a  +3  anduse, or have used, an external  drive:  ifyou experience  the  picture  breaking  upwhenever  the  disk   drives   are   beingaccessed, take note: Your  power  supply's+12 volt line is being over-stressed!  Thebreak up of the picture usually  shows  upas horizontal lines or distortion, and  insevere  cases,  loss   of   colour.   Oncestressed, a +3 power supply tends to  staythat way-  stressed!  If  you  continuallyoverload the supply, you will notice  thatthe distortion described above will  occureven when your external supply isn't  evenconnected!
   1 Right,  that's  it  for  now.  I  shouldappear somewhere else in the  mag  with  acomparison of the two PD compilers in  theAlchemist
   1 Right,   that's   yer   lot   for   thiscomparison of the two compilers in the  ARPD catalogue! I just hope Andy uses it andI haven't wasted my time with the  writingof all this text.
   1 Richard Branson sort of way
   1 Returns value of x+y.
   1 Reset marker.
   1 Requires   : SAE & C90 cassette or disk'
   1 Recently  I  had  a  new   subscriber   toAlchemist Research  and  he  said  he  wassurprised  Alchemist  Research  was  stillopen - about a year ago, one of Sherwood's'followers'  had   lied   and   told   himAlchemist Research  had  closed  down!  Sothis is the kind of person Mr Sherwood hasworking with him!
   1 Re letter dated 1st September receivec 2 91992./
   1 RRP: $19.95 / `10
   1 ROY. Well, don't get me wrong, I like the)
   1 ROY. Well Demon, I hope they don't stop'
   1 ROY. Thanks RB!
   1 ROY. Hmmm, thats an idea...
   1 ROY. Exactly. But I tell you, if he ever(
   1 ROY. Exactly. And you know that Ben#
   1 ROY BENSON still has a few items for  salefrom his mega-clear out. For more details,send him an SAE to:g
   1 ROUTE48 is not listed in catalogue 7B, butis the same as UT18. Requests for  any  ofthese programs will mean both are sent foryour convenience. All +3 orders will  havea copy placed on free of charge and it  isalso on the +3 Utilities Collection Vol 1.
   1 REM !IGNORE   Next line will not compiled)
   1 READ allows you to take files  from  a  PCdisk. You simply insert the disk and pressENTER.  You're  then  presented   with   acatalogue of files. Move to each file withthe cursors and press  SPACE  to  tag  thefile. Press ENTER and the files will  thenbe copied onto a waiting 3" disk.
   1 READ   REM
   1 RB. er. yes.. sorry to cut in Roy but I'
   1 RB. Well thats all on tonights SUBTLE PLUG*
   1 RB. Well Roy welcome to the show 
   1 RB. So all you have to do is plug whatever*
   1 RB. Now under normal circumstances, you'
   1 RB. Now Roy you sound like a lovely guy'
   1 R1:  is a 68 KOhm 1/8 or 1/4  watt  carbon*
   1 R (2nd press)  Rectangle - fixes rectangle*
   1 R (1st press)  Rectangle - sets a  corner,*
   1 Quite simple really. Your command followedby  the  filename  in  speech  marks.  Theloading system can tell  upper  and  lowercase letters apart, so most people usuallyhave a  'LOAD""CODE'  if  loading  a  codefile. If using or writing a program with acode file, try and keep the  filename  thesame as the Basic loader, but add  a  fullstop and the  letter  'C'  after  it.  Formultiple  code   files,   you   could   dosomething like so:
   1 QL's,Spectrums, cartridges, keyboard membranes,disk drives & monitors. Flyers usually  goout  with   all   letters   to   AlchemistResearch, but send an  SAE  to  the  aboveaddress for the latest catalogue & deals.
   1 Published by Howard W. Sams & Co 
   1 Program Length: 46 bytes
   1 Professionalism  (try saying that!
   1 Prints "Okay" and awaits  a  new 
   1 Prints  a  LineFeed.  Everything 
   1 Print number x.
   1 Print Routine: 35000, 4000
   1 Prices  are  `103  and  `124  respectively(Viking do not sell the  machines).M
   1 Pressing EDIT on it's  own   will   invokethe on screen help system.D
   1 Press the EDIT key and you  will  see  theline with the disk syntax at  the  bottom.Try pressing ENTER here and you will  findit  will  not  vanish.  This  is  a   good'failsafe' trick to show that the line  isstill not right and will not enter it intothe program until it is fixed.
   1 Press G on main  menu  to  enter  graphicsmode. Enter the number of the picture  youwish to work on. You will then define thispicture number during the ROOM DESCRIPTIONoperation.
   1 President of Earth, critically injured&
   1 Pleasant View
   1 Player is asked if they want  to 
   1 Phil Glaves
   1 Peter is admired a great deal  by  SUK  sohopefully his help will be  benficial,  asat least two others tried to sort out  thematter but this failed dismally. I welcomePeter's help, along with  any  others  andhope  to  report  better   news   by   thenext issue.  In  the  meantime,  AlchemistResearch no longer recommeds  Spectrum  UKto any of our  readers  becuase  of  theirfailure to  approach  a  situation  in  anunbiased and adult nature and write  in  asensible, mature  manner  about  somethingthey are  obviously  mistaken  about,  notjust in my  opinion,  but  that  of  theirreaders too.
   1 Peter Beardwood
   1 Personal message time:
   1 Perhaps you'd now like to experiment  withtwo fonts, or even a screen  picture.  Trymoving the screen picture to address  9000in  the  Multiface  and  back   to   16384afterwards. You could also  make  it  morecomplex by first loading  your  screen  toaddress 49152 and moving it from there. Myversion of this program  is  on  the  nextpage.
   1 Pear Tree Cottage
   1 Paul Newman
   1 Paul Fairman
   1 Patrick Morris
   1 Part of Sinclair Computerclub Benelux%
   1 Part Two, using the 8K memory
   1 Paper colour
   1 PRINT IN A,(#7F)
   1 PEEK   PLOT
   1 PCW+ Magazine
   1 PCG: PCG Wordmaster file
   1 P.M. Reynolds
   1 Overall,  Fireview  is  one  of  the  bestpackages for  creating  Viewdata  screens.With a little bit of  programming,  it  ispossible  to   use   any   of   the   manystand-alone Viewdata  viewer  programs  inAlchemist PD to display created frames  inBasic - perhaps you'd like to make a  miniteletext service?!
   1 Overall this magazine  is  excellent.  Thenewspaper  format  makes   it   incrediblyappealing and the Spectrum bias  makes  itmoreso! It's truly  amazing  that  such  amagazine  is  a  countrywide  success   inRomania, yet nobody would dare to  producesomething like this in the  UK,  or  wouldthey? SPECTRUM WEEKLY NEWS sounds great!
   1 Our good friend  Agent-X,  of  Exodus  andSoundtracker song  fame,  tells  us  of  abrand new version  (3T)  of  Sampletrackerwhich was recently released in  the  CzechRepublic. He'll be giving  us  more  news,plus   guides
   1 Our friend Wolfgang Haller, from  the  SPCmagazine, was at the annual  gathering  inGermany in October. Sadly, only around  20people made it this year, but such talentsas Qjeta from MQM and Jackson  Hollis  (HDdisk interface) from the  Czech  Republic,as did Ronald  Raaijen  (SGG)  and  ThomasEberle of SUC who has now founded Sintech,which deals with Spectrum  software.  Theyproduce a very comprehensive A5  cataloguedetailing the software  they  stock,  fromgolden oldies to some of the final  titlesfor  the   Spectrum.   Prices   are   veryreasonable, for example; Sim  City  on  +3disk for less than `3!
   1 Original Programming: Dominic Morris$
   1 Or, you could type:
   1 Or, you can buy  replacement  power  plugsfrom DIY superstores. At my  local  store,only one 6 in  1  brand  was  catered  forwhich was, thankfully, the  same  type  asmine!
   1 Opus Discovery
   1 Open  or  Create  action   lets   you   dodifferent things depending on  whether  ornot the file you specified exists or  not.The manual is particularly vague about thedifferent combinations, and  I  think  thenumbers are wrong, so I wouldn't  put  toomuch faith in the book. (Maybe  it's  justme- in which case I wouldn't put too  muchfaith in me) <Oh,great. Ed>
   1 One things for sure, and that  it's  cold.It's early October and we've already  seensnow in the Peak  District  park  near  myhome! So, relax and let the  postman  dealwith the hassle of getting  your  softwarefor you - Alchemist Research is the  placeto come for your stopping-in software  andentertainment!
   1 One solution is to  fit  a  standard  plugsocket to one of  the  outlets.  A  simpletrailing plug socket with  about  30cm  ofcable terminated by a 6  in  1  mini  plugwill do well.
   1 One reason why I give this series a#
   1 One of the  systems  is  the  standard  40track single sided 3.5" disk connected  toa Spectrum+. The other is a twin drive  80track 700k+ unit but needs testing  so  isnot in service.
   1 One extra function of this program is  theability to FORMAT a PC disk!F
   1 One  such  bargain  is  a   Tandy   colourprinter.  Previously   incompatable   withanything not bearing the Radio Shack  logo(the computer equivalent of a  Lada?),  weare
   1 Once you have tested that the game has&
   1 Once the message has been converted into aseries of numbers, it is easy to encoe  byusing  a  straightforward  linear   trans-formation. It only remains to use the  TABfunction to print out the asterisk at  therequired distance from the right-hand sideof the screen (Line 120) and  the  processof coding is complete.
   1 Once converted, you simply load up the&
   1 Once again, another excellent  issue.  Thefact that it's all in German and only  has16 pages is irrellevant, it's far superiorto many of the paper magazines we have  inthe UK.
   1 Once again, I have made the first move andcontacted Mr Sherwood again. The letter  Ihave sent is this one:j
   1 Once again Andy,  many  thanks  for  your help and advice. I did  send  to  C.  Box your letter but he sent me back  the  SAE only no reply letter to your effort."
   1 On a final note, anyone who has bought anyMANGA videos, or plans to, write a review of them for AN. I'm sure there must bez
   1 On a final X FILE note, they had an#
   1 On a different track,  VERB  32  might  be"CLIMB", NOUN 18 "TREE".B
   1 Ok, theres lots of new  technology  aroundwhich has brought  it  closer  (or  futherapart) to many, but it is  only  based  ontechnology  which  has  been  around   foryears.
   1 Ok, so you can  press  RESET  rather  thanpulling the plug, but if you own a +D  yousometimes need a cold start.p
   1 Oh, I can't seem to find the rest  of  theaddress. Telephone David on  01922  406239and hassle him about it!l
   1 OfficeTelecommunications service.!
   1 Off course, all sci-fi has it's flaws, andwith THE X FILES, 2 spring to mind!M
   1 Off course you know why I give Ql a#
   1 Obviously, the last thing anyone would  beexpecting, is for all to be pals again andforget the entire business in  one  singlesweep, but one start would be to at  leastaccept each others criticisms and  lettersand at least answer them, and not publiclyto cause more problems either.
   1 OUT (#7F),A
   1 OI NO DAVIS STOP IT, As much as I!
   1 OFFSET=-50
   1 Number key   Code / Decode
   1 Nr Longton
   1 Now, we can sympathise with Roy and Julie.problems do indeed happen, but for a groupwho is supposed to be a leader in Spectrumpaper magazines with a reputed  readershipnearing 3000, surely some contingency planwas thought up before.
   1 Now, use the CURSOR keys to move along theline. Move the cursor AFTER all the syntaxand  BEFORE  the  speech  mark  with   thefilename. Now, keep jabbing  DELETE  untilyou get to the LOAD command.  Press  ENTERand the line should accept. If it doesn't,then you've not done it right. If you makea hash of it and  delete  too  much,  justpress EDIT  and  the  unedited  line  willreappear once more.
   1 Now, run the above program and  then  typePOKE 23607,191 and you should find you nowhave your font back!h
   1 Now, one of their  writers  wrote  in  andtold me that they HAD lost a  reader,  andgave me  his  particulars.  Also,  anotherwriter told me of  a  very  poor  responsefrom his article, only SIX readers. Surelya magazine with about 3000  readers  wouldget more than that?
   1 Now, locate  any  disk  commands  and  put"GOSUB 9948" DIRECTLY after it, especiallybefore any RANDOMIZE USR commands. If  youhave to load in two files,  try  and  makethem both be loaded at once and  then  addMERGE 9948 after them all.
   1 Now, lets move  forward  ten  generations.The arm-moving lifeforms are long gone andall that populate our fair planet are  armimmobile people who don't know  what  theyare for. It would  be  fair  for  them  toassume that there is a way  to  use  them,perhaps some missing instructions  in  thebrain for it.
   1 Now, lets do the same type of  thing,  butput a font INTO the Multiface. You'll needany normal Spectrum font,  preferably  onedifferent  to  the  one  inbuilt  to   theSpectrum. If you want one, you know  whereto come!
   1 Now, lets do that, but with the Multiface:*
   1 Now, if you really  want  to  screen  yourcomputer  on  the  cheap,   follow   theseinstructions. Get yourself some light dutycard from the local stationers, a  can  ofvarnish and a roll of baking foil <Are  wescreening or  cooking?  Ed.>.  Armed  withthis  little  lot,  you  can  protect   orprevent almost  any  piece  of  electronicequipment from suffering from, or  causingRFI.,
   1 Now, don't bother trying to screen out thepower supply, because even if you  make  aperfect job on the PSU itself, you'll haveto bear  in  mind  that  the  mains  cableitself   will   transmit   lots   of   theinterference caused. Even  if  you  screenthe cable, you cannot  screen  the  entiremains   ring,   and   a   good   deal   ofinterference is placed on the mains supplyand  directly  interferes  with   anythingsensitive to RFI  plugged  into  the  samecircuit.
   1 Now, as I paid by  PO  as  opposed  to  aCHEQUE, I fail to see what  relevence  thelast paragraph has to my complaint! Anywayon the 18  of  September  1992  I  finallyreceived  my  programs!  There  were  fourprograms with missing code files, two were+D specific (NOT stated in catalogue)  andtwo simply crashed after decompression!
   1 Now, a  look  at  the  base  label  on  myexternal drive tells me that it requires:S
   1 Now,  you  should  have  the  font  safelystored in the Multiface. To  test  it,  wemust reset the computer!l
   1 Now,  Lloyd  may  not  be   a   universityqualified electronics expert, but he is anexpert with the Spectrum and knows what heis doing. I put it to BOTH of them to  puttheir points forward and  let  the  readerdecide.  Surprisingly,  Chris  Box  turneddown this offer and  is  now  refusing  toacknowledge  any   mail   from   AlchemistResearch - even mail sent  to  him  on  mybehalf from other sources.
   1 Now you'll probably say, but who's the onethat started this? Well I don't know and IDON'T want to  know,  because  it  doesn'tcontribute to the solution.  Importand  iswho's the one that  end  this  feud.  Wellwith the risc that the one whom makes  thefirst step  could  become  the  loser  (atleast from your point off view), it  seemsthat one can wait to eternity.
   1 Now to the case of the FEUD, this seems tobe a locked case, as you'll all  can  see,by the four points in witch I resumed  thefeud.
   1 Now let's see the results for TOBOS:$
   1 Now heres where some news  came  out.  Notonly had they totally ignored  my  lettersand apologies, they didn't accept my  wordthat I was not interested in  taking  overSpectrum UK. First of all, there would  beno way I  could  incorporate  it  into  mywork, secondly, it is totally  impracticalfor me to move to a paper publication  andthirdly,  I  didn't  WANT   Spectrum   UK.Although they want a future with only  ONEmagazine, ONE library and so on, I do not.Spectrum UK was one of a  very  small  fewSpectrum dedicated magazines available andit's loss would be very sad.
   1 Nouns are the 'things' that your adventurewill recognise. For example,  BOOK,  SWORDetc. GAC will  sometimes  require  you  todefine  things  both  as  nouns   and   asobjects; once as a noun so  the  adventurerecognises it, and then as  an  object  sothat the program can move  it  around  andmanipulate it. Pressing  N  calls  up  thenoun editor.  Pressing  O  allows  you  todefine  up  to  255  objects.  Choose  thenumber of your object and  enter  a  briefdescription, i.e. a Book. You can  give  afuller account of what sort of book it  isin a message. SEE  CONDITIONS.  Enter  theroom number where the object will be foundin the game and then  it's  weight.  Pressenter  if   unsure   about   weight.   SEECONDITIONS. If the start room of an objectremains at zero, the object is assigned toROOM ZERO!; a special room which cannot betravelled to,  which  contains  'dead'  or'unborn' objects. For example, a piece  ofcake once eaten will be sent to room zero!
   1 Note: I didn't  sign  with  full  address,because I'm not doing this fore the glory.I did  send  my  full  address  with  thisletter so any editor could/can check  thatI'm an existing person and no fake.
   1 Not only does this mean you can load your games without having to fiddle with the   little red button all the time, it also   means you can copy the games over to the  B:drive, and load them from the 3.5 inch  disks!!!
   1 Not only do we continue with our excellentinformation   on   how   to   orderM
   1 North Deighton
   1 No wonder Our Hero never seemed to run&
   1 No lists have yet been established, but nodoubt there will  be  some  soon.  In  themeantime,   state   your   preference   ofsoftware (DTP, Games etc.).
   1 No doubt you have also been in receipt  ofa letter from Johan  Koning.  I  would  beinterested to hear your comments on it.  Ihave   agreed   with   his   pointed   andimmediately  printed  his  letter  in  theDecember issue of AlchNews.
   1 No doubt you are as tired of the matter asmuch as I  am.  I  have  plenty  of  otherarticles to fill this space  with,  but  Iwill not simply lie down and let him  makefalse accusations and  continue  to  causetrouble. Alchemist Research has  far  morecustomers  and   supporters   than   Prismever will.  Even  if  many  of  which  areneutral, they will consider  twice  beforecontacting  Prism  and,  as  long  as   hecontinues to stir trouble  for  myself  orany of my colleagues, he shall continue tobe humiliated in  this  section  until  herealises the damage it's causing. As  soonas he shows signs of improvement, both  inhis service and personally, and have proofthat he's not lying and  causing  trouble,Alchemist  Research  will  be   happy   topromote his service again. I supported himonce before, I don't see why it  can't  bedone again. If he can't see that  we  mustall pull together  to  keep  the  Spectrumgoing, then he's going  to  get  his  justdesserts.
   1 Next up is saving bytes to a file with DOSWRITE (115h) (P. 229)  The  file  must  beopen and have write access like  exclusivewrite. You  need  to  put  the  open  filenumber in B. The  Page  you  want  between49152 and 65535 must go in C.  The  numberof bytes to  write  must  go  in  DE.  Theaddress of the bytes to write must  be  inHL.
   1 Next time, a look into  the  EDS  SETTINGSmodes, plus details on converting  Taswordand a guide to making  a  QUICK  REFERENCEMANUAL, using BOOKLET A6  -  see  REVIEWS.Remember, we have  a  increasing  list  ofcompatable PD software for  use  with  theStar.
   1 Next issue  : AlchNews 15, March 1995%
   1 Next Service: PD Catalogue 8, January 1995*
   1 Next  issue  we'll  expand   this   methodfurther by adapting the  program  to  workwith  Tasword   textfiles.n
   1 News has reached  us  of  an  Opus  systemusing High Density disks, formatted to theusual 1.4MB, from Canada. It is well knownthat the Opus  is  far  easier  geared  toreplacement ROMs allowing larger disks andso on. Will we see such a modification  inthe UK? Who knows. It would have certainlybeen nice to see a new +D interface givingus this opportunity.
   1 New enquiries automatically get your firsttwenty  titles  free   of   charge   afterordering our  catalogue  and  should  alsoremember  to  discount  the  cost  of  thecatalogue from their first paid order.
   1 Neither  of  the   systems   are   to   beintroduced into  the  supported  media  ofAlchemist Research, so please  don't  sendor ask for any software on this media justyet, thanks!
   1 Neil Thompson
   1 NUM: Numeric array (eg: DATA a() )"
   1 NOTE: Personal correspondence  on  GAC  iswelcome  if  you  are  unsure  on  certainaspects  or   require   help   with   yourdeveloping game files.  I'm  no  adventuregame expert but I  did  spend  many  hoursgetting to know GAC  and  found  it  quiteeasy to  pick  up  once  the  basics  weremastered. Arm yourself with sheets  of  A4paper, a different sheet for VERBS, NOUNS,OBJECTS and CONDITION  LINES  so  you  cankeep track at all times. And don't  forgetyour messages, use them wherever you can.
   1 NO THANKS: Prism PD
   1 My suggestion to those of you writing  andprogramming, but wanting to  protect  yourwork is to remember that the Spectrum doesnot stop at the shores of Britain's coast.Alchemist Research is  very  greatful  foryour work,  but  trusted  other  companieswould be too, especially across the waves.
   1 My opinion is that it is for  other  uses.They say that if the  area  of  the  brainwhich controls arm movement  was  removed,we wouldn't know how to move our arms.  Ifthis  was  passed   down   to   a   secondgeneration and the fact that arm  movementis natural, then they would not  dwell  onthe fact and they would remain redundant.
   1 My letter was ignored. A few days later  Igot  a  letter   from   Paul   Howard,   acontributor from Spectrum UK. He had  justreceived a letter from  SUK.  Part  of  itsaid:
   1 Multiface 128+D
   1 Multiface 128
   1 Multiface 1
   1 Multiface  discounts  and  Tasman!
   1 Mr. Brian Gaff (of  B.  G.  Services)  hastold me in the past that an external drivefor the +3 needs it's  own  power  supply,and damaged Spectrum +3  supplies  have  anasty habit of trashing anything they  areconnected to. I should point out that  Mr.Gaff is an experienced Spectrum  user  andknows what he is on about, as do I.
   1 Mr K also goes on to say:
   1 Move object  o  to  room  r.  To 
   1 Move cursor 8 pixels  at  a
   1 Move cursor
   1 Most people use codes  in  their  everydaylife. Anyone asking for a number  8  screwof a size 5 football is employing a  code.SImilarily,
   1 Most of you will now be well aware of  thedemo group THE UNITED MINDS. They've  onlybeen established half a year, but in  thattime  have  written  over  half  a   dozenprograms and have co-ordinated one of  thebiggest Spectrum demos ever, with at leasta dozen guest  stars!  I  was  privelidgedwhen they decided to make  their  programsnon-PD and distributable only by AlchemistResearch, just like Chris Taylor of  TriadDevelopments has done.
   1 Most of us will have seen "Flight  Of  theNavigator", 1986 Disney  Films.  You  willrecall  that  the   main   character   wasexperimented on by an alien lifeform whichfilled the unused area of his  brain  withstarcharts. Remember when the alien  (Max)said that the human's brain 'leaked'?
   1 Most of the work of using  the  memory  isdone in machine  code.  We'll  start  withsimple  move  commands  to  explain  whatshappening.
   1 Most  hardware  and  electrical   switchesstock torpedo type  lamp  switches,  whichwould be used in table lamps and such. Youmay even be lucky enough to be able to geta footswitch. I use a Panda torpedo switchwhich is by the power cables which  I  canoperate by my foot  with  great  accuracy!All you need is this type of switch  (it'sabout  20cm,  white  with  a  red   toggleswitch) and  a  bit  of  cable.  Join  theSpectrum power lead  to  one  end  of  theswitch, the other side of  the  switch  tothe  short  piece  of  cable,  which  willterminate into the standard 3 pin plug (ormultiplug).
   1 More Pennyware
   1 Monitor has a  live  chassis.  (CHECK%
   1 Monika & Wolfgang Haller
   1 Minds. The PENNYWARE scheme,  new!
   1 Mind you, if it was a souped up QL, at&
   1 Miktor: You aren't the only one who writesAlchNews articles on a PC!D
   1 Microdrive
   1 Michael Garibalding  er.. sorry, Garibaldiwas tragically cut down in his prime (wellok, in his late 30s) by the same sinister terrorists and was fighting for his life! Mean while, it looked as if inter- (and   outer) planetary war was about to breakoutacross the universe!! could it get any
   1 Messages are the pieces of  info,  promptsetc that appear on screen when playing thegame.  GAC  allows  255  messages  to   bedefined. These are messages such  as  "Yousee nothing  special"  or  "You  take  theobject" etc. IMPORTANT: If customizing theQS system messages, please be  careful  tokeep the original meaning of the  message,i.e. "You  can't"  can  become  "Sorry,  Iwon't let you do that matey!" This  refersto messages 240-255 only.
   1 Merge picture - prompts for
   1 Maybe the X FILES and QL could do a swap..*
   1 Maybe one day we will access the  commandsto our higher brain functions, should theyexist.  Maybe   the   Betazoid   race   oftelepaths   in   Star   Trek:   The   NextGeneration isn't such sci-fi after all!
   1 Maybe it's me, but surely every single dayof   history   was   not   littered   withconnections with famous events or  people?Why are people not regressed to  reveal  aplague ridden peasant of 1323, or a simpleSaxon in an era WITHOUT any incident  thatwent down in history?  And  will  we  everregress  somebody  who  can  reveal   someINTERESTING information, like  where  goldand jewels are buried, or the last restingplace of Adolf Hitler? Methinks not.
   1 Maxisweep is a registered  program.  Thereis a  semi-operational  version  availablefrom Alchemist CP/M, but this  is  only  atrial program, you should pay `5  for  thefull version from:
   1 Matt Beal, Fish
   1 Mathematical  expressions   are   generellallowed, also with  GOTO,  GOSUB,  RESTOREand STEP.]
   1 Marshall Cavendish
   1 Mark Sturdy, Crashed
   1 Many of you haven't been taking  advantageof  our  special  offers  -   please   do!Remember that ALL small orders are free ofcharge. By small, I mean upto about  sevenor eight in a single order. This  replacesthe 'six free per month' offer. But pleasetry not to use this offer more than a  fewtimes per month!
   1 Malcolm Gent, MGPD
   1 Malcolm Gent
   1 Magenta =  E
   1 MULTIFACE 3 and MULTIPRINT stocks are  nowextremely low, so please telephone  beforeordering.]
   1 MULTIFACE 128, for 128 and  48k  Spectrumsare now just `19.95 + `2 P+P.G
   1 MESS ms   Print message number ms."
   1 MEGADRIVE. This is a very fast  colourful,large sprited Galaxian's style game.  Yourship is at the bottom and you  must  shootfor all you can to  destroy  the  oncomingattacks. The game is in  MC  and  is  verysmooth and slick. Incidentally, there is aGalaxians clone on this collection, too!
   1 MAIN  LD C,1
   1 MAIN  LD C,0
   1 MAIN  CALL PAGDOS ;page in DOS ROM"
   1 MAILBOX MENU. This  was  used  mainly  forPrestel's EMAIL facillity. With Email, youcould   write   out   an   actual   letter'on-line'. But, if you were a slow  typistor had a lot to say, it  was  a  waste  oftime  and  your   phone   bill   to   stayconnected. This menu allows you to send  apre-stored screen into an EMAIL page or toa Bulletin  Board.  This  meant  that  youcould send pretty, well presented  lettersto people!
   1 M3 saved games so that they load free and independently of MULTIFACE 3.G
   1 Luckily, there is a way around  it.  Thereis  a  program  in  Alchemist  PD   calledROUTE48, which works on all  machines.  Touse it, you MERGE this  one  line  programinto your program and then type GOSUB 9948to jump to 48k mode smoothly  and  easily.But, this program  can  also  be  used  torevert back to 128k mode if needed.
   1 Lots of you took advantage of the  specialoffers from Romantic Robot last issue  andmany of you wrote to say what an excellentservice you received and  the  versatilityof the product.
   1 Lots & lots of books
   1 Load the font to address  5
   1 Lists all objects in room number 
   1 Like the +D,  this  syntax  is  also  verysimple:1
   1 Like a CB, each person has a  nickname  orpersona (mine was Alch  -  very  original,huh?!) and you can share  as  much  or  aslittle as you  wish.  Conversations  couldrange to anything, from computers to worlddomination! The added advantage  was  thatyou could be far more open than on a CB ortelephone chatline, where you  may  get  alittle embarassed.
   1 Library, and I admire his
   1 Lets hope that - Unlike THE INVADERS -&
   1 Later Programming:
   1 Last month, I showed you how to change thesize of your RAMdisk. This  month  I  willshow you how to open a file, save bytes toa file, close a file, reference  a  file'sheader data and use an external drive  B:.Let's get started then...
   1 Last issue we brushed the subject  of  the8k of memory in the Multiface,  namely  inthe  use  of  'overwriting'  the  internaltoolkit and using other applications, suchas disassemblers, font /  sprite  /  musicgrabbers.
   1 Last issue I revealed the news  about  thepermission given to Alchemist Research  byMarshall Cavendish to preproduce INPUT  ona non-profitmaking business.
   1 Last AlchNews  has  surprised  us  by  itsextention and content, and we think it wasso far the best we have  seen.  But  thereare some points we want to comment:
   1 Lancs BL2 27J
   1 LOOP1 LD B,#17
   1 LOOP  CALL 703
   1 LOAD D1 "filename"
   1 LOAD *1;"Filename"
   1 LOAD *"m";1;"filename"
   1 LIST WITH Lists all objects  carried  with*
   1 LD HL,FNAME ;filename at FNAME
   1 LD HL,49152  ; Address of screen 
   1 LD HL,32000 ;Chng dsk sub at 32000"
   1 LD HL,16384 ;16384=length
   1 LD HL,16384  ; Start address
   1 LD HL, 9000  ; Address of screen in MF&
   1 LD DE,CHDSK ;DE holds addr of mess.#
   1 LD DE,CHDS2 ;Set up routine to
   1 LD DE,49152  ; Destination address"
   1 LD DE,49152   ; Address to move to"
   1 LD DE,16384 ;16384 bytes to write!
   1 LD DE,16384  ; Place to move screen to&
   1 LD DE, 9000  ; Destination address in MF  LD BC, 6912  ; Length of codeG
   1 LD BC,#FF7F
   1 LD BC, 6912  ; Length of code
   1 LD BC,  768  ; Bytes to move
   1 LD BC,  768   ; Bytes to move
   1 LD (IX+4),H ;contain start address"
   1 LD (IX+3),L ;Bytes 3 and 4
   1 LD (IX+2),H ;2 of header =length 
   1 LD (IX+1),L ;bytes 1 and
   1 LD (IX+0),A ;byte 0 = filetype
   1 LD (23607),A
   1 L (2nd press)  Line - fixes other  end  of*
   1 L (1st press)  Line - Fixes one end of the*
   1 Kobrahsoft
   1 Kempston "E"
   1 Karen Moore
   1 KOBRAHSOFT are suppliers of  some  of  thebest software around for the Spectrum  andSAM. Their biggest successes are the  tapeto disk  utilities,  along  with  such  +3applications like DICE,  DB2  and  so  on.Send an SAE and a  couple  of  stamps  fortheir catalogue:
   1 Justin Thorpe
   1 Just to confirm, she was British.  We  areall aware of our American cousins who willdo absolutely anything to be in the publiceye. How long will it be before we get thepublic access cable networks, as  seen  onMANHATTAN   CABLE?   Hopefully,
   1 Just to clear it up, the letters were  NOTfabricated. They were written  by  one  ofour readers. If you remember, it  was  thearticle about the Video Titling  Pack,  asfeatured in AlchNews 10 Update. When I wasasked by the manager of Bradby  Boys  Clubto supply any third party  information  ofcomplaints  about  Prism  PD,   this   wasamongst them. Since the  original  articlewas supplied to  me  as  a  tape  file,  Iprinted  it  out.  But  Mr  Sherwood,  notknowing the  full  story,  simply  assumedthat I wrote the article and  put  someoneelses name on it.
   1 Just  for  all  you  people   with   brandspanking new 3.5" disk drives, there is  aroutine that will let you use them.  Firstof all, this  routine  will  let  you  mapDrive B: onto either unit 0 (The  internaldrive) or unit  1  (The  external  drive).Those of you who have external drives willprobably have noticed a switch on the sidewhich says "Drive  select".  This  is  thenumber of the disk drive. There's probablyone internally too, but don't all open  upyour +3 just to check, just take  my  wordfor it. Anyway, the routine is called  DOSMAP B and lives at 154h or page 243 of themanual. You enter it with C holding  1  ifyou have an external drive and  then  callit. If you have only the  one  drive,  youcan still have the two maps on it and  usethis routine. You will  need  to  write  aroutine to tell the  user  to  change  thedisk, and press a key to acknowledge  thischange I.E. "Insert the disk for drive  B:and press a key when  ready..."  you  thenneed to load HL with the start address  ofthe  routine. 
   1 Jumps to start of picture  Delete!
   1 John's fonts are extremely  well  designedand are very different to the ones  alradyfeatured in APD. John told me that he onlyhad  SIX  orders  for  his  package   fromadvertising in Spectrum UK, I hope you allcan do better!
   1 John Wilson
   1 John Westhead.
   1 John Washington
   1 Johan Konning, SGG
   1 Johan Koning give their  opinions!
   1 Joe Blizzard
   1 James Waddington, *SPELL*
   1 JR Z,LOOP   ;if no key press, LOOP"
   1 JR NZ,LOOP1
   1 JR C, PRINT
   1 JIM LEESON,  a  new  reader  to  AlchNews,makes and sells printer cables for the +2a/ +3 to any  Centronics  printer  for  `10including P&P.
   1 It's main aim is to answer any queries andproblems you have. We are also  collectingand filing any  hints  and  tips  you  cangive,
   1 It's basically about a cop who has"
   1 It's back! The winners this issue are:&
   1 It would normally be fair comment that youare only going to using  one  drive  at  atime, but this isn't true this time.  Whenyou access the internal drive,  the  motorspins in the external  too,  and  so  BOTHdrives draw power at the same time!
   1 It was unfortunate for me as well  as  mycustomers that my computer decided to havea  rest  and  refused  to  operate   (likeanything  else,   they   do   break   downsometimes).  It  could  be  another   weekbefore it is ready.
   1 It was the Romans who took over  from  theGreeks  as  master  cryptograhers.  JuliusCaesar   invesntedf
   1 It was a good episode, admittedly not as  mysterious as previous ones (remember thatone about the missing pilot and the U.S.  goverment using secret UFO technology to  build planes?), but those worm-like creepycrawlies - rooting in the back of the
   1 It then proceeds to print the A6 pages. Itcan print four on one page. It also printssmall markers for cutting the paper in twowhen finished.
   1 It needs everyone  to  pull  together  andwork as one -  a  philosophy  Spectrum  UKhave tried to implement. Their idea is  ofa united community as one;  one  magazine,one PD library, one software base  and  soon. Whether this could  actually  work  isanother matter - some would see  it  as  atakeover rather  than  a  unity.  But,  ifpeople carry on the way they do, they willonly quicken the  end.  Some  sources  areonly  happy  to  communicate,  share   andco-operate with each other.  Others,  likethe bigger user groups, have been  totallyignorant and ignored offers of FREE  news,advice, software and articles.  Quite  whythis is so is not logical - it would  onlybenefit their readers and could even  gainthem some. But, some people are biased andset in their ways and these people need tothink about you rather than themselves fora change.
   1 It is on +3 disk (no. 5058) and costs%
   1 It contains reviews, tutorials,  news  andlots of features and has some of the  bestAmstrad writers on their team.r
   1 It begins with a Preface, explaining  CP/Min general. It's  geared  up  for  version2.2, as well as 1.3 and 1.4, but  providesan  additional  overview  for   3.0   (oursystem).
   1 It began with Chris  Box's  drive  kit.  Afine kit you may think. I did too until  Istarted to get odd reports of problems.{
   1 It appears that they  ignored  my  lettersand  went  ahead  with  an  article  takentotally  out  of  context  and  based   onspeculation  with  no  proof   whatsoever.Quite  why   they   have   ignored   theseimportant comments from their readers  and'buried  their  heads  in  the  sand'   isunknown, but it is very poor practise  notto fully research articles before  writingthem.  Take,  the  TeePee   scenario   forexample.
   1 It also uses the following:
   1 It allows full compatability with PC disksand let you read and write in this format,rather  like  the  +D  reader   /   writerprogram.
   1 Is the non-PD software arm of our company.We sell titles  which  we  have  paid  theownership rights for, or distribute titleson behalf of individual programmers.
   1 Is the Public Domain library  operated  byAlchemist  Research.  It's  operation  andguidelines are indicated in the catalogue.~
   1 Is the  tape  and  disk  magazine  of  thegroup. It is our equivalent  of  a  club'snewsletter or flyer. This is our method ofdistributing news and information  to  allour customers.
   1 Is object o in room r?
   1 Is object o here?
   1 Is object o being carried?
   1 Is noun n typed?
   1 Is marker m set?
   1 Is marker m reset? There are 256 
   1 Is equal to room number of where 
   1 Is adverb a typed?
   1 Interface 2
   1 Interface 1
   1 Ink colour
   1 Information must be stored somewhere.  Theobvious home for that is the human  brain.Most of us know that we only use 10% of itfor all life activities, memory and so on,so what is the other 90% used for?
   1 Increase counter c by 1. Maximum 
   1 In the past few months, quite a lot of youhave been  asking  for  certain  types  ofprograms, many of which aren't in  the  PDcatalogue.  Luckily,  I've  been  able  tosupply the program in  question  from  thearchive of uncatalogued PD  material  freeof  charge.   (I   will   get   round   tointroducing them one day, I promise!)
   1 In the meanwhile, you know that Andy$
   1 In order to keep  peace  with  our  fellowmagazine SAM PRIME (which has just gone topaper format - well done all!), we've beenarm  twisted  to  feature  the   followinginformation regarding Sams <spit>.
   1 In order to avoid confusion by some of ournew  users,  plus  several  old  ones  whocontinue to make the misconception,  we'vecleared up the questions  about  the  nameand our related service.
   1 In all the above examples, the emphasis ison the improvement of  data  communicationratherZ
   1 In addition to them you can also use:%
   1 In The pilot episode the makers claim thatthe stories featured in THE X FILES are   'inspired' by real-life FBI case files.{
   1 In September, I received this letter  fromChris Norfolk:8
   1 In  the  St.  Cyr  cipher  program,   thisfacillity has  been  incorporated  into  anumber  key  in  order  to  provide  extrasecurity. Anyone with access to a  programlisting will still not be  able  to  solvethe code,unless, of course, they also  kowthe seven-figure secret numbers.
   1 If your number of A6 pages is less than  8then you  will  only  need  one  sheet  ofpaper.Z
   1 If youinput a  reference  frequency  (line30) then, besides displaying the frequencyat  the  EAR  socket,  the  program  BEEPsaccording to the following fules. If  yourinput is below reference then it  BEEPS  alow tone; if it is above reference then itBEEPs a high tone. The length of the  BEEPis proportional to the percentage error  -if the error is 10% or greater  then  it'sabout 1 second; the BEEP gets  shorter  asthe percentage error decreases.
   1 If you've not had enough of fonts and  canstomach a few more, then theres another 20now available, courtesy of John Westhead.}
   1 If you've got a colour printer, the  firstinvestment you should consider  is  a  onecolour black ribbon. As it's rare you willbe colour printing all the time, it  is  awaste of ribbon if you are only using  theblack - especially if you  come  to  do  acolour dump and there is no black left!
   1 If you'd ask me in 1986,  I'd  have  neversaid I'd love Spectrums,  but  now  I  canwith confidence (unless with PC owners!).}
   1 If you write a Basic program  that  shouldbe  compiled  by  USCHI  then  you  shouldobserve the following:j
   1 If you saw the preview  show  on  BBC1  (Ithink it  was  titled  "The  Unexplained")in early October, a great  portion  of  itwas given to a woman  who  had  apparentlybeen a serving woman to Elizabeth I  in  apast life. She wasn't having  any  of  it.Although the words were  coming  from  hermouth   whilst   hypnotised   and
   1 If you ran this program, it would  presentthe  message  "9  STOP  Statement   10:5",because it ended at  operation  number  5.You  can  count  that   there   are   fiveoperations in the line.
   1 If you have to use M3 UNLOCK 2, then your finished prog will eventually run without the multiface being present, however it   seems you cannot copy the disk on to
   1 If you have an impressive Spectrum  setup,you will no doubt be using about  five  orsix plugs and struggling for power. I havethe following  in  constant  operation  atthree different terminals:
   1 If you have a  128k  machine,  many  gameswith UDG's may get spoilt with the arrivalof "SPECTRUM"  and  "PLAY"  right  in  themiddle of graphics! This  is  because  theprogram was written  for  a  48k  machine.Most of you can just load the  program  in48k mode again.
   1 If you executed   this   routine,   typingPRINT PEEK 56
   1 If you don't have access to  an  assembleror would like this article  printed,  sendan SAE to the Alchemist  Research  addressand I'll  send  a  copy,  along  with  hexlistings  of  the  routines.   Mark   yourenvelopes "MULTIFACE MAGIC - AN14".
   1 If you aren't sure, you can  always  coverthe metallic  side  with  another  bit  ofcard,   using   the   techniques
   1 If using tape, you would most likely  savethem as three files. No doubt you  may  aswell do so with disk. But, as disk loadingis far quicker and you can be limited withso many files per disk, you could save theentire lot with:
   1 If this is the case, we could say the samefor psychic ability,  telekinesis  and  soon. I say we all have the power  to  guesswho's at the door, on the  phone  or  moveobjects by mind,  but  cannot  access  thecommands in the brain to use them.
   1 If there is anything in  this  past  liveslark,  where  does  the  information  comefrom?Y
   1 If the game does not use M3 UNLOCK 2, thenyou are in luck! the game can be copied toand loaded from the drive B:!!r
   1 If people responding to this plug!
   1 If no error was found, USCHI returns  withthe  statement  "Keine  Fehler",  what  isequal to "No errors". Additional you  willsee three adresses:
   1 If any of you love to wield control over acity, have the power to do what you  like,when you like, then stand for  Mayor.  No,seriously, the Spectrum is gifted for suchprograms. Miles Kinloch  and  myself  haverecently been  basking  in  nostalga  withthat 1983 DK Tronic's classic DICTATOR  byDon Priestly. Miles 'Make it  better'  hasimproved it slightly with  a  decent  fontand I've tweaked up the game  by  boostingthe funds in the  account!  But,  as  theysay, cheats never prosper and this is truesince I lasted a shorter  time  in  officecheating than I did playing honestly!
   1 If any of you have a trade  card  for  theMARKO Cash & Carry Superstores,  they  arehaving a special offer on  the  LC-100  oronly `97.
   1 If any of you are serious about  receivingthis magazine, please  get  in  touch  andI'll contact my  Romanian  colleagues  whowill arrange some sort  of  trade  for  it(importing of currency is illegal).
   1 If any of you  thought  the  Alchemist  PDcatalogue was huge, then you haven't  seenthe   one   from   SOFTk
   1 If any groups or readers would like to getin touch with Alchemist Research  for  anyexternal  matters  regarding  advertising,news and so on, they should  address  themto our External Affairs Co-ordinator, MissAlexa Weston. Many of you will know her asAllie  who  used  to  write  the  Booklinksection, but she's been 'kicked  upstairs'to the offices  as  she's  far  better  atfiling  and   sorting   things   than   weblokes are!
   1 IT'S A SIN(tax)
   1 ISBN: 0-672-22015-6
   1 INPUT Software Library
   1 INIT is  the  powerful  command  here.  Itconverts a 3.5" disk into a  PC  formattedone. It requires  BFORMAT  to  format  thedisk to PCW  standard  (710k).  The  wholeprocess  was  very  quick  -  only   threeseconds to modify the disk.
   1 IN A,(159)   ; Open gate
   1 IN 46268 USA
   1 IF ( VERB 23 AND NOUN 23 ) MESS 78 EXIT'
   1 I've placed this letter  in  the  Decemberissue of  Alchnews  and  would  very  muchwelcome  a  positive  repsonse  to  it  toreport in the March 1995 issue.
   1 I've developed this idea a little  furtherand theres a program  in  APD  which  doesjust this, as well as  automatically  POKE23607 with 191. You could just  as  easilyadd this to  the  above  program,  at  thelocation  directly  AFTER  the  IN  A,(31)close gate command:
   1 I've been reassured by those in  the  knowin the SAM world that it's not such a  badmachine and that it's very nice... but  weknow better don't we?!
   1 I've also managed to get  a  printer  leadmade for the Spectrum +3 and Star printer.The lead only cost about `3  to  make  andworks just as  well  as  any  other.  Somesources have been seen to  sell  them  forextremely  over-inflated   amounts   whichdoesn't  make  sense  at  all.   Since   Iactually got The Demon Hacker to  make  itfor me, I've asked  him  to  give  us  hiswords of wisdom on  it!  Since  he's  goodwith hardware and so on, perhaps he'd liketo start up a leads service?
   1 I've also made a little tester program  totry the utility on. (See previous page forexample) The +D has various  possibilitiesfor  the  LOAD,  SAVE,  VERIFY  and  MERGEcommands that the routine must be able  torecognise and leave unchaged. (Theres alsothe 128k ramdisk LOAD! to  consider).  Thefirst 5 represent  genuine  tape  commandsand the final 8 are ones it  should  leaveundistrubed.  (NB  If  the  command   usesstring quotes as opposed to a variable  orother string expression, no comma or semi-colon will be inserted after the "d1",  asit isn't strictly necessary there and mostpeople tend to omit it.
   1 I've also  been  informed  by  The  UnitedMinds that he's been trying to obtain  theaddress of our  very  own  +3  writer  BenDouglas. Perhaps he's trying to  write  tohim in a vain attempt to lie about  us  inorder to obtain his software and articles.Some time ago I found out that Mr Sherwoodhad  fallen   foul   with   his   own   +3contributor to PD  Power  because  of  hisrather odd editing techniques!
   1 I'm proud to say that where computers  areconcerned, I've been there, done that, gotthe T-shirt etc. etc. and what really getsme  is   this   so   called   "informationsuperhighway"  thats   suddenly   appearedovernight. These articles  are  placed  onNews at Ten and in countless magazines  ina vain attempt to show they  are  "in  theknow" by people who obviously aren't!
   1 I'm not going to tell you  which  one  Ipersonally  would  order  from   AlchemistResearch as  each  individuals  needs  aredifferent, however, TOBOS can handle  manymore commands than USCHI (including  multidimensioned arrays,  strings,  expressionsin DIM, GO TO, GO SUB, RESTORE  etc.)!  Ohsugar! I've given the game  away!  Yes!  Iprefer  TOBOS  (which  can   also   handlefloating point numbers), but I'm sure someof you will find USCHI useful.
   1 I'm going to be buggered for
   1 I'll leave that upto you. What I  want  togo further into is  the  whole  matter  ofreincarnation.b
   1 I'll be featuring the main club  news  andinformation later in this issue, where  itwill be a regular feature.n
   1 I'd better stop telling you things becauseI'm so tired I will probably  forget  partof it and get it wrong or something...  SoI'll just sign off by saying-
   1 I wrote to  them  again,  with  regard  totheir letter to Paul and once  more  askedfor them to get in touch to sort  out  thematter. I was currently in the  middle  ofproducing this issue and  wanted  to  knowwhether the matter would  be  settled,  orwould I have to write this article to makethe general view known  and  remove  theirpromotions.
   1 I would just like to say that I still%
   1 I was having a friendly chat with the bossof Tasman Software the other day. He tellsus that although they have moved to biggerand brighter premises,  Tasword  is  STILLavailable and is not  yet  in  the  PublicDomain. The prices are:
   1 I was born a long time  ago,  in  a  smalltown in the north of a  small  country  toyour Eastside. (sounds  familiar  ???)  Itwas in the end off the Year,  in  fact  itwas on a  weekend  in  the  last  part  ofDecember. (rings a bell,  doesn't  it  ??)Right that DAY. My family name  is  KONING(Dutch for KING),  my  christian  name  isJOHAN,  like  Jonathan  and   Joshua,   aneuropian equivalent to a well-know  Hebrewname.(  Hail!  to  the  newborn  King,  ifyou'll forgive me  this  expression).  NowI'm not  a  jew  but  as  far  as  I  knowneigther are you (mr.A and mr. S) so  thatshould not matter TO this  case.  Yet  I'mwell aware of the tradition.
   1 I tried the program with  a  PC  coverdiskand it converted a 20k textfile in  a  fewseconds with  no  problems.  The  textfileworked fine with Tasword.
   1 I tried out the program with the AlchemistResearch Information Flyer textfile.  Thisis a standard 64  column  OPENTYPE  serialfile, used in Tasword 128.
   1 I think the best place to start this$
   1 I think it's time for a word from our%
   1 I then decided to  inform  "Mr"  Sherwoodthat he should cease distributing my demosand PD programs. Two  weeks  after  I  hadtold  him  this  in  writing  guess   whathappened?  No?  He sent me  my  tape  (theone I sent him over a year previous)  withthe offending files rectified and  a  notestating he wanted  an  end  to  the  wholeaffair. This I was prepared to accept so Istopped mentioning him  in  my  demos.  Hethen took the extremely immature  approachof passing my demo "Total Mind F*ck"  ontothe "PSD" (who??), who then passed it onto"the relevant authorities" who  will  takeany  further   action   that   is   deemednecessary. I ask you this,  "Is  this  theactions of a man(??)  wishing  an  end  tohostilities?" I think not. Also, it shouldbe mentioned, that  I  have  NEVER  had  a"business relationship" with PRISM  as  hestated in his letter to MH  (printed  lastiss.)!
   1 I tested the transferred file by trying iton the +D. Theres a program called  DOSCOPwhich converts PC files  to  Spectrum  andcan work with only  one  drive.  The  filetransferred perfectly and the file  loadedinto Tasword with no problems  or  missingcharacters or funny control codes.
   1 I stress that this may not work, as I havenot tried it, and indeed  have  only  justwritten it on paper now at 2:47 AMv
   1 I started Alchemist Research  in  1986.  Iaquired a Spectrum almost a year later! Itstarted with three colleagues who  managedto convert a Vic 20 owner to the  benefitsof a machine with a 'massive' 48k of RAM.
   1 I shall be personally  informing  many  ofyou about contacting reputable  groups  inmainland Europe. The  SPC  in  Germany  isdefinetly one place you should also go  towho can be  trusted  a  great  deal.  Letsremember  that  there  is  more   to   theSpectrum than just  the  UK  and  positivefeedback from a  wider  audience  is  justwhats needed!
   1 I say this, why should the +3  be  faulty when it loads ok, will cat etc."J
   1 I read with interest the article on 2nd   disk drives by John Elliot in the lastP
   1 I must say, that you readers have done  meproud. After my review of my  new  printerin issue 13, dozens of you  went  out  andbought one! I hope  you're  all  as  happywith your purchase as I was. I'm  glad  toreport it's no longer misbehaving  itself,240 volts  down  the  data  lines  of  theCentronics port soon taught it a lesson!
   1 I like the guy and his uncanny
   1 I have two works 'under construction'. Thefirst is a comedy sci-fi novel  concerningTardis Technology which happens  to  upsetthe harmony  of  a  distant  planet  in  adistant Galaxy, and also  a  factual  bookabout local Stone Circles. Many of you whoknow  me  personally  will  know   of   myinterests  in  the  paranormal.   I   haveregularly conducted investigations in  thelocal area and have seen some things whichwould even make the most  sceptic  of  youthink twice. The Peak District a few milesto the West of the city is home to  dozensof Stone Circles, many of which  have  notbeen researched or detailed  in  a  singlesource - until now.
   1 I have been a writer for  many  years  andhave been in the Spectrum business a greatdeal longer than  they  have  and,  in  myopinion, they don't  know  what  they  aretalking about. I  would  guess  that  theyneed to read  a  great  deal  more  beforebecoming  self  proclaimed  writers.  Theyshould know better than to 'recycle' othermagazine  articles,   the   copyright   ofSpectrum game music  and  even  if  TeePeeElctronics did wrong, it is simply not  onto call someone a crook because he  cannotfulfil  orders!  It  would  also  help  toimprove  their  writing  style  by   usingpunctuation a little more.
   1 I had to intervene. If something  was  notdone  then  their  reputation   would   bedamamged by  speculation  and  they  wouldlose the trust of their readers. I  talkedit over  with  a  couple  of  readers  andwriters about an idea and  they  were  allfor it.
   1 I had a letter fro Karen Moore  the  otherday. She's been  a  long  time  member  ofAlchemist Research and she wrote  to  tellme of her new PCW and asking what softwareI stocked for it. She went on to list  herentire Spectrum setup:
   1 I assume  that  the  +3's  internal  driverequires the same current as my  external,and so  both  drives  together  require  atotal current of 800mA  at  12V.  That  isMORE than the rated output  of  the  powersupply unit! Now, the  800mA  figure  I'vestated  only  covers   what   the   drivesrequire, and ignores that required by  thecomputer, and so the supply is being askedto produce even  more  than  that  alreadystated.
   1 I asked them  for  the  address  of  theirsolicitor, but they have declined so  far.One wonders what their solicitor (if thereis one and if there  is,  is  this  not  awaste of subscription fees?)  would  thinkafter he saw the view from the other  sideof the fence. Namely  the  accusations  ofTeePee Electronics and some other untruthsprinted. In issue nine, page  three,  theystate: "By the way, how many  members  didwe lose because of the price increase fromlast  month...?  Not  a  single  one,  thereverse is the real truth, Spectrum UK hasthe largest membership of any  user  groupanywhere"
   1 I also noticed that they were planning  totry and 'combine'  at  some  time  in  thefuture. It's  very  funny  that  I  wasn'tinformed of this. I also found out from myfriends at Womo  that  they  tried  to  gobehind my back into  getting  Spectrum  UKsupplied with a great deal of PD software,with a view to starting up their  own?  Ifthey wanted PD, why not ask me? This wouldappear to make it look like THEY wanted totake over Alchemist Research.
   1 I  was  then  informed  by  Lloyd   'DemonHacker' Garland about  the  specificationsof the +3 power pack. He claimed  that  itwas poorly made outright  and  could  onlyjust run a +3. Making it power a  computerand TWO disk drives  was  overloading  it,especially if used over prolonged periods,or for large scale copying and so on.
   1 I  spoke  to   Lloyd   Garland   and   hissuggestion was the same as mine  -  UNPLUGTHE DRIVE. We both wrote to Chris and toldhim our fears. Heres what he said:
   1 I  hope  this  has  given  you  the  basicprinciples of  using  this  memory.   Nexttime I'll explain  how  you  can  automatesome of the processes, by  making  use  ofthe red button, perhaps to call  the  codeto install the font or screen for you.
   1 I  have  been  using  a  type   known   asMATRIFILM (MX), which looks more like silkthan fabric. This type does not allow  theink to successfully impregnate it,  so  itwill not work!   This  is  also  known  asMULTISTRIKE (MS).
   1 I  got  Allie  to  prepare  a  flyer   andorganise distribution.  Before  which,  wetried to get in touch with Spectrum UK  tookay it and see if they  could  offer  anyadditional advice. I also tried to get  intouch by telephone but that also failed.
   1 I  am  hoping  that  you  can  offer  someconstructive support to the matter as onlySpectrum users suffer.  The  German  groupSPC recently asked why Alchemist  Researchwere the only ones allowed  to  distributeprograms which would  have  once  been  soeasily placed in the Public Domain.
   1 I  am  also  writing  to  offer  you  someadvice. I noticed in one  of  your  recentpromotions that you claim  you  wrap  yourreturned  media  in  silver  foil.  May  Isuggest you also  ask  your  customers  tosend their media already wrapped in  foil,the way Alchemist PD has recommended sincetheir launch well  over  two  years  ago.
   1 Hulme Lane
   1 However, the program is rather old,  so  Ipassed it to Miles  Kinloch  to  bring  itupto date. A few weeks later he'd  totallyrevamped the whole program for the +D  andmade  it   far   more   intelligent.   Thefollowing program is a very untypical  onewhich shows how clever the Syntax2 is:
   1 Howard W. Sams & Co.
   1 How would you like a  SAM  for  only  `40?Yes, do you have more money than sense andwould like to buy a stylish door  stop  ortable prop? Or perhaps you'd like  an  oddconversation piece in your  cabinet?  Wellnow you can!
   1 How useful the third address  will  be  isdebatable! Have fun.>
   1 How many of you have simply gone  out  andbought another +3 when your old one packedin? Well now don't! Prices are starting toincrease for second hand +3's as they  arebecoming something as a collector's  item.I  personally  think   that   PCW   repaircompanies are buying them to rip  out  thedrives, rather like what was done with oldQL's.
   1 How did you do?
   1 Hopefully,  next  years  meeting  will  besomewhat better and may have some  Britishrepresentation, namely Alchemist Research.Perhaps some of our  readers  and  writerswould like to  get  together  and  make  aholiday of it? (Alchemist Travel  Service?Hmmm, not a bad idea
   1 Holds up the game for x/50th  of 
   1 Hiscatalogue contains  thousands  of  titles,all  at  very  low  prices.  Besides   newtitles, he can also get some classics too.Theres even provision for +3,  Microdrive,Opus and +D programs.   For  a  catalogue,send an IRC to:
   1 Hilton Court
   1 Hilton COurt
   1 Herts.  HP2 7TZ
   1 Heres another handy little  program  whichwill no doubt provide you  with  hours  offun. BITMAP will load up Amiga screenshots(in Spectrum format) and allow you to viewthem.
   1 Heres a list of sources for  ribbons,  thetypes, makes and prices. These are for theLC-100 ONLY:`
   1 Heres Miles to explain what he did:#
   1 Hello again, and welcome to my column.&
   1 Hello again fellow Speccy  users,  Tis  I!The Demon Hacker!!<
   1 He'd also  like  any  screens  of  MarilynMonroe for one of his  readers  if  anyonecan oblige. His address can  be  found  inthe first page of the ads section.
   1 Have you noticed the equation, the  darkerit becomes, the more the  forces  of  evilreign over us? No, I'm not going to  startinto a sermon. It's an observation of  thecurrent level  of  programs  currently  onBritish Television dealing with the occultand supernatural.
   1 Happy compiling. Your WoMo-Team of SPC&
   1 HCS GLOBAL   : 0800 252252
   1 Grid   showing
   1 Green   =  B
   1 Greatful appreciation must go out  to  allwho helped in the production of this  finepublication. Notable thanks must go to:{
   1 Graphic Adventure Creator.
   1 Granted, I was  angry.  But,  rather  thanportary them in a negative light,  I  sentthem  photocopies  of  the  previous   twoletters as examples of the other  side  ofthe coin - one abrupt and a direct loss ofreadership,  the  other  a  balanced   andneutral view on the matter.
   1 Go to room r  and  describe  new 
   1 Gives true if number x  is  less 
   1 Gives the value of counter c
   1 Gives the number of turns  since 
   1 Gives room number that  you  are 
   1 Gives a random number x  between 
   1 Gives a TRUE answer if  you  are 
   1 Gets the weight of object o.
   1 Gets the number of the  verb  in 
   1 Gets the number  of  the  second 
   1 Gets the  number  of  the  first 
   1 Get object number o. If it isn't 
   1 George Imrie
   1 Gastackerstrasse 33
   1 Garland gives the  cheapo  method!
   1 Garibaldi, destroyed a Narn outpost and   has probably started a universal war, if  the villian had been English, the onlyz
   1 Functions and brackets could  be  used  asusual.0
   1 From someone who  has  lived  mainly  witheight  bit  machines,  I  feel  the  wholebusiness   is   a   farcem
   1 Fountain's mega tutorial  to  the!
   1 Forthe rest of this section, I'll be  quotingprices from  these  sources,  but  do  notinclude VAT.c
   1 For those of you wanting to add  a  drive,theres the DIY disk drive upgrade kit  for`65 or the external drive  interface  unitfor about `40.
   1 For those of you  not  in  the  know,  theprogram is sold commercially, but for  thenominal  fee  of  1p.  This  is  NOT   thestandard copying charge like for  PD,  butthe payment the author  MUST  receive  forsale  of  his  program.  In  theory,   theproducer should receive 15%, but have  youever tried to get 0.15p from a penny!
   1 For issue 13 I had  to  hire  a  recordingstudio to do the mastering of tapes!  Thisgot  me  into  a  good  conversation   andsubsequent friendship with the owner aboutthe Spectrum world. We even talked about aCD version of AlchNews!
   1 For example, typing YAWN would result in:)
   1 For continuety, cars moving off  one  sideof the screen re-appear at the other side.T
   1 For England, Alchemst Research is an idealplace  to  get   your   work   distributedhonestly  and  legally,  but  perhaps  youshould  consider  equivalents   in   othercountries.
   1 Follwing that is a  complete  overview  toCP/M operations, in task form, rather thancommand. So, if you want to  know  how  toformat a disk, you look up  "FORMATTING  ADISK", rather than an  obscure  formattingcommand. Same applies for machine code andassembling a program. Believe it  or  not,theres even a chapter on how  to  use  thebook!
   1 Following this is a true contents section,detailing each subject  heading  and  it'ssubsections.  Althogether  there  are   21chapters  and  9   appendices,   includinginformation   on
   1 Following the  review  of  the  Star  lastissue, many of you told me  that  you  hadpurchased one, but at a far cheaper price.Upon close examination, it seems that manyof you have purchased old stock - this canbe identified by the  manual.  If  it's  aspiral bound one, then  it's  probably  anold machine. This manual also has  one  ortwo errors in it. The  manual  you  shouldhave is a non-spiral blue A5 type, with  ahard spine. There is a code number at  thebottom "QA 80825027".
   1 Following last issues  circuits  on  videomonitors, we have yet another. Although wereally like circuits, I  feel  that  we'vehad enough of monitor  ones  -  especiallywhen  it's  far   easier   (and   probablycheaper) to buy a 128k  Spectrum  and  usethe inbuilt port!
   1 Following commands will be compiled:$
   1 Flash   0=off,   1=on   and
   1 Firstly I'd like to  congratulateyou  on  producing   THE   best   magneticmagazine! With  each  passing  issue,  thecontent is continually rising. I hope  youmanage to keep up the quality.
   1 First of all- if you didn't read AN13 thenget  a  copy  now  and  read  my   articleotherwise all of this following stuff willmean absolutely nothing to you.  (nothing-NOTHING! <maniacal laughter>)
   1 First of all, you may  call  me  illateredand uneducated, so any mistake against thelanguage  (spelling  or  grammitical)   iscompletly for my responsibility. Thereforeplease  don't  alter  them,  I  want  thisletter to keep the excact  altitude  as  Imeant it to be. Why this remark? Well I'llment this letter to be published  in  yourmagazine's. I'm sending it to  other  magsas well.
   1 First of all, work in 48K MODE!!! This  isimportant, since in the 128k editor  mode,you may lose control colours and crash themachine on the odd occasion.
   1 First of all is the two excellent graphicsutilities from BUTTERCRAFT SOFTWARE.  BothPOWERGRAPHICS and POWERPRINT 2  have  beenout some time, but recently got a nostalgaairing  in  Spectrum  UK   and   the   SPCmagazines. Unfortunately,  Buttercraft  isin  no  position  to  offer   the   titlesanymore,  but  have   passed   them   ontoAlchemist Research for distribution. We'llhave an  indepth  guide  next  issue,  butsuggest you read the SPC magazine  if  youwant  a  quick  brief  of  how  it  works.Powergraphics is available  free  from  us(with SAE & media) or, if you choose,  getboth great packages in one for just  `1.50on tape or 3.5" disk. The program  is  notPD and a royalty payment of 50p is paid tothe author.
   1 Fireview is  used  for  VIEWDATA  systems.There are  two  types  of  display  modes,Viewdata  and  Scrolly.  Viewdata  is  theteletext style graphics as used by the BBCand television graphics services.  Scrollyis a 64 column mono display,  as  used  byTasword. Scrolly is  more  used  for  textsystems
   1 Fireview 2  was  written  in  1986  by  P.Clevett with updates by  Keith  Beddoe  in1988 with Basic additions by  Bob  Garbuttand Brian Gaff later.
   1 Fireview  2   was   one   of   the   finercommunications software programs  for  theSpectrum  and  VTX   modem.   It   greatlyenhanced the  internal  VTX  software  andallowed the modem to be used in 128  mode.It's user friendliness and time and  moneysaving facillities made it one of the bestprograms for accessing Prestel  and  otherbulletin boards in it's time.
   1 Find object o and move it.
   1 Finally, a quick snippet of news about theequipment here.  I've  now  got  two  OpusDiscovery systems up and running here.  IfI mentioned this last time, then it's justmore proof that  the  Senile  Dementia  issetting in and the authorities  should  beinformed!
   1 Final Note:  Should  the  presentation  ofthis article seem a  little  daunting  andoverwhelming to  some,  you  can  have  itprinted out on A4 or in an A6 booklet freeof charge from  Alchemist  Research.  Justsend an SAE and mark your  envelopes  "GACTUTORIAL BOOKLET OFFER" and we'll ship oneto you. No covering letter is needed.
   1 Fills cursor area in ink
   1 Ferry (Netherlands). You should have heardfrom me by now, but if  you  haven't,  youwill soon.^
   1 Fame occupation are : 44807-59527!
   1 FV2help : 44807,14720
   1 FOR..TO..STEP
   1 FNAME DEFM "DOSROM.BIN"  ;Filename"
   1 FN   2861FN(9316)  `2.25  Star
   1 FIREVIEW: Line 10 (disk) 15 (tape)"
   1 FF84  20F1
   1 FF81  20F9
   1 FF7E  10FE
   1 FF7C  0617
   1 FF7A  0E13
   1 FF78  D37F
   1 FF75  1803
   1 FF73  ED41
   1 FF70  E67F
   1 FF6D  017FFF
   1 FF6B  160A
   1 FF67  30FB
   1 FF64  DB7F
   1 FF5F  CD100C
   1 FF5B  3807
   1 FF59  FEA4
   1 FERRY GROOTHEDDE, of the SCB is wanting  aSpectrum +2a or +3 with power supply,  butwith or without a manual. If you can offerone, please write to the address  on  pageone or telephone him on +31 5660 2562.
   1 Even  if  you  are  not  an  internationalagent, the methods used are interesting inthemselves, and you can always use them tosend coded messages to other friends  withcomputers. In fact,  there  is  a  messagehidden somewhere in this article.
   1 Ernastrasse 33
   1 Ernastr. 33, D-51069 Koeln, Germany#
   1 Enter these in LOW PRIORITY:
   1 Enables the BREAK key
   1 Eds Note. The Author  of  this  person  isindeed real, since it is Johan  Koning  ofSGG.  I  and  many  others   welcome   hisintentions and hope that  the  other  sidecan see this. But, I must stress  that  StJohn Swainson tried to do  the  very  samething a few months ago but to no avail. MrSherwood would not take part in any  truceand would not explain to  me,  nor  to  MrSwainson exactly  what  he  did  want!  Itseems to be one perfectly vicious circle!
   1 Ed's Note, continues...
   1 Each frame length   : 920 bytes
   1 E (2nd press)  Ellipse/Circle   -!
   1 E (1st press)  Ellipse/Circle
   1 During the last  war,  enemy  agents  usedthis  trick.  On  closer   inspection   aninnocent  lookin  picture  of   a   gardenrevealed that the pegs on a  clothes  linespelled out a secret message. One  way  tomake the distance code more  difficult  tocrack is to  restructure  the  program  sothat the letter key is  truly  randomized.As it stands, an expert who  realises  ththe is dealing with a distance cypher  needto try, at most,  26  combinations  beforesolving  the  problem.  If  the  order  ofletters in the key is random, however, thenumber of possible combinations  increasesenormously.
   1 During the early days of  June  1944,  thefollowing message might have  been  neededcoding: TROOPSCAPTUREPEGASUSBRIDGE.  Usingthe program with a number key 3821105, theencoded
   1 During the Summer another sci-fi program  hit the tv - TIME TRAX.A
   1 During the  compiling  senseless  patternsappears on the screen. This is  while  thecompiler stores variables and tables therefor error trapping. If an error  occurs  aquestionmark is  set  where  it  is  found(dependent what error was found  it  couldalso be on the end of a line).
   1 Drop object number o.
   1 Draws whole picture
   1 Douglas, well don't get me wrong,!
   1 Double Height
   1 Dot. prints dot  at  cursor
   1 Don't forget that ANY seperate PD programsmentioned in this  issue  of  AlchNews  isfree of charge if  you  send  an  SAE  andmedia. This is our equivalent of  a  covertape, but we  give  more  flexibility  andfreedom.
   1 Do any of you watch "Randall  And  Hopkirk(Deceased)"? In an early episode there wasa car with a telephone in it  -  that  was1967, but  today  Ford  claim  it  such  awondeful and original idea to place it  intheir cars!
   1 Disk drive(1)
   1 Disables the BREAK key
   1 Did you see the use of DI  and  EI,  alongwith closing the gate after use.  Have youever crossed a field of sheep and left thegate open after going through it? No doubtyou can imagine the horrors  of  rampagingsheep through the gate. Now, you won't getMF bugs roaming your RAM, but you may  endup with a nasty crash! So, don't ask why -JUST DO IT!
   1 Did you know that some of the interferencecaused by a  +3  Spectrum  acutally  comesfrom the power supply? It does, trust  me.The only sure fire  way  to  cut  out  theinterference from  the  PSU  is  to  buildyourself
   1 Despite my critisms, I am a die hard B5   fan, and I look forward to seeing the 2nd series - presuming C4 screen it.t
   1 Desmond Tyler
   1 Describe the room you are in  at 
   1 Describe room number r.
   1 Describe object number o.
   1 Depending  on  which  Multiface  you   areusing, the code is different.G
   1 Depending  on  the  complexity   of   youradventure you can define  precise  ways  averb or noun can  be  recognised.  A  bluecloak can be picked up instead  of  a  redone for example. SEE CONDITIONS.
   1 Demo  lovers  will  just  rave  about  thelatest production from THE  UNITED  MINDS.Their new demo, Beyond Help,  primises  tobe one of the largest ever  made  for  theSpectrum. It's a ground breaker  too,  forit includes over a dozen guest writers forthe scroll, including yours truly!
   1 Delete last command
   1 Decrease by 1. Minimum is 0.
   1 Dear Sirs,
   1 Dear Mr Sherwood,
   1 Dear Andy,
   1 Dear AlchNews readers. Dear Andy.!
   1 David Crookes
   1 David  Tonks
   1 DOS tutorial.
   1 DOS CLOSE is the  man  for  this  job.  Helives at 109h in the DOS ROM,  and  has  anice holiday home on page  226.  He  likeshis file number to be in register  B.  Andthat, as they say, is that...  Except  forthe obligatory demo assembly listing- Thiswill save you a copy of the DOS  ROM  Boltit on at MAIN
   1 DOC: CP/M or Tasword +3 text file!
   1 DH.  Yeah and you'd be well in order Roy(
   1 DH.  Yeah Roy, I've always admired the way*
   1 DH.  Yeah Roy
   1 DH.  True, but they have just started%
   1 DELAY LD C,#13
   1 DAVE WOOD has some spare PC  equipment  tosell. It  includes  an  SX386  motherboardwith AMI bios, 6 ISA slots and  space  forSIMM RAM  to  16Mb.  It  also  features  aTRIDENT VGA board 512k with IDE I/O  boardwith printer port / joystick etc.
   1 D=-1: GO TO 50
   1 D1:  is  a  PH425  Diode  or  any  Silicon*
   1 Currah Speech
   1 Contains   : Games
   1 Contact Partmaster  on:  01442  888444  orwrite to:3
   1 Conditions that are set in brackets:$
   1 Concerned with this, I put this  point  toChris Box. His reply was very indignant  -claiming that his drives  were  well  madeand that the +3 power supply was  adequatefor his kit. He also gave me a list of hisqualifications, should I doubt him.
   1 Compilation  using  both  compilers   isachieved by a single  USR  call  and  bothcompile very quickly.g
   1 Commodores,BBCs, Dragon, Oric,  MSX  and  many  more.They do not seek high  profits  and  theirprices  are  cheaper  than  most   privatesellers. Indeed, their catalogue  uses  15feet of paper! Most prices are 50p and  `1and they even  sell  books  and  hardware.Howdoes a +3 printer lead at `4 sound,  ora  Spectrum  128  for  `30,  +2  for  `35,Wafadrive for `25, ZX printer `12,  CurrahMicrospeech  for  a  tenner  and  externalspeaker with amp for `3!!!  If  you  don'tsend them an  SAE  immediately,  then  youcan't be a dedicated Specateer!
   1 Code number: WOMO23
   1 Chris: Hope to hear from you soon."
   1 Chris Taylor, The Knights
   1 Chris Taylor is not the one to  blame  forthis. Quite the opposite.  He  could  haveopted for not programming any  more  whichwould be an even bigger loss. It is  clearwho is to blame for this change in the waydemos are (or are not)  distributed.  Moreand more programmers and writers are  alsotaking the non-PD option, so it just  goesto show how much trust has  been  lost  insuch a short time.
   1 Chris Norfolk
   1 Chris (TD).
   1 Chris  Thomson  of  the  electronic  FISH2magazine has written a small collection ofnifty programming routines and  ideas.  Ifyou'd like the collection, you'll find  itin the Alchemist Software  catalogue.  Thecollection isn't PD, but distributed  freeof charge with media and SAE.
   1 Choosing the COVER  option  allows  to  todesign  a  front  cover  in   the   windowprovided. You  only  have  access  to  thenormal ASCII keyboard characters, plus thecursors to move around  the  window.  Whenfinished, select PRINT and it  will  printthe cover to slip over the booklet.
   1 Chic Computer Club
   1 Checks  connection   table   for 
   1 Cavendish INPUT  magazine  and  a!
   1 Catalin Russen, MicroCRIFS
   1 Caps + 9 Deletes from current position  toend-
   1 CRASHED is a fairly  new  arrival  to  thescene and is currently  on  issue  3.   Itcomes out every month(ish) and costs  only`1.  It's in A4 format  and  is  a  great,easy read with no wildly  stupid,  unfunnyhumour.  Buy a copy now and  get  20  freecredits to APD!
   1 CPC Undercover is a new magazine dedicatedto the Amstrad CPC machines.  It  providesas much information as it possibly can  intwenty A5 pages.
   1 CPC Undercover
   1 CPC / PCW support
   1 CP/M Tutorials:
   1 CP/M Bible
   1 COPY   DATA
   1 COLLECTION).Alternatively, you  can  get  them  directfrom John himself. The collection is  freeof charge from either John or me  and  aredefinetly worth a look.
   1 COD: Code file
   1 CHRISTIAN AYMARD is on the lookout for thefollowing programs:=
   1 CHR: Character array (eg: DATA a$() )%
   1 CHR$   CIRCLE
   1 CHDSK DEFM "Please insert the disk for&
   1 CHDS2 DEFM ": and press a key when ready")
   1 CENTURY on BBC2
   1 CDD DAR` B 
   1 CATALIN  RUSSEN  would  like  some   Amigacontacts, wishing to swap tips, advice andsoftware for the Amiga. If you would  likean Amiga penpal, please write to:
   1 CALL PAGDOS ;Page DOS back in
   1 CALL #203C  ;change disk message 
   1 CALL #203C  ;Print message
   1 CALL #1601  ;Open channel
   1 CALL #154  ;DOS MAP B
   1 CALL #154   ;DOS MAP B
   1 CALL #115   ;DOS write
   1 CALL #10F   ;DOS ref head
   1 CALL #109   ;DOS close
   1 CALL #106   ;DOS open
   1 CALL #100   ;DOS initialise
   1 CALL #0C10
   1 C1:  This is a 10 microfarad  25v  minimum*
   1 By using BFORMAT, and the use of 'User&
   1 By this time I had started coding my ownPD software, and I decided to  give  PRISMone last chance. So I  posted  another  PO(recorded delivery) and an order for  somemore  PD.  Guess  what  happened?  Go  on!Right, I'll tell you. Over a  month  latermy tape arrived back. More  of  the  same,missing files, files  that  fail  to  loadetc. So I sent him a list of the offendingtitles and a tape with a letter asking himto rectify the  problem.  He  refused  andfailed to return my  tape.  After  this  Istarted  mentioning  the  problems  I  wasexperiencing with PRISM in my demos.  Alsoat  this  time  I   discovered   ALCHEMISTRESEARCH (via membership of SHC)! I almostdidn't place an order with them because ofmy problems with PRISM! I  am  pleased  tosay, however, that I did  place  an  orderand was VERY impressed with the speed  andservice I received.
   1 By the time you read this, they'll be somegreat new titles to Alchemist Software andAlchemist PD.a
   1 By now I was getting so  bewildered.  You did send me the  disk  with  BFORMAT  and High format but again seemed to work only on odd occasions.
   1 By Roger G41DE
   1 By Pat G310R
   1 By Mitchell Waite & John Angermeyer#
   1 By Lloyd Garland.
   1 By Desmond Tyler
   1 By Ben Douglas
   1 Buttercraft
   1 But, we digress from the point.  The  factis  that  all  this  interactive  TV   andteleshopping  business  has  been   aroundsince at least the early eighties.
   1 But, things have taken a positive turn, asI shall  now  explain  with  the  greatfulthanks to Chris Norfolk.l
   1 But, the biggest problem is here in the UKwith many other supporters. It is  turninginto a dog-eat-dog  scenario  for  readersand  new  ideas.  Groups  are  no   longerhelping one another like they used to.  Itis this bloody mindedness which will  killoff the Spectrum sooner than anticipated.
   1 But, one of the  most  popular  areas  wasDIALTALK, a computer 'chatline'. This  waspresented very much like an adventure gameformat - set in a location (in this  case,a hotel), and was full of characters, realcharacters - other  Micronet  users.  Hereyou could chat  directly  to  each  other,with no time delays.
   1 But, for $20, which is most likely `10, itis extremely good value for  money.  Don'tbuy those ten CP/M  disks  from  AlchemistCP/M - get this  instead!  (Then  buy  thedisks!)
   1 But, back to AlchNews. As  you  will  haveseen, the issues  have  continued  to  getlarger, with articles to cover the  entirecommunity. I feel  there  is  no  need  tocover the SAM because it  gets  more  thanenough support.
   1 But, I digress. Many of you cannot believethe sheer bulk of the operation and why  Ido it for no reward whatsoever.s
   1 But, +3 owners are not so lucky. The drivecan only be used in 128k mode, so you mustload in this. However, you will  no  doubtbe aware of  the  SPECTRUM  command  whichwill jump to 48k mode. But,  this  commandcannot be used  in  a  program,  since  itstops the program just like putting  in  aSTOP command!
   1 But what makes  us  love  these  programs?They do say truth is stranger than fiction- you should hear some of the  experiencesour Ed has, well experienced. Do we reallywant to know if there is more  than  meetsthe eye, or are  we  just   wanting   tobesceptics and poo-poo the evidence  we  aregiven? Where do we start  -  believers  ornon-believers?
   1 But now we have TRAFFIC CONTROL! Have  youever sat in a traffic jam in the rush hourand cursed that trafficator? Did you  everthink YOU could do better?  Well  now  youcan.
   1 But as the month went on many more lettersand phone calls came in, asking  what  hadhappened. The next issue was  now  over  amonth  later  and  people  were   becomingconcerned. Many of the readers  associatedme as being a close link with the magazineand thought I may have some news.
   1 Bring  object  o  here  (if   it 
   1 Bright (as above)
   1 Brian Gaff, BG Services
   1 Brian Gaff
   1 Brandlesholme
   1 Both compilers LOAD from  tape  or  diskwith absolutely no problems at all.  USCHIwaits  for  you  to  press  a  key  beforeperforming a  NEW  to  clear  the  memory,whereas TOBOS simply returns to BASIC withthe loader still in place!
   1 Book Review
   1 Bob Brenchley, INDUG
   1 Bl: L11  Ap: 86
   1 Bill Clark
   1 Big   supplier   of   Spectrum   adventuresoftware,   including?
   1 Besides giving an enhanced drawing  systemto plot  your  object's  design,  it  alsoallows you to view  the  object  from  anyangle.
   1 Besides entering text and graphics by thismethod, theres  also  a  line  drawer,  toenable  you  to  plot,  erase  or   togglepixels.
   1 Being a trusting old soul,  I  sent  offfor another lot of demos from PRISM a  fewmonths later. Nearly  four  weeks  waitingand they finally arrived.  Nearly  half  aside of one tape failed to  load  (R  Tapeerror)!
   1 Before you do anything decent with a file,you must open it. You can't write or  readfrom a closed book, just  like  you  can'tfrom a file. You must call the routine DOSOPEN (106h) (P.224) To open  a  file,  youmust first understand the way +3DOS  dealswith its file structure. You can  have  upto 16 files open at  any  one  time.  Eachfile that  you  open  you  must  assign  anumber to in the range 0 to 15.  You  haveto  put  the  file  number  you  want   inregister B Register  C  must  contain  thecode  for  the   access   mode   required,(Actually, I have not found  any  use  forthese  modes,  I  just  use  Mode  no.  3,exclusive read/write) D must  contain  theOpen action (See next  Paragraph)  E  mustcontain the Create action (Ditto)
   1 Before printing, make sure your printer isset up to use as much as the A4  paper  aspossible. With the Star LC-100, you shouldhave your EDS setting B2 ON, or to TYPE A.For non-Star users, TYPE A starts printing1/6" of an inch from the top of the  paperand stops at 1/6" from the bottom of an A4sheet.
   1 Before any  work  can  be  done  with  thememory, you must press the red button  andthen "R" to initialise the  Multiface  andhandshake with the computer so  show  thatit's  there.  If  you  don't,   then   anyoperations through the gate  that  is  theI/O  port  will   be   flushed   away   toobscurity.
   1 Before I quote  some  prices,  I'd  betterexplain about the types you can get.N
   1 Before  explaining  my  action,  it  seemsproper to me, to first  introduce  myself.(The way I do it, is not  mented  to  hurtanyones feelings. But could be the key  tothe solution).
   1 Back to the  sad  old  muppet  that  wroteabout a feud between mr.D and  Mr.S.  Whenwriting to them he was told  to  mind  hisown bussines. (Quiet!  It  doesn't  matterwhom said it!) As you both, YES BOTH, madeit to a public case, the public became theright to act or react. (a public  case  istheir case!)
   1 BULLETIN - The SGG Magazine
   1 BOWLING was the old ten pin bowling  alleygame. I found this  far  faster  and  muchmore   addictived
   1 BEEP  1/100,0  or   DRAW   50,50,3/2   areallowed, divisions will not be rounded.   If a line  contents  a  STOP  command  thecompilation ends there.
   1 BDDB@B@=;8;68
   1 BASIC simply returns to Basic.  HEADER  isan option to put headers on the files.P
   1 BASIC SET UP PROGRAM which then allows youto create a new header/loader for yourP
   1 BAS: Basic
   1 At the moment the program is only for  theOpus  and  +D,  but   should   be   easilyconvertable for +3 disk.l
   1 At the dawn of  the  computer  revolution,IBM  compotometers  were  used  to   breakSecond World War codes. Since  then,  eachadvance in computer  technology  has  beeneagerly monitored by spymasters  and  codebreakers. Today, with good programming andthe right cypher, a home micro  can  matchany  conventional  cryptography   machine.This is the first of a series  which  showyou how to use  the  Spectrum  to  producesecrt  coded   messages,   using   severaldifferent  methods  which,   like   spyingitself,  are  of   different   levels   ofsophistication.
   1 At present, family trees  do  not  stretchback  as  far  as  the  time   period   ofregression,_
   1 At present, I cannot recommend Chris Box'sdisk drives to  any  AlchNews  readers.  Ihave seen his kits featured in OUTLET  andFORMAT without any checks  made  to  theirconstruction and reliability.  Perhaps  infuture they will follow  AlchNews's  standand look before they  leap  before  openlypromoting something they know  little  of.Perhaps if complaints  get  back  to  themthey will realise...
   1 As you will see later, Caesar's code is  aspecial case of something  calle  the  St.Cyr Cipher, and you can easily check  thisresult by running  the  next  program  andusing 
   1 As you can see, the program  just  doesn'tlook for a LOAD or SAVE command and  sticka "d1" after it, it checks to see  if  anyare already there, or if the syntax coversmicrodrive files,  direct  program  numberloading, screen saving or ramdisk files.
   1 As you  will  see,  a  varying  degree  inprices. Should your local  supplier  stockthem, please let us know  the  prices  andwhether they can be mailed.
   1 As we open to the first  page,  we  see  afull spread of  redefining  characters  onthe  Spectrum.  Theres  a  page   of   newsoftware
   1 As usual, theres equal  coverage  to  boththe  Sam  and   Spectrum   and   NO   BIASWHATSOEVER! News includes some informationabout the Format DX-1 (hope they got  morethan we did!), Russian Spectrums, and  thesad  demise   of   SUC.   Miles   'I   geteverywhere' Kinloch gets a feature on  hismodifications to the +D version of Tasword128,  along  with  the  serialisation   ofcracking YS covertapes.
   1 As usual my first bit is going to be$
   1 As they say, the best is saved until  lastand in my opinion, it certainly is!M
   1 As the book is American, I don't know  howdifficult it would be to obtain in the UK,especially as it is  about  CP/M  and  notDOS or Windows. Mine is a  library  reviewcopy.  Should  you  have   difficulty   inobtaining the book here, the publisher canbe found at:
   1 As technology becomes  more  advanced  andPCs continue to sweep the globe, more  andmore are throwing out their  'dated  junk'(their words - not mine!) and presents  uswith  a  wealth  of  bargains   in   localclassified ads newspapers.
   1 As last issue, each trade is categorisied.If theres anyone not listed, LET US  KNOW!We can't keep asking you  if  you  want  afree  plug!  You'll  notice  one  or   twoservices  missing  this  issue.  This   isbecause they have closed down  or  are  nolonger in the Spectrum readers interest.
   1 As for the future, as far as I can see, itwill be with the Spectrum  well  into  the21st century. I have considered PCs but atthe present funds do  not  stretch  to  anentry  level  model.  In  any  case,   thesupport of the Spectrum is  too  good  andthe PC would be neglected and by the  timeI got around to  using  it,  it  would  bevirtually  obsolete,  probably  by  a  986Intrepium or something as ridiculous.
   1 As for his continuing support, that too isdebatable. I had a letter  from  one  chapthe other week who would like the magazine"SINCLAIR  CLASSIC".  He  had   previouslyrecieved it free with PD Power, but didn'twant to buy any further issues  of  it  toget the magazine!
   1 As above but x is greater than y 
   1 As above but x is equal to y.
   1 As above but with paper
   1 As I said, response  was  very  good,  allwere willing and happy with the  temporaryrescue package - except one.p
   1 As I said, I bought my machine from OFFICEWORLD,0
   1 As I have not heard from  the  "relevantauthorities", the "PSD" or "Mr" Sherwood Iam quite happy to  let  the  matter  drop!However, if things are  started  up  againthen I will take matters further  (I  havetaken LEGAL advice from a  solicitor).  Itshould also be noted that "Mr"  Sherwood'sdefinition  of  the  word  "COPYRIGHT"  isincorrect. It does NOT mean the  RIGHT  toCOPY  as  he  seems  to  think!  Also,  heappears to be sending my demos out  on  +Ddisks when some CLEARLY STATE IN THE  CODEthat they should be  distributed  ONLY  ontape! By offering them on +D when the textof the demo EXPRESSLY states TAPE only  heis CLEARLY in breach of copyright law!
   1 As  you  guessed,  this  is  another  fineprogram by Dominic Morris and it  will  benice to see if we can get some more  Amigascreens transferred  to  the  Spectrum  tomake up a collection.
   1 As  you  can  see,  things  were   gettinggradually   worse.<
   1 As  stated  earlier,  they  have   limitedstocks of 3" drives, as well as PC1512 and1640 drives.  Partmaster can  also  obtainvirtually any manual  or  comsumable  itemfor any electrical equipment.
   1 As  my  bank  account  is   not   exactlyoverflowing, I'm sure you will  appreciatethat I can't afford  to  send  out  ordersuntil cheques have been cleared, which cantake 4 to 7 days,  depending  on  the  sumdeposited, and in any  case,  waiting  forcheques to clear is common practice."
   1 As  for  the   remainder   of   Fireview'sfacillities, we have INITIALISE VTX.  Thisshould only be done if you have a VTX 5000connected. It enables you  to  use  it  in128k mode.
   1 As  for  addressing,   please   carry   onlabelling  your   letters   to   AlchemistResearch. The address is the same for  anycorrespondence or orders and is dealt withby our sorting office.
   1 As   you   can   see,
   1 Arthur C Clarke's Mysterious World"
   1 Arrow keys
   1 Arrow  Keys  +  SYM  SHIFT  Steps  throughpictures to allow editingC
   1 Area's' (see the +3 manual), you can not  only save 10? 14? 16?+ games on a 3.5 diskyou can also overcome the 64 file namez
   1 Are you ready for the next  stage?  You'vejust moved single bytes around. Now  we'regoing to do it in blocks. But,  before  wedo, we'll show how to do  it  with  normalmemory.
   1 Anyway, we take a brief look at the  gamescollection WOMO 23.=
   1 Anyway, to save time I  usually  send  theprogram in it's 'raw' format.  This  meansthat any  tape  or  disk  syntax  is  leftunaltered. In most cases this  is  usuallytape, but may sometimes be disk. If anyonedoesn't have a disk system (or a  +3)  andthe computer comes across a  line  with  adisk command in it, you'll usually  get  aNONSENSE IN BASIC error. This is  actuallyan  error  in  itself,  since  it  is  notnonsense to other systems,  so  should  beredefined to "INCOMPATABLE COMMAND".
   1 Anyway, should you be willing  to  fritteryour money away in this fashion, write to:T
   1 Anyway, in September,  The  'Minds  got  aletter from  Martyn  Sherwood  asking  forrights to distribute their  software.  Thefunny thing was that in one  part  of  theletter he was insulting them, in  another,he was being as nice as  pie  begging  forthe software. Despite this, he STILL  tooktime out to say  that  Alchemist  Researchwas a good organisation and well run,  BUThad a go at yours truly - this time sayingthat I had fabricated letters!!!
   1 Anyway, a company called PARTMASTER  whichdeals   with   obtainingB
   1 Anyway,  what  happens  is-  if  the  fileexists the open action is followed, and ifit doesn't the create action is  followed.To read from a file that may  or  may  notexist, you would set D=1,  and  E=0  whichwould Open the  file  if  it  exists,  andreport an error if it didn't  exist.  Nextis HL with the address  of  the  filename.Not mentioned in the book once again,  youmust put FFh(255) after the filename.
   1 Another new series, yes another!, has alsostarted recently - THE X FILES - and I'am already hooked!c
   1 Another fine issue from the Spectrum ProfiClub.  We're  given  some  wonderful   andoriginal 3D optical illusions for a  frontcover. (none of that 'Magic Eye' rubbish)
   1 Another case for the X files methinks...(
   1 Another AlchNews reader is on the  lookoutfor the game KOMPLEX by Legend.  It  comesin a black box with  8  hexagrams  on  thefront. He's also after  any  old  Ultimategames, CRASH issues 1,7,16 & 21  plus  anyold Interface 2 ROM cartridges. If you canoblige, please write to us.
   1 Andy Davis Bsc
   1 Andrew Parish
   1 And, only hours before  this  article  waswritten, I  was  informed  by  one  of  myreaders  that  he  stocked  some   "reallynaughty adult screens but he  would  neversay whether they could be printed  out  ornot."
   1 And, from Mr K.
   1 And therefore this letter, sended  as  thereaction on this  feud,  but  mend  as  anaction against that feud.m
   1 And the actress who plays FBI agent Dana  Scully, in the first episode she was quiteslim, but the next episode she seemed to  have put on weight. Is it my imagination  or she pregnant?, Or could it be somethingmore sinister?
   1 And remember to mention that  you  are  anAlchNews reader to qualify for the deal  -the prices are only relevant to us!w
   1 And on the 30th September, Chris  was  nothaving any luck with the  formatting  disksupplied with his drive:l
   1 And now the last step, the  one  you  bothhave to  make.  Well,  that  one  is  verysimple. Publish this letter in your  mags,along   with   the   acceptens   off
   1 And now it looks as if he is not going to return for the 2nd series, its rumoured   that Bruce Boxlighter (I think thats how  you pronounce his name!) - who played TRONin the Disney movie of the same name -
   1 And lets hope they show a new series$
   1 And if that was'nt enough, just as he was about to find out the truth behind hisP
   1 And he isn't actually a villian!.!
   1 And finally the filename!
   1 And another point. Why, oh why when peopleget regressed to reveal their past  lives,were they connected with SOMEBODY FAMOUS? In every recorded case, the person happensto be, or be very close  with  some  greatfigure of history.
   1 Amy Pandagirl
   1 Although this information is not meant  toconfuse individual readers, it's more  forother magazines and services which mentionour name. It can be very frustrating  justmentioning Alchemist PD when there  is  somuch more offered!
   1 Although the media may  be  considered  asblank when it is sent to you, it can stillbe damaged  by  X-rays  in  the  post  andweaken the integrity of the tape, which isalso weakened once  more  when  files  areplaced onto the media. This  process  willmake the media more reliable when  storingprograms on it, plus expand  the  lifetimeof the media.
   1 Although the  distance  code  may  seem  alittle too simple to be effective, it doeshave a number of factors in  it7s  favour.In  the  first  place,  before   you   cansuccessfully decipher  a  code,  you  mustfirst recognize  that  the  code  actuallyexists. And  because  it  is  so  easy  todisguise a pattern  of  apparently  randomdots  (or  asterisks)   in   an   othrwiseharmless sketch theres a good chance  thata coded message of  this  type  will  passunnoticed.
   1 Although it made interesting  viewing,  itwas let down by the fact  that  the  womanconcerned didn't believe a word of it.z
   1 Also,  competition  on  how  much!
   1 Alphacom 32
   1 Allie Weston
   1 All you need to do is send a 3.5" DD or HDdisk, SAE and three first class stamps andyou will receive it returned  packed  fullof software!
   1 All you did was  dial  a  local  telephonenumber, flick a switch  and  then  replaceit. Your computer was then something  likea teletext remote control, but of  a  nextgeneration.
   1 All in  all,  a  wonderful  magazine.  Thelanguage barrier can sometimes be  a  painbut it costs nothing to learn and is worthit for the Spectrum coverage.  Of  course,schoolchildren  in   Europe   are   taughtlanguages compulsory, which  is  why  theyare fluent, whereas we are sadly not.
   1 Alchemist Software has a growing number ofNON PUBLIC  DOMAIN  titles,  all  for  theprice of media and postage.  We  have  thechilling  128k  adventure  DOOMSDAY,  manyutilities from the 007 series, plus titlesfrom  BRADWAY   SOFTWARE   and   our   newexclusive   in-house
   1 Alchemist Research is very well  organisedand almost runs itself  with  very  littlesupervision. This gives me time to work onmy projects which I am constantly remindedof by my publisher!
   1 Alchemist Research  has  been  asked  manytimes to open up a bulletin board  system.The only drawback is that it would need anextra  telephone  line,  plus  a  computersystem running over a great deal of  time.Many of you may remember  D-TEL,  which  Iworked with, which was run  from  10pm-6amon a Spectrum +3  and  external  drive.  Ithink that although this system was great,a PC would be a  far  superior  system  touse, especially if free  telesoftware  wasto be offered. Fear not, I shall certainlyconsider  investment  in  this  system  ifmoney and time permits. (and  it  WILL  beSpectrum compatable!)
   1 AlchNews subscribers should also  remembertheir 20  free  credits,  along  with  theabove.Z
   1 AlchNews is free
   1 AlchNews Tutorials:
   1 Alch yawns.
   1 Albert Harper
   1 Ah, tis Christmas time again. No doubt allof  you  are  tucked  up  nice  and   warmenjoying the delights of this issue whilstsipping a mild Sherry and a mince  pie  inthe light of the christmas lights.
   1 After it has printed on one  side  of  thepaper, it will ask you to turn it over  soit can print on the other and  make  it  atrue double sided booklet. Make  sure  youput in the paper the right way!
   1 After giving it some  thought,  there  aretwo ways to present the material.K
   1 After all that, you will need to close thefile,otherwise there  will  be  no  headerdata, or directory entry  for  that  file,effectively rendering the data useless.
   1 Address on page 1
   1 Adding a second drive to your +3  is  verypossible, as many of you have found. It isimportant to stress however, that you WILLneed an external power supply to power it.
   1 Adapted from the original
   1 Actually, after looking  at  the  examplesgiven and the numbers for  the  actions  Iwas  right.  (There's  a  first  time  foreverything!)
   1 Access was simple - all you needed  was  acomputer and modem. All shapes  and  sizesof machine were covered - even the  humbleVic-20! If you couldn't access the  systemwith your machine, then it probably wasn'ta computer!
   1 About July 1994, I got  a  letter  from  areader of Spectrum UK. He  said  that  hisletter to them hadn't been answered,  eventhough he sent an  SAE.  I  reassured  himthat they were probably busy as I had sentthem a large collection  of  contributionsto  which  they  hadn't  thanked  me   foreither.
   1 AVAI o Is object o available for use$
   1 ASC: Ascii file (as above)
   1 AND mr. M. Sherwood.
   1 AN14.C    6
   1 AN14.9:  +3  PLETHORA.   The   Chris   Box*
   1 AN14.9    
   1 AN14.8:  CP/M LOG. Review of a great  CP/M*
   1 AN14.8    
   1 AN14.7:  SPECTRUM PROJECTS;  More  monitor*
   1 AN14.7    V"
   1 AN14.6:  SPECTRUM PROJECTS; Using a  Tandy*
   1 AN14.6    
   1 AN14.5:  PRISM PAGE. I'm not going to even*
   1 AN14.5    
   1 AN14.4:  HARD TIMES. Hardware  to  enhance*
   1 AN14.4    
   1 AN14.3:  STAR USERS  CLUB.  In  the  first*
   1 AN14.35   s
   1 AN14.34   
   1 AN14.33   E
   1 AN14.32: TRADING POST. A bumper bag of the*
   1 AN14.32   |
   1 AN14.31: ITS A SIN(tax):  A  look  at  the*
   1 AN14.31   
   1 AN14.30: SHIELDS  UP   MR   SPOCK.   Lloyd*
   1 AN14.30   X
   1 AN14.3    .
   1 AN14.2:  MULTIFACE MAGIC.  Continuing  our*
   1 AN14.29: REVIEWS 3. Alchemist  PD  pricing*
   1 AN14.29   
   1 AN14.28: REVIEWS 2. The +D utility  SYNTAX*
   1 AN14.28   
   1 AN14.27: REVIEWS 1. New demos from  United*
   1 AN14.27   H$
   1 AN14.26: SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME.  The  Ed*
   1 AN14.26   x
   1 AN14.25: SENDING  SECRET   MESSAGES.   The*
   1 AN14.25   
   1 AN14.24: OPEN LETTERS.  Chris  Taylor  and*
   1 AN14.24   
   1 AN14.23: WHY US? WoMo ask why new software*
   1 AN14.23   H
   1 AN14.22: TUTORIALS.  Part   Two.   Example*
   1 AN14.22   
   1 AN14.21: ALCHNEWS TUTORIALS. This issue we*
   1 AN14.21   
   1 AN14.20: CRACK CITY. Desmond  Tyler  takes*
   1 AN14.20   R
   1 AN14.2    
   1 AN14.1:  NEWS.  The   Star   Users   Club,*
   1 AN14.19: TOBOS  V.  USCHI.  Chris   Taylor*
   1 AN14.19   M
   1 AN14.18: SPECTRUM UK. Part Two, have  they*
   1 AN14.18   k&
   1 AN14.17: SPECTRUM UK. The demise  of  this*
   1 AN14.17   
   1 AN14.16: SUPERHIGHWAY. Part Two with  some*
   1 AN14.16   n6
   1 AN14.15   
   1 AN14.14: INPUT  SOFTWARE.  News   on   the*
   1 AN14.14   
   1 AN14.13: GO GAC. Part Two.
   1 AN14.13   
   1 AN14.12: GO GAC. Dave  'Sinclair  Classic'*
   1 AN14.12   N!
   1 AN14.11: DOUGLAS DOS. Ben's continuing  +3*
   1 AN14.11   #
   1 AN14.10: ACROSS THE WAVES.   News  of  the*
   1 AN14.10   
   1 AN14.1    
   1 AN14.0:  This file
   1 AN14.0    
   1 ALL WAIT FOR <SPACE>  399 bytes
   1 ALBHAR is newly established.  Just send  a3.5" DD or HD disk  and  three  1st  classstamps, plus your preference  of  softwareand you  will  recieve  it  back  full  ofprograms.  No doubt Albert  would  welcomeany mail at this stage, so please  do  getin touch.
   1 A4catalogue   of   these   wares   availableshortly.4
   1 A subsection of Prestel was MICRONET  800,which was specifically for  home  computerusers (whereas Prestel could  be  accessedby businesses etc.).  There  were  specialareas  for   each   individual   computer,computer
   1 A report by Andy Davis and readers of SUK)
   1 A quick look at whats best in Europe$
   1 A popular method, since many disk  systemsalso allow this syntax. It's method is:Q
   1 A pack of four extra  plugs  is  availablefrom branches of DO IT ALL DIY stores  forabout `4 and the customer service helplineis still manned (even in the evenings) andis very helpful.
   1 A new non-profit making  organisation  hasjust  been   established,   providing   PCshareware for disabled users.q
   1 A lot of you,  especially  those  who  arerelative newcomers to Alchemist  Research,have asked why I do it, what I get from itand where I expect to go  from  here.  So,here I am,  alone  on  the  stage  with  asolitary spotlight to explain my feelings!
   1 A look at Spectrum life worldwide!
   1 A long established company in the Spectrumfield, also catering for the SAM. Lots  ofuseful  bits   are   available   for   theSpectrum, including leads and hardware. BGServices is also the official  distributorof the Z80 Spectrum emulator for the PC.
   1 A great deal of the actual effect is  lostin  these  stills,  so  please  order  theprogram and you'll see what  I  mean!  I'mcurrently working on some 3D  image  demosto show some complex effects which can  bedone with it,  wireframe  globes,  dishes,even tornado  style  vortexes.  If  you'veever seen Star  Trek  and  theres  been  acomputer graphic of a temporal  distortionor warp field, then  you'll  know  what  Imean!
   1 A good RF choke can be used to reduce  theinterference to a more  acceptable  level,but  this  should  only  be  attempted  bysomebody who knows what they are doing.  AFAR safer (and probably superior)  way  todo it, is to buy one of those plug devicesthat contains suppressors. There  used  tobe one specifically built for  small  homecomputers years ago called "The Plug", butI've not seen it  advertised  for  severalyears now!
   1 A few days before the  deadline  for  thisissue,  I  got  a  letter  from   WolfgangHaller of  Womo  /  SPC.  As  usual,  theysupplied some new games and demos and newsof the Spectrum from mainland Europe. Theyalso responded to a program I  bought  forthem and  sent  along  -  The  VMD  and  4SEASONS Demos. Heres what they said:
   1 A couple of weeks later,  I  recived  thisletter. Chris has just bought a box of  3"disks:Z
   1 A PD library run  by  Malcolm  Gent.  MGPDspecialises  in  compilations,  especiallyOUTLET programs and price  includes  mediaand postage. The only other  REPUTABLE  PDservice in  the  UK.  MGPD  is  run  underAlchemist Research.
   1 A Division of Macmillan, Inc
   1 @x< <@0< " 
   1 @DD @BDD D@ @ 
   1 @DD  @D| |@ | |
   1 @,xlx<<8l<
   1 ?hr3334466
   1 <f4~4<Z>~f (L
   1 <Ed's note: I have a point to  raise  herewith regard to public domain software  andcopyright. Many adventure freaks out therewill  know  of  the  Zenobi  title   "HOLYSNAIL". This program  was  in  the  publicdomain for some time before being sold  byZenobi. When it was, it  was  successfullyREMOVED from the Public Domain and is  nowa non-PD  program.  Mr  Wilson  of  Zenobicertainly knows his  business  and  is  anhonest and reputable dealer - can the samebe said for Mr Sherwood?>
   1 ;save drive letter
   1 ;page 0 for 49152-65535
   1 ;open action 1
   1 ;len of mess 1=33
   1 ;ends with 255
   1 ;create action 1
   1 ;check keys
   1 ;beginning at address 0
   1 ;access mode 3
   1 ;Stream no. 2
   1 ;Print last part of
   1 ;Get drive letter
   1 ;Back to routine
   1 ;Back to BASIC
   1 ;3=code file
   1 ;0= start address
   1 ;"Next, Prev, Index or Choose:":
   1 ; Put PEEK 0 into A
   1 ; Open gate to MF
   1 ; Enable ints.
   1 ; Enable interrupts
   1 ; Enable Ints.
   1 ; Do a POKE 5
   1 ; Disable ints.
   1 ; Disable interrupts
   1 ; Disable Ints.
   1 ; Disable Interrupts
   1 ; Close the MF gate
   1 ; Bytes to move
   1 ; Address of STORE routine   DI
   1 ; Address of RECALL routine  DI
   1 : 615k, 53 games
   1 : 3 " iii) Blank disk
   1 : 0706 367567
   1 9866 TM LUTJEGAST
   1 9012CM RAERD
   1 90 LET FREQ=INT ((USR 65298)/2)
   1 90  LET b$=a$(i)
   1 90  INPUT s
   1 9) As you Tag a file, it will have a *  by   it's side.7
   1 8> ": NEXT N:  PRINT  AT  F,30;"   ":%
   1 8=transparent
   1 80 LET x=1+23761-ch: GOSUB 500
   1 80 IF REF<1 OR REF>3
   1 80  PRINT"Enter -1 to decode"
   1 80  FOR i=1 TO LEN (a$)
   1 8) Now the library is open and  all  files   are displayed, we must  'tag'  them  so   MS  knows  to  uncompress   them   onto   another disk. We do  this  by  pressing   "T" when each file is at the cursor. If   you don't  want  to  tag  a  particular   file, simply press ENTER. When you  get   to the end of the  catalogue,  it  will   wrap around to the  first  file  again.   All are numbered.
   1 70794 Filderstadt
   1 70 LET a=23574 + 3 * 2
   1 70 LET REF=VAL A$
   1 70  PRINT"Enter 1 to encode"
   1 7) So, when CAVES.LBR appears, press O. It   will then open the library and  present   all the files in it.k
   1 7  TAKE/DROP
   1 65 St Thomas' Square
   1 64 Roebuck Road
   1 64 Column font
   1 62 GO TO 50
   1 61 IF X=0 THEN LET X=1: LET D=1:  GO  TO(
   1 60 POKE a+2, CODE "P"
   1 60 LOAD d1;STR$ a
   1 60 LOAD STR$ a
   1 60 LET X=X+D: IF X=17 THEN LET X=15: LET(
   1 60 IF CODE A$(I)<48 OR CODE I$(I)>57 THEN)
   1 60  PRINT:PRINT
   1 60  INPUT "What is your message? ";LINE a$70  FOR i=1 TO 400:NEXT i:CLSG
   1 6) As we are dealing only with  libraries,   we must first press  "O"  to  Open  the   library. This will then  give  all  the   files  archived  in   that   particular   library.
   1 6 Ravensmead
   1 6 IN 1 ADAPTORS
   1 5cr><97520-
   1 520 GOTO 500
   1 51069 KOLN
   1 510 PRINT AT 9,14;FREQ;"
   1 510 POKE a+1,INT (x/256): RETURN 
   1 51 IF INKEY$=" " THEN GO TO 1000 
   1 500 POKE a,x-INT (x/256) * 256
   1 500 LET FREQ=INT((USR 65298)/2)
   1 50 SAVE d1;CHR$ 32 LINE 10
   1 50 SAVE CHR$ 32 LINE 10
   1 50 PAUSE 1: PRINT AT 0,X; INK 9; OVER 1;(
   1 50 Opus disks
   1 50 FOR I=1 TO LEN A$
   1 50  PRINT:PRINT
   1 50  PRINT "Don't leave spaces between%
   1 5) It will now catalogue the new disk  and   present the files, one at  a  time,  at   your cursor. You  can  then  select  or   de-select them.
   1 4th. Neil  Gough  -  5  free  titles  from*
   1 48kadventures, plus many compilations.  Printand presentation quality of  this  companyis outstanding, which  reflects  the  highstandard  it's  software  is.   The   CP/Mcatalogue is  just  as  impressive,  goinginto greater detail of each adventure!
   1 4300 West 62nd Street
   1 40 SAVE d1;a$ SCREEN$
   1 40 SAVE a$ SCREEN$
   1 40 LET X=8: LET D=1
   1 40 Column font
   1 40 3" disks
   1 40  PRINT INK 2;PAPER 7;FLASH 1;AT 6,10;(
   1 40  PRINT "Don't leave spaces between%
   1 4.Both sides made it clear that they  hatedishonour or loosing face (credibility ?)S
   1 4. We wish all the  readers  a  very  goodchristmas time and a happy  new  year.  Besure that Andy and the  WoMo-Team  of  SPCwill keep on good working as  long  as  wecan. In this sense
   1 4) Recall screen with RANDOMIZE USR 60050)
   1 4) Press "L" which will allow you  to  set   the new  source  drive.  You  can  type   "B0:" to catalogue ALL files on drive B   or could  just  type  "B0:*.LBR"  which   would just catalogue any files with the   suffix ".LBR".
   1 4 Out of Memory, 69:2
   1 4 Microdrive carts
   1 4 Bethune Close
   1 3rd. Jim Donaldson - 20 free  titles  from*
   1 37 Trimingham Drive
   1 36 Grasmere Road
   1 34680 ST GEORGES
   1 34 North Drive
   1 33 Turnoak Avenue
   1 30 PRINT AT 0,9;"THIS IS A TEST" 
   1 30 LOAD d1;a$
   1 30 LOAD a$
   1 30 LET ch=PEEK 23631 + PEEK 23632 * 256   40 LET a=23761: LET x=USR "a": GOSUB 500  50 LET a=a+2: LET x=5572: GOSUB 500w
   1 30 FOR N=0 TO 29: PRINT AT F,N;" <gr  sh(
   1 3.MOST important, both sides seems to hatethis feud, but not as much as point 4.P
   1 3. Using USCHI
   1 3. If the multifaced program needs option)
   1 3. End of vars area.
   1 3. As you know we have supplied Andy  witha lot of PD programs. We also  know,  thatin lack  of  german  knowledge  there  areoften problems by using them. So  we  havedecided to give you help if  wanted.  Thisis quite easy. If  you  have  any  problemwith a program  from  us,  then  write  ussimply a letter, and we try to  help  you.You don't need SAE or  anything,  only  anenvelope, a sheet of paper, a pencil and astamp to send  it.  No  more  costs.  Onlystate, that you are an AlchNews reader.   If your problem is for general interestingthen we send a file to Andy  that  he  canedit it in AlchNews.
   1 3) Store screen with RANDOMIZE USR 6$
   1 3) Remove the disk, insert the blank disk.*
   1 3" 9512 DRIVES - PART NO. FDB66 - `18%
   1 3" 8256 DRIVES - PART NO. FDB64 - `18%
   1 2nd. George  Cachia  -   next   issue   of*
   1 298 Holton Road
   1 26 Spotland Tops
   1 26 IF TOTAL<>11122 THEN PRINT "DATA#
   1 255  Turns
   1 253  You can also see
   1 252  I can't find that anywhere. 
   1 251  It's dark. You can't see.
   1 250  and you took
   1 25  POKE 23658,8
   1 249  Your score qas
   1 248  You're carrying too much.
   1 247  You can't see that.
   1 246  You havn't got that.
   1 245  You've already got that.
   1 244  Are you sure? (Y/N)
   1 243  Press key for another game. 
   1 242  Pardon?
   1 241  You can't.
   1 240  What now? ...
   1 239  You are carrying
   1 23 Cleveland
   1 22 POKE (65279+I),A
   1 20 POKE 23756,0: POKE 23760,14
   1 20 LOAD d1"file"
   1 20 LOAD "file"
   1 20 LET C$="  paper 0-7 7-0 "
   1 20 FOR F=0 TO 500: PRINT AT 0,0;F,: NEXT(
   1 20 FOR F=0 TO 21
   1 20 FOR  F=22528  TO  23295:  LET  L=INT'
   1 20 FOR  F=16384  TO  23295:  LET  L=PEEK(
   1 20  PRINT TAB 8;" Distance code ": PRINT  30  PRINT INK 2;PAPER 7;FLASH 1;AT 6,10;R
   1 20  BORDER 0:PAPER 0:INK 7:CLS
   1 2.Both sides want to hear apology's.$
   1 2. There are games that use 'Bank 7' when)
   1 2. Thanks to Miles Kinloch and Mark Harrisfor their great articles around the Plus Dand also for supplying the SPECTRUM  PROFICLUB. As we have a lot  of  Plus  D  usershere your  tips  are  always  welcome  andfinds an enormous echo.
   1 2. M3 UNLOCK 2
   1 2. Commands
   1 2.  End  of   machine   code   (adr2; lastcompiled byte).  Immediately  follows  thearea for variables.g
   1 2) The contributors. They were  also  leftin the dark with work but no ideas of whatto do with it. As above, I stated that  wewere to all keep in regular touch. If  anywriters wanted to get their work out  (ie:if  it  was  date  relevant  for   specialoffers), then they were welcome to  submittheir work for AlchNews where it would  beseen by the readers who also read SpectrumUK, but in no way would they  be  pesteredto write - it would be totally upto  them.I would also make the  magazine  availableto the  above  list  of  readers  free  ofcharge with no  postage  costs.  The  mainrole of this idea was to keep everyone  intouch  and  stop  them  either  giving  upwriting completely or  get  'poached'  forsome lesser magazine.
   1 2) Insert disk containing  MAXISWEEP  into   drive A. Call up with "MS".H
   1 2) Enter program (you may  need  to  alter   ORG addresses shown):B
   1 2)  The   second   is   the   applicationssoftware. There are  many,  many  programsavailable,   from   games   tor
   1 2 Belvoir Road
   1 2 (above), then a blank disk has to be&
   1 1st. Ian  Pitfield  -  free   title   from*
   1 1995 A.Davis & Alch. Research
   1 190 NEXT k
   1 190 GOTO 90
   1 180 NEXT I
   1 18 Clyde Grange
   1 170 IF t<90 OR t<65 THEN LET t=t-(s*26)   180 PRINT CHR$ (t);=
   1 170 BEEP .1,20
   1 17 Le Mas Blanc
   1 17 FOR I=0 TO 84
   1 160 LET t=CODE (a$(k))+(s*VAL (n$(l)))&
   1 160 FOR I=1 TO 5
   1 16 EXAMINE
   1 151 Balsusney Road
   1 150 LET l=k-INT (k/7)*7+1
   1 150 GOTO 90
   1 15 LET TOTAL=0
   1 140 NEXT i
   1 140 FOR k=1 TO LEN a$
   1 140 BEEP DIFF,40+OFFSET
   1 14 SAVE/WORDS
   1 14 De Verose Court
   1 130 PRINT TAB (v);INK 6;"*"
   1 130 PAUSE 50:CLS
   1 130 IF DIFF>1 THEN LET DIFF=1
   1 13 Glaisdale Street
   1 128K Music
   1 120 LET v=v-26
   1 120 INPUT "Enter seven figure key ";n$&
   1 12) Files will then uncompress to drive  A*
   1 12 TEXT/WORDS
   1 110 if v<=32 THEN PRINT TAB v;INK 6;"*":(
   1 110 PAUSE 50:CLS
   1 110 LET DIFF=10*DIFF/DIFF
   1 11) It will then  ask  you  to  enter  the*
   1 103 IF DIFF>=-1 AND DIFF<=1 THEN GOTO 160 105 LET OFFSET=0:
   1 1000 LLIST: STOP
   1 1000 LIST: STOP
   1 1000 DATA 1,255,243,245,58,82,255,60,254  1010 DATA 50,32,1,175,50,82,255,241,251   1020 DATA 201,243,1,0,0,175,50,83,255,50  1030 DATA 82,255,111,62,254,237,71,237,94 1040 DATA 251,58,82,255,95,58,82,255,187  1050 DATA 40,250,95,219,254,230,64,87,187 1060 DATA 40,250,95,219,254,230,64,87,173 1070 DATA 40,2,3,106,58,82,255,187,40,7   1080 DATA 62,1,50,83,255,24,233,58,83,255 1090 DATA 167,40,227,243,237,86,251,201,0 1100 DATA 0
   1 100 PRINT AT 9,14;FREQ;"
   1 100 LET v=CODE (b$)-96
   1 100 INPUT "Enter message:";LINE a$"
   1 10) When you've tagged all the files  (you*
   1 10 REM ABCDEF
   1 10 PRINT "command 1": PRINT  "command  2":PRINT  "blah  blah":  PRINT  "command  4":STOPX
   1 10 CLEAR 65278
   1 10  BORDER 0: PAPER 0: INK 7: CLS!
   1 1.Both  sides  made  plublic   statements,declairing they would like to make peace.S
   1 1. M3 UNLOCK is the option that converts(
   1 1. M3 UNLOCK
   1 1. It's near to christmas and  all  peoplehere on the mainland and of course  in  UKare looking forward to some peaceful days.We think christmas could also be a wonder-ful moment to end this  conflicts  betweenAlchemist PD and Prism PD. It seems to  bea very british specific  quarrel  what  wepersecute very disconcerted.
   1 1. Generell informations
   1 1.  Startadress  (adr1; which  is   alwaysequal to RAMTOP). Normally is this  4O
   1 1) The first is the informative  articles.They will be featured from time to time inAlchNews. We  will  strive  to  insert  atleast one every issue.
   1 1) Load screen to 49152
   1 1) Boot up CP/M
   1 1) All readers who had been in touch  withme would be kept on a list. Then,  if  anynews came anybody's way, they would informme and I would pass it on,  regardless  ofthe time and cost to myself. Also,  via  a'chain letter' style,  each  reader  wouldalso try and let any  other  readers  knowuntil, hopefully, all would be informed.
   1 1 Pelham Street
   1 1  N/NORTH
   1 0`ff0`fff`ff0``
   1 0 and (x-1). Rand 10 for example 
   1 ...and  the  list  goes  on,  including  ataster of an unexplained show on the  Beebin October which dealt with reincarnation.We could also  group  Sci-Fi  in  to  thatcategory, which would most  likely  expandit tenfold!
   1 .. OR ..  As above but OR
   1 .. AND..  If condition and  condition  are*
   1 . not entirely true, but if Andy can do(
   1 . I only know the Sheffield  log-onnumber, which is 0114 270 1616 but you canaccess a UK 'phone  book'  where  you  canfind  out  the  number  for   your   localtelephone exchange.
   1 .  Wewill now prove that the Multiface RAM  canavoid the reset and the font will still besafe:^
   1 -12 V @ 50mA
   1 ,but can be changed with CLEAR.
   1 ,  modifythe program on the previous page to do so.Write your answer on paper and then  checkwith my example below:s
   1 +D Support:
   1 +D / DISCIPLE
   1 +5V  @ 300mA
   1 +3 & CP/M Support:
   1 +12V @ 700mA
   1 +12V @ 400mA
   1 * SPC MAGAZINE, October 1994
   1 * LOAD INDEX *
   1 * Don't forget that our Multiface  articlecontinues in this issue, reviewing some PDprograms and preliminary access to the  8kRAM.
   1 * *   * *   *   *   *
   1 *   * *   *   *   *
   1 ),A   ; Put A's value in 1
   1 ),A   ; Put A into address 5
   1 )   ; Put value of 5
   1 )   ; Put value of 1
   1 (thelatter is quite rare), glossary of popularcommands, error messages and so on  -  allneatly filed for quick  access.  The  pageedges are also  coloured  for  an  instantflick to the section you want.
   1 (in the same room as you?)
   1 (in the room carried?)
   1 (even though it is early November!
   1 (Sorry, couldn't think of a title!)#
   1 (RND*255)+1: POKE F,L: NEXT F
   1 (F-16384): POKE F,L: NEXT F
   1 'missing 24 hours', Ambassador Delenn -   the key to the mystery - turned into aP
   1 '1' is the drive number. This can  be  1-8on the Microdrive, or  just  1  and  2  onother systems. In some cases you  can  get"SGN PI" and "NOT PI". Don't worry, if youtype PRINT SGN PI or  PRINT  SGN  NOT  PI,you'll see that they equal 1 and  0.  Thismethod just saves a  couple  of  bytes  ofmemory!
   1 & Big thanks:
   1 "WHICH PART TO LOAD (1-23)?"
   1 "There will be no more letters to you fromthis end, and we  certainly  will  not  beentering  into  a  mag   slanging   match,solicitors  handle   Spectrum   UK   legalaffairs, thats what they are paid to do."
   1 "The two letters you sent to Roy Templetonwere well expressed and youmade  your  ownposition very clear. As you point out,  itwould be inconceivable  for  you  even  tocontemplate taking over another group - infact, it amazes me how you even  find  thetime to run Alchemist  Research  with  allthe work that entails, let alone  take  onany futher commitments. I think it's  onlyfair you shuld know what  was  said  aboutyou in the current SUK magazine,  so  I'veenclosed a copy for you to borrow. What  Ithink makes  the  crucial  difference  andexonerates you from all possible blame  isthe fact that you DID NOT KNOW at the timewhat was going on. After two issues of themagazine failed to appear, ie  August  andSeptember, you were perfectly entitled, inmy opinion, to make  the  assumption  thatthe magazine had ceased for good.  As  youpointed out youself  in  your  letters  toRoy,  there  has  indeed  been  a   recenttendency  for   magazines   to   disappearwithout trace. How was anyone supposed  toguess that SUK
   1 "The other thing is this diabolical  storythat SPECTRUM UK is publishing  about  youtrying  to  take  over  the  writers   andarticles from them. I know this is  a  lieas you said you were trying to  do  thm  afavour by maintaining a continuety or  thelot will crash as others have done before.Well I've got an add, going  in  for  nextissue and that is them my lot with them asthe mag is  not  being  run  properly  andcould soon go to the wall for this reason"
   1 "The disks I bought were AMSOFT. They did give me a second box of  10  which  again would not format so I got my money  back. Again I think that my +3 was at fault.  I contacted Brian Gaff  and  he  said  that problem could be created  by  the  rubber drive belt was worn and slipping? I  also got the same reply from Chris Box. I  did buy the external  drive  from  Chris  Box which worked ok. Being an electrician  by trade I understand that  it  is  possible that the +3 power pack is not capable  of supporting  an  extra  drive  ie  current wise"
   1 "The B formats <program> does not repsond on my +3, it does not work"E
   1 "The  whole  situation  does  sadden   me,though as when groups  sever  links,  it'snot just they who suffer, but the Spectrumcommunity as a whole - how much  nicer  itwould  be  to  see  bridges  being   builtinstead. In this instance of  course,  thedecision was theirs, not yours -  you  didwrite to them and try to  set  the  recordstraight,  and  if  they're  unwilling  tobelieve you, thats not your fault - theresnothing more you can do about  it  at  themoment. I guess there are hurt feeling  onboth sides, and after  all  the  traumaticevents they've been though  they  may  notjust be  seeing  things  in  their  properperspective at the present time."
   1 "Thanks for your  letter,  all  the  otherones are with Spec UK solicitors, this onewill follow suit, we have agreed with  himthat if he can put two  and  two  togetherand come up with four, then we  are  goingto  take  this   matter   all   the   way,principles are involved  and  Spectrum  UKisn't Prism, no idle threats here"
   1 "Thanks for all the supplies on the  disk.But I  have  a  problem  with  the  demos,dedicated specially for Alchemist. Why? Aslong as I know about demos they  was  everfree to copy for everybody everywhere.  Sowhy this restriction? Is it against Prism?I have seperated them from the other demosand as you see on page three of the latest(SPC) mag I  have  written,that  they  areonly available from you."
   1 "Last week Andy, in giving  the  external +3  disk  drive  it's  last   chance,   I switched on and  got  some  very  strange noises coming out of the +3 and  external drive.  I   switched   off   right   away expecting the worse. I tried  the  +3  on it's  own  and  found  it   would   load, catalogue etc. with no bother.
   1 "I wonder what he thinks about it  in  hisheart of hearts. Surely  he  can't  be  asstupid as believe that everyone is  simplyout to get him. You'd think he'd be  boundto wonder why  people  should  single  himout, when these same people  have  nothingbut praise for other  organisations,  suchas Alchemist Research. Take the  way  he'streated  Chris  Taylor,  for  example.  MrSherwood completely missed the point  whenhe tries to justify his actions  on  legalgrounds. The plain fact of the  matter  isthat Chris asked him to stop  distributinghis software, and if Martyn had any  senseof decorum and proper behaviour, he  wouldhave respected  his  wishes  -  thats  thebottom line. Hiding behind the PSD and thelaw, does  not  excuse  what  he's  doing.After all, that's the classic defence usedby arms  dealers  and  the  like,  but  itsimply   doesn't   wash.   Just
   1 "I was dismayed to read in Alchnews  aboutM. Sherwood 'pestering' people, and tryingto pin all  the  blame  on  you.  He  saidhimself he wasn't going to mention you  orAlchemist Research again from now on,  butthat shouldn't just apply to what he  sayspublicly  in  PD   Power,   but   in   ALLsituations. Also, why does he  persist  intrying to make out that  you  started  it,when what clearly started it was  his  owninitial hostile reaction  to  well-foundedcriticism by  his  customers.  Instead  ofputting   on   airs   of
   1 "I have got my external 3.5" disk  drive. I found it worked ok and I was  satisfied with it. It worked ok in all respects. Ie the 3.5" disk loaded first time. It is  a SONY drive, clean at this moment in time. I cannot fault it. It is not  noisy,  but then again I have not put it through it's paces yet."
   1 "I did send the disk back  to  Chris  Box but he said the disk  was  ok.  The  disk loaded ok but if I pressed Yes or No  and the +3 locked up.
   1 "First of all, let me say how sorry  I  amto  hear  about  the   situation   betweenyourself and Spectrum UK.  It's  very  sadindeed tht this should  have  come  about,especially since it has  arisen  though  acomplete  misunderstanding,  and  involvestwo organisations  who  are  probably  thegreatest  assets  the  Spectrum  communityhas. I stress the  word  misunderstanding,by the way, because I know you well enoughmyself  to  know  your   intentions   wereentirely honourable,  and  you  were  onlytrying to do  something  positive  -  it'sjust a pity they didn't  see  it  in  thatlight. The fact is that most  people  werecompletely in  the  dark  about  what  wasgoing on,  and  it  did  look  as  if  themagazine had ended for good - you  weren'tto know at the time about the  extenuatingcircumstances of  Julie's  illness,  so  Idon't think it's entirely fair of them  tomake the point about  your  doing  againstthat background.
   1 "Enter Part:";cnt:
   1 "Dear Mr Taylor
   1 "Dear  Roy,  The  enclosed  arrived   thismorning, I thought that you ought  to  seeit straight away. I will leave you to sortit out, as I don't think a reply  from  mewould be printable."
   1 "Because of Andy's moves to  take  controlof Spectrum UK and make no doubt about  itmate that really  was  his  plan,  he  hascaused us serious damage, if it  were  notfor real friends coming to the  rescue  assoon as they spotted  what  was  happeningthen there would now be no Spectrum UK. "
   1 "Andy was what we  thought  a  friend,  bythat  I  don't  just  mean  a  friend  viaSpectrum UK but you know, a  real  friend,hence Spectrum UK backed him all and everyway  that  we  could  to  help  and   makeAlchemist  stronger,  with   a   view   tocombining at some time in the future, thatnow I am afraid will never happen"
   1 "Also letters are coming in  at  this  endsigned letters from  writers,  these  alsoall go to our solicitors, I stand by everyword I have  written  because  it  is  thetruth, and our  solicitor  has  my  signedstatement to that effect so write what youlike, members are already waiting to  sendus printouts of the relevant stuff"
   1 "Alch,  so   terribly   bored   with   theconversation, yawns  loudly  and  promptlyfalls asleep in the corner.", which  wouldbe displayed as such!
   1 "  WARNING  ":PRINT
   1 "   "  x-y
   1  would not give you the  contents  ofaddress 0 ROM, but contents of  address  0of the Multiface. You will note I used the'gate'  values  for  the  MF1.  Substitutethese for the  relevant  gates  values  ofyour MF.
   1  would give you  the  sameanswer as PRINT PEEK 0 (should be 243).A
   1  to65367 in RAM. This  means  that  all  UDGscan be  used  uncut.  A  compiled  programworks independent from the compiler.{
   1  in A  LD (5
   1  in A  LD (1
   1  as the number key.
   1  and passwordis 
   1  THEN GOTO 30
   1  LOAD PART 
   1  Kores / Afic
   1  IN A,(31)
   1  By Andrew Parish, introduction by A Davis*
   1   with  anyvalue and then do this:"
   1   rooms  to  be  defined   (memorypermitting) and to specify the connectionsto and from each room. You  will  find  iteasier if you have decided in advance whateach room is and how they  are  connected.Plan it on paper first with  a  series  ofnumbered boxes for instance. Pressing R onthe main menu gets the prompt "Which  roomnumber"? Referring to your map, enter  theroom number then your description for thatlocation (up to 255 chars). You  are  thenasked for Connections.  These  connectionsare specified in terms of  a  verb,  whichmust be from the list  already  specified,followed by a space, followed by the  roomnumber it connects with. For Example  EAST20. You may have as many connections  froma single room as  you  can  fit  into  255characters! You could add new  verbs  likeUP and DOWN (giving each new  verb  a  newnumber in the VERB menu - keep a track  onthese verbs/numbers on a sheet  of  paper.Future cross reference will be  essential.Enter zero for PICTURE number at  present.SEE GRAPHICS.
   1   and  thenenter the following program:'
   1   Helpline for USCHI-Compiler  
   1   ; Start address (of font)
   1   ; Destination (in MF)
   1    IN A,(31)
   1    ; Address in MF of font
   1                      MARCH 1995.